"Lord, what you have done is really chilling to us! Our family has lived in yaowangzong for generations. We were born here, grew up here, and ended here We regard you as a relative and treat yaowangzong as our home, but you would rather believe an outsider! " Yao Zihe also trembled with anger, and his eyes were filled with disappointment.

The master of medicine frowned discontentedly.

"It's just your one-sided words. It's unbelievable! Of course, the first thing I'm going to do is to find out if she's really obsessed with sex! I will not wronged a person casually, and I will not let go of any bad person! "

His voice was impassioned, his words were righteous, and his majestic voice was awe inspiring. Yao Ning and Yao Zihe were silenced, but his discontent on his face was very obvious.

The words of the drug lord are also very obvious. He is not a fool and naturally won't believe their words. But all this is a bit strange, so he still needs to find out.

However, he is still a little clear about the temperament of the girl mu. She is cold and aloof. She doesn't like to be enemies with people, but she won't be bullied. She is not the kind of person with evil nature!

So there's something he doesn't know.

"Patriarch, my master didn't force me, let alone bewitch me. I voluntarily recognized her as the Lord and followed her! I was impressed by her talent and bearing, willing to worship her as the Lord! And she was very kind to me, and she didn't do anything bad to me, let alone enslave me Yao Xin walks forward slowly and looks at the medicine master.

Every word is true and sincere.

Drug master a Leng, look at her in doubt, look at Yao Xin's look, don't seem to be telling lies!

But Yao Ning and Yao Zihe said that she was poisoned, but he had seen Yao Xin's body, and there was no trace of poison

Later, the master of medicine asked Yao Xin a lot of questions, and found that she could answer them fluently. That is to say, her mind has no problems!

"Xin'er's body has no problems, and there is no sign of being controlled by others. You two should not be here to make things out of nothing and wrongly treat good people!" The expression on the master's face had become displeased, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Yao Ning and Yao Zi He Wen Yan's expressions are both changed.

Yao Ning looked gloomy and angry, "Lord, what do you mean? Do you mean we wrongly admire the moon? It is clear that she abducted Xin'er and drove her as a slave! Now Xin'er listens to her every word. If I didn't bring her back by force, I'm afraid she would die in Mu Qianyue's hands one day! "

"Patriarch, it is said that the poison master's poison skill has reached the supreme level. Even the emperor Dan is not easy to distinguish." Yao Zihe, with a heavy face, stepped forward for a minute, and looked coldly at the medicine master with a ray of threatening light in his eyes.

"Lord, if you don't give us a satisfactory result, we will have to solve it in our own way." Yao Ning's whole body momentum is cold and cold, sending out a cold breath.

His voice was full of threats.

The face of the medicine patriarch instantly ugliness comes down, the eye is not happy stare at him, "how do you want to solve?"

"Kill mu Qianyue! As long as the person under the Gu dies, the insects on Xin'er will be automatically removed. " Medicine is better than cold hum.

Mu Qianyue is ready to die if he dares to poison his baby granddaughter!

"No way!" The master of medicine shook his clothes in anger.

It's obvious that there is no better medicine for he Qiuning! They just want to deal with the girl!

As the leader of the medicine King sect, he must be fair and just!

So Yao Ning and Yao Zihe wronged Mu girl and wanted to put her to death, which made the master of medicine very disappointed!

In the past, although they had done too much, he would have turned a blind eye, but now they have become so arrogant and despotic!

"Since you protect her so much, we have nothing to say." Medicine rather angry hum a, the anger of the swing sleeve.

He thought that if he helped mu Qianyue in this way, he would have no chance to start?

Is about to leave, suddenly heard an elder in a hurry to report, "Lord, ten elders back."

Drug lord eyes a bright, Mu wench back?

Then his face showed a trace of slight dignified color, at this time Mu wench back, there must be something!

Otherwise won't medicine Ning, they just finish saying bad things about Mu wench in front of them, Mu wench will come back.

"The patriarch, the ten elders are fierce, and the comers are not good." Said the elder.

"Yes?" The master of medicine narrowed his eyes.

Followed by a figure came in, the woman's slender figure in the sun appears blurred and hazy, the wind blowing her purple dress, her beautiful cold face set off more cold.

At this time, the master of medicine discovered that a man in white, who was walking beside mu Qianyue, had a pair of purple eyes, as clear as glass.The whole body breath is calm. It seems that there is no fluctuation. The white clothes are like snow. It is this that makes the medicine master feel something wrong.

The man in white did not have a trace of breath fluctuation!

Then there are only two possibilities. The first is that his strength is too strong, and he can freely retract and release. His control of breath has reached a pure and skilled level, and he can control freely without spilling a point.

Another possibility is that it is waste, without a trace of real power.

The second possibility is obviously not true.

Only from the man's seemingly calm purple eyes to see a trace of unusual breath.

Purple Danfeng eyes, deep quiet, no waves and no waves, but with a monarch to the world's pressure, this is a kind of superior majesty, but also a strong momentum.

The strength of people with this momentum is not weak!

So this man in white absolutely has a good strength, even on his own!

With this in mind, the Drug Lord looked at Nalan Jing's eyes, which was a little quiet.

On the other side of muqianyue is a beautiful man with golden hair and golden pupil. He looks very young and has the strength of a God Emperor!

I didn't expect that there was such a strong man beside Mu wench!

When Yao Ning and Yao Zihe see mu Qianyue, they are furious.

Especially Yao Zihe, canthus to crack, eyes like a flame, "Mu shallow moon, you dare to come? You dare to run back to yaowangzong before I go to settle accounts with you! It's all right, so I don't have to go to you! "

Yao Ning also looked at her with gloomy eyes. If her eyes could kill people, she would have died hundreds of times.

The nalanjing and Chutian songs around mu Qianyue are automatically blocked by them.

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