Whether it is or not, at this moment, Bi Xiaotong is on the alert of 12 points.

This is clearly not what let her shut down, but the ancestors, they have another purpose! Bi Xiaotong turns around and wants to go towards the exit. She immediately starts her footwork, and the speed is not slow.

But at this time the aperture exit is slowly closing!

The four elders on the altar seemed to see that she was going to escape, so they quickly closed the exit.


After all, bixiaotong didn't escape. She bumped into the border like water waves and was severely bounced back.

The whole space presents a kind of magnificent blue, like a huge circle, without any outlet or crack, which imprisons her with that strange sleeping woman

"Now that I'm here, why hurry to leave?"

Just when Bi Xiaotong is sad and depressed, a woman's voice suddenly rings out, with a little familiar, ethereal feeling, full of illusory and unreal.

Bi Xiaotong was shocked and looked up. She didn't know when she woke up. Her long and curly eyelashes trembled, and her skirt danced gently like water waves. Her eyes were quiet and cold.

"You, you Who the hell are you? " Bi Xiaotong under the shock in the heart, eyes vigilant look at the front of the woman, asked.

The fingers under the sleeve trembled gently.

"Ah..." "Can't you remember me so soon?" she said

Bi Xiaotong smell speech can not help but take a breath of air conditioning, face also instantly become blue and blue ugly, "sure enough, it's you, Yan Shu! You're not dead! "

"Yes, I almost died!" Yan Shu's sneer at the corner of her mouth widened a few points, staring at BI Xiaotong angrily, "you are my sub body, but turn around to help my enemy! You are so brave

If it wasn't for bixiaotong's betrayal, how could her soul be seriously injured and almost vanished?

Although she escaped, but the half face of the soul was burned and severely damaged. It is hard to recover without a few hundred years!

At the thought of their own sub body, betrayed themselves, but also become the Mu shallow moon people, everywhere to maintain Mu shallow moon, this let Yan Shu angry!

The look on his face became more ferocious.

Bi Xiaotong's face was a little pale. She looked at her with fear, but she still clenched her fist and roared, "I'm not your incarnation, I'm bixiaotong! I said, I'm not you! Don't tell me about ten thousand years ago! "

"Hum! Before that, you had been obedient to me, and you would have no pain, and merge with me... " Yan Shu's mouth raised a cruel smile, "but now I've decided to punish you, let you live like death! This is the price you paid for betraying me

Yan Shu cold hum a, palm a stretch, then pinch Bi Xiaotong's throat.

Bixiaotong also had the strength of a high-level God King, but now, in front of Yan Shu, she has no strength to fight back. She is a lamb who is bullied by others

"You Since you have a body, why did you want to take my body... " Bi Xiaotong's eyes are unwilling to look at her, and her eyes are full of doubts.

What's more, she doesn't understand why the ancestors and the elders let her in to die.

Obviously, the ancestors knew the existence of this woman, otherwise they would not let her in alone

"Ten thousand years ago, I was seriously injured, and there was no doctor. Before the fall, I had to divide my spirits into ten, and the other nine reincarnated, leaving the main soul and the body. Do you know the pain of pulling away the soul and the body Yan Shu youyou said, she slowly raised her head, eyes fell on bixiaotong's face, the next moment, the face became gloomy and ferocious, "do you know why I want to do this?"


Bi Xiaotong was choked by her throat and coughed violently. She couldn't even speak.

Yan Shu didn't expect her to answer. Instead, she held her throat in one hand and looked up at the blue sky above. "In order to be able to find brother Yan one step ahead of that woman, and let brother Yan fall in love with me first, I scattered my whole soul in order to meet brother Yan first than she did!"

"But that damned mu Yurou is blind! Brother Yan is by her side. She doesn't love her. She falls in love with the son of a bitch! Finally, she lost her body and died in the hands of that woman. She is really a waste! "

Her voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.

This sentence if let Mu shallow month hear, must smile.

Mu Yurou is indeed blind, is not she Yan Shu blind? In short, this Yan Shu scolds to scold, is not scolding her own?

This can only show that her love for Jing is not deep enough!

Otherwise how can easily fall in love with others? How can you dislike that Jing was blind at that time?

"Su Mengling is also a waste! Brother Yan has been her cousin in this life, but she didn't succeed You are all rubbish Yan Shu voice cold and heartless, her eyes fall back on the body of Bi Xiaotong, "especially you, you not only betray me, but also help that woman deal with me? Damn itXu is for a long time no one said the reason, this time Yan Shu's words are particularly many.

Gradually also let Bi Xiaotong clear the context of the matter.

It turns out that this crazy woman has taken apart all her spirits and spirits!

But people will be separated, not light, no strength? Even if reincarnation, is also on the fool!

Yan Shu seems to understand the meaning in her eyes, and the sneer on her face can't help but get a deep smile. "Yes, when people's spirits and spirits are separated, they will fade away, and their strength will slowly weaken. If they can't return to their own body, they will slowly disappear in this world, let alone reincarnation Therefore, I have practiced Taigu Jue, and it is also said to open up the soul and soul. When the two souls and seven Spirits return to the main soul and the main body, the strength will reach above the God's dignity! Become the highest existence in the whole world! No one will violate me then

Yan Shu cold hum a, arrogant and cold on the face, extra obvious publicity.

With a wave of her sleeve, her other hand reached out and saw the nine jade beads in the air falling over her hand and winding around her.

Bi Xiaotong struggled hard, and then noticed that there was a face in the nine jade beads. Almost every face was similar to Yan Shu by more than seven or eight points. She even saw her own face inside

She then knew that the nine jade beads were the carriers of carrying and linking the other two spirits and seven spirits.

So Yan Shu can accurately find every reincarnation.

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