One side of Bi seven Yan see this scene, long worried that the whole face is green, eyebrows tightly wrinkled together, can not help but toward Mu shallow month a face anxious inquiry asked, "how? Master Yu, tong'er, she... "

Seeing Bi Xiaotong's painful struggle with his eyes closed, Bi Qiyan is even more anxious. He wants to help, but he doesn't know how to do it, because he is not a doctor, and he doesn't know how to expel the usurer from his body.

Can only place all hope on mu Qianyue's body.

To tell the truth, Mu shallow moon also has some anxiety, originally this matter is sure, but she never thought that Yan Shu actually learned the soul blood mist.

She ran to bixiaotong's knowledge of the sea, now to deal with certainly not so easy.

When Mu was worried, she suddenly had a flash in her mind, "maybe you can try this method."

God's blood contract.

It is her soul power that intrudes into bixiaotong's sea of knowledge, refining bixiaotong into her own puppet, which may help bixiaotong deal with Yan Shu.

And Bi Xiaotong is one of Yan Shu's incarnations. If she can be her puppet, she will spit blood when she knows it. This can better attack her. Why not?

In this way, mu qianyueli started the blood contract of God.

Hands pinch Jue, a holy white light swept from her palm, quickly into bixiaotong's eyebrows.

Although all this is done in front of Bi Qiyan, biqiyan doesn't know the formula and what the white light is. He thinks that mu Qianyue is saving Bi Xiaotong

In fact, she is also saving Bi Xiaotong.

Although she will be bixiaotong refining into a puppet, but compared to Yan Shu, I don't know how many times better.

Yan Shu is to swallow her refining, the world will no longer have bixiaotong, forever disappear, no longer exist! More terrible than death!

One died, there is a soul, but if the soul is swallowed, what is left?

That's the real disappearance

But she made bixiaotong into a puppet. She still exists. She has life and thoughts. She just has a master and submits to herself

Knowledge of the sea, Yan Shu saw bixiaotong soul has completely lost the mind, pale face can not help showing a touch of joy.

Although it cost her a lot, but in short, bixiaotong was subdued, and the rest only needed refining.

This is bixiaotong's Zhihai. When she first came in, she forced her to close it. Now, no matter who is going to break in.

Unless Bi Xiaotong wakes up and opens the sea of knowledge in person, if someone else wants to forcibly rush into the sea of knowledge, he will hurt his soul in a light way and become an idiot if he is serious.

So those people don't do that.

In Yan Shu ecstasy, ready to swallow her soul, suddenly a holy white light rushed in.

The majestic and vast, as if with the Sanskrit above the nine days, can wash away all the sins in the world, as well as erase the pain and fear in people's hearts

This holy white light, unexpectedly toward her and bixiaotong package come over.

Yan Shu is shocked and pale. It is clear that Bi Xiaotong's knowledge sea has been closed. How does this white light come in? Why is there any fluctuation and no feeling at all?

It's like breaking in without a sound. It's just like being caught off guard

This holy white light, like an irresistible force, surged forward, and gave Yan Shu no chance to resist. She was extremely overbearing.

Yan Shu found herself in this holy white light, consciousness banishment She couldn't help but be shocked, and finally escaped the white light with all her strength.

But bixiaotong has been completely covered by the white light, she can't go in at all. If she rushes in again, she can't get out!

That strange white light should invade her mind and make her surrender!

But Bi Xiaotong had no consciousness at all. As soon as the white light came in, it simply occupied her consciousness and infused her with the thought of submission, loyalty and admiration for the moon

At this moment, Bi Xiaotong has become a puppet of Mu Qianyue, even without much effort.

In the blue sea of knowledge, bixiaotong opened his eyes, and his black eyes were filled with cold and bloodthirsty essence.

"Yan Shu, we met again, did not expect to be in such an occasion."

Yan Shu eye alarm bell big, a face vigilant look at the opposite Bi Xiaotong, voice with anger, "you are not bixiaotong."

"I'm really not bi Xiaotong."

"You are a young girl!"

Yan Shu's eyes are incredible staring at the boss, blurt out.

In this world, there are only two people who can easily call out her name, one is brother Yan, the other is qingnu.

There is no doubt that the girl who controls bixiaotong is definitely a young girl!

Because brother Yan is in the realm of Yanhuang.

"Qingnu, why are you here?" Yan Shu narrowed her eyes, hateful, she even controlled bixiaotong's divine consciousness!That's her part!

"Yes, I'm surprised. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really a good harvest." Bi Xiaotong grinned and showed his cold white teeth.

"Yan Shu, last time I let you run, this time it's not so good luck! All the pain you have inflicted on me and my daughter will be returned to you today a hundred times and a thousand times! "

Fingers pinch Jue, bixiaotong body movement, toward the Yan Shu rushed in the past.

"Hum! Qingnu, you were not my opponent ten thousand years ago. After ten thousand years, you are still alive! " Yan Shu's face is ferocious, and her body moves towards Bi Xiao Tong, and she also rushes forward.

The two fight fiercely in Bi Xiaotong's divine sense.

In Fanghua garden, mu Qianyue and Bi Xiaotong are sitting in the same place with their eyes closed. They seem to have nothing left. If they don't know, they think they are both asleep.

In fact, at the moment, Bi Xiaotong's mind is extremely fierce, and mu Qianyue uses God's blood contract to realize that she has entered the sea of knowledge of Bi Xiaotong and controls her soul to fight with Yan Shu.

This battle of the soul is more dangerous than that of the body, because once the soul dies, it dies completely.

Bi seven flame see two people have no movement, anxious to circle in the circle, but dare not act rashly, had to bear the heart to wait quietly.


A palm fell on Yan Shu's body, saw Yan Shu's face a white, the soul immediately thin a few minutes, a few to transparent, ethereal uncertain.

Yan Shu looked at her in horror, "why is your soul so strong?"

Mu shallow month cold hum a, do not intend to answer her, palm a turn, a white flame swept out from her palm.

The white flame, strange not a trace of temperature, but let Yan Shu feel a strong sense of crisis!

Her soul shrank for a moment, and her steps retreated to the rear, turning to run. , the fastest update of the webnovel!