"Yes. Where is your medicine store? " Asked asamo.

"What do you do in the medicine store?" Bi Dongyu looks at her with vigilance.

Mu shallow month did not have good breath rolled a white eye, a pair of look idiotic look in the eyes, "cure does not need medicinal materials? Do you need me to pay for it? "

Bi Dongyu's face was stiff, "just tell me what medicine you want. I'll send someone to get it."

"Bidongmo, I'll ask if you can cure this disease? Is that how you treat me in Biyu hall? Is that how you suspect me? " Mu Xiaoyue frowns discontentedly.

"This is the token of the medicine store. You can take it. If you want any medicine, just go inside and get it." Bi Dong Mo hands a flash, and directly takes out the token of the medicine storehouse and hands it to Mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow month unflinchingly reaches out to take over, satisfied nod, this Bi Dong Mo still counts on the way, give him a little pressure, he gave.

In her opinion, the reason why bidongmo is so good at talking is that he felt ashamed of Yu Fen before

By virtue of his guilt to Yu Fen, he was really convenient.

After taking the token, mu Qianyue was not polite, pointing to bi Qiyan and Bi Xiaotong and saying, "you two go with me to the herbal medicine storehouse and get me the herbs."

Seeing mu Qianyue ordering her son and future daughter-in-law to work, Bi Dongyu was so angry that her face turned white and her body trembled. She was about to get angry. But on second thought, with the two of them, she would naturally stop this woman from stealing herbs!

If Mu Qianyue's side has no one to follow, who knows if she will take the opportunity to move the medicine storehouse empty?

So Bi Dongyu didn't speak and didn't refute. Instead, she said, "you two go with her."

Bidongyu suddenly so reasonable, let bidongmo is very surprised.

"Husband, if tong'er's disease can be cured, it doesn't matter if we spend more herbs. What we have in Biyu palace is medicinal materials." Bi Dongyu gives him a gentle smile.

Bi Dongmo agreed and nodded, "you can think it through. Yu'er, don't always fight against Yu Fen. Maybe she can cure tong'er's disease. Her and I are in the past, so don't worry about it

"Well, husband, I understand." Bi Dongyu said with a smile, but her anger flashed through her slightly drooping eyes. She also said that she was a thing of the past? A mouth is to speak for her!

If it wasn't for this woman, she would have driven her out of Biyu hall!


Mu Qianyue, led by Bi Qiyan and Bi Xiaotong, leaves the hall and goes all the way to the southeast.

"Tong'er, are you better recently?" On the way, Bi Qiyan turns his head and looks at BI Xiaotong beside him. He stares at her tightly, and worries are hidden in his eyes.

"Brother Yan, I'm fine." A faint smile appeared at dawn.

Smell speech, Bi Qiyan eyes a bright, can't help reaching out to hold her hand, "Tong Er, you are willing to call me brother Yan finally..."

"Brother Yan, I'm sorry, those words were not me I didn't mean to. I couldn't help myself and couldn't control myself... " Bi Xiaotong's eyes are full of tears and apologies.

She murmured her lips, but the words that followed did not come out.

Because she didn't know how to say it.

"I know those words are not from your heart." Bi Qiyan clenched her hand.

All of a sudden, he turned his head and looked at mu Qianyue beside him. "Master Yu, do you see something?"

"What do you know?" Mu asked

Bi Qiyan's eyes were filled with complicated and tangled expression. For a long time, he seemed to have made some difficult decision, "Master Yu, I was rude to you before. Please don't mind. As long as you can cure tong'er's illness, you can ask me to do anything. "

"Brother Yan..." Bi Xiaotong's eyes twinkle with tears. She looks at him pitifully and moved.

"Tong'er, you know, I will do whatever I can for you." Bi Qiyan's eyes are full of deep feelings.

"You two don't want to show love here." Mu Qianyue looks at them two badly.

What if she was dead?

"Master Yu, what did you mean by the lack of soul before?" Bi Qiyan asked suddenly.

"Her soul is not complete, of course, she can't control her body, and her temperament has changed a lot." Mu shallow month casually perfunctory way.

Since Bi Xiaotong is not willing to talk about it, there is a reason. Then she won't say it casually.

Bi Qiyan is frowning, shaking his head, "it's not like this. The absence of soul should not be like this, but it will lead to mental retardation, just like a child, and in serious cases it will become an idiot... "

Then his deep eyes fell on Bi Xiaotong again, "but tong'er's symptom is a great change of temperament, just like two people with different personalities, like two souls living in her body I suspect tong'er has been taken away! "

Mu shallow month's eyes stained with a touch of surprise, slightly surprised to see him, did not expect that he should see out!Bi Xiaotong is also a face of shock looking at him, red lips micro Zhang, "brother Yan, how do you know?"

"It's true!" Hearing Bi Xiaotong's words, Bi Qiyan knows that his guess is correct. He can't help but overflow a touch of heartache in his eyes, and reaches out to touch her face, "silly tong'er, why didn't you tell me something so big? On the contrary, you have to bear it alone? "

"Brother Yan, I don't say it because I'm afraid that the hall master and his wife will help the usurper, because her strength and talent are too strong. Once she succeeds in taking away my body, she will completely merge with me and be promoted to God." Bi Xiaotong's eyes show a helpless and painful look.


That is beyond the existence of the God Emperor, is the highest level of the whole Xuantian world, the highest strength!!

Since there was a deity in Biyu hall ten thousand years ago, there has been no deity, and even Biyu hall has declined a lot.

After all, God is so sensational and shocking!

It is inevitable that bidongmo and bidongyu will not give up her for the sake of the usurper

If Biyu hall has a deity, it will definitely become the head of six sects and dominate the Xuantian realm!

How can the temple owners and elders give up such a good opportunity?

So, she can't say.

Bi Qiyan naturally understood the meaning of her words, and her face became ugly from Shua.

This is also the reason why Bi Xiaotong has been hiding and has been bearing it silently without saying it out!

"Since childhood, I've grown up with strange feelings for you and me. But recently, you have been hot and cold to me I was sad and puzzled. I thought it was very suspicious. I went to the library and looked up many books. Finally, I found a book. Your symptoms are similar to those of taking possession of the house. But I'm not sure... " Bi Qiyan's eyes are full of heartache, tightly embrace her in the arms.

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