Her eyes fell on Snow White's pale face and turned red. Her footwork continued to flash, speeding up her pace.

The closer we get, the more terrifying the breath is.

But mu Qianyue can't manage so much now!

Seeing mu Qianyue without hesitation, she looks like a moth to the fire. Snow White's eyes turn red. She shouts angrily, "master, don't come here, don't save me..."

She did not dare to imagine that she would die at that foot.

If the power of the master now, I'm afraid it will be broken to pieces!

But mu Qianyue didn't hear it, but let her speed faster and faster

Finally, her body forward a flutter, immediately protect snow white, will her tightly in the arms, at the same time Biyu that foot mercilessly fell down!


Just when mu Qianyue thought that she was bound to die, a burst of light burst out of her body. She saw a huge cauldron, which protected mu Qianyue and snow together, and bounced Biyu's foot back.

Biyu's strength of that foot is as big as the strength of being bounced back.

Bi Yu's face turned white, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. Her body was reeling in the air and then stabilized.

Yan Shu swept over towards him, but a pair of sinister eyes were tightly locked in front of that huge cauldron stove, without blinking, "what happened just now? Where did you get this cauldron

Naturally, he asked Bi Yu, who was beside her.

Just now she could see clearly that the power of that foot even she did not dare to connect it. Originally, she thought that mu Qianyue was dead, but she didn't expect that a cauldron furnace appeared at the critical moment, which could rebound the power of a nine level deity!

What the hell is this cauldron stove?

As the party concerned, mu Qianyue is also very clear in her heart. Just now when she thought she was going to die, the Honghuang tripod in the Tongtian tower seemed to feel the breath of danger. She even took the initiative to stop the fatal blow for her!

She never thought that Honghuang Ding had such a magical effect!

"I don't know Cough... " Bi Yu's face is pale and shakes his head. The strength of that foot just now is not comparable, and the regurgitation he received is not small. Now he only feels that his internal organs and six internal organs have to be shifted, and the breath in his body is disordered. However, the woman beside him does not care about him.

But he was used to it. He took a deep breath and took several high-level healing pills. Then he said slowly, "just now I felt the breath of ancient times. This cauldron furnace is not simple..."

"Master, this man is too powerful." The sound of Honghuang tripod comes from my mind. Honghuang Ding shakes and flies up automatically. It falls to one side and reveals two figures inside.


Mu Qianyue's mouth brings up a touch of helplessness. How can she not know that Biyu's power is terrible?

It seems that we can only find a way to hide in the tower, or even life will be lost, and the tower will become ownerless again.

Although Snow White was seriously injured, she recovered a lot under Mu's life. Her face was not as pale and frightening as before.

"The breath of the ancient wilderness?" Yan Shu's eyes narrowed and her eyes fell tightly on the Honghuang tripod.

"Good! It is said that in the ancient times, there was a Honghuang Hongmeng Ding, which was made of rock. It was extremely hard and could bear the attack of God. Moreover, the pills refined with it will reach the perfect level! The success rate is 100% Bi Yu's eyes were deep and secluded, "it seems that this one is in front of me."

Yan Shu's eyes are not from fiery a few minutes, still have such cauldron furnace! She wants it!

"Shu'er, do you want it?" Bi Yu can't help but ask when she sees her eyes burning.

Yan Shu did not conceal the nod, "en."

As a Dan pharmacist, she naturally understands how important a good medicine stove is. For the one hundred percent success rate and perfect pills, it is enough to attract it!

The 100% success rate means that her alchemy will not fail and explode again, and the efficacy will reach the perfect level.

As long as you are a famous herbalist, you can't resist the temptation brought by the Honghuang tripod!

"Shu'er, as long as it is what you want, I will take it for you!" Bi Yu looked at her tenderly. After a long time, she slowly turned her head and looked at mu Qianyue. "She consciously handed over the Honghuang tripod and then died."


Mu shallow month cannot help but scold a way, this also too conceited?

What makes him think he will listen to him? Who does he think he is?

Jade Emperor?


Bi Yu knows that Mu shallow moon is impossible to consciously obey, so he snorts coldly and rushes towards her.

Looking at the rushing figure, Mu Xiaoyue disdains to hook the corner of her lips. Just as she is ready to take the snow and Honghuang Ding to escape into Tongtian tower, suddenly the air around her fluctuates, and the blue sky suddenly cracks a hole, and a white figure comes out from it."What fool dare to threaten my woman?"

In the cold voice, there is an air of arrogance.

Under the white sleeve robe, both hands are lifted out, fiercely toward the front, and the Bi Yu that rushes to fly out immediately.

Biyu didn't expect that someone would burst out of the air, so he didn't take any precautions. It was too late for him to defend now!


The terrible and violent force pounded on his chest.


With a mouthful of blood spurting out, his body flew upside down and fell on the ground. His eyes were startled at the white and cold figure in front of him.

How did he come?

He's back to power?!

The visitor just glanced at him lightly, and then turned to look at mu Qianyue behind him. He stepped out and walked straight towards her.

Obviously, it was dozens of meters away, but he stepped out lightly and came to her in the next moment.


The sound of gentle wind floats into the ear, so unreal.


Mu Xiaoyue is surprised to look at this gorgeous figure in front of her, and her purple eyes like glass are still so thrilling and bewitching.


Nalanjing holds mu Qianyue's hand. When he pulls it, he takes people into his arms and hugs her tightly

"How are you, lady? Are you hurt? " Nalanjing's eyes looked at her with concern. Her eyes swept over her. Seeing that she was not hurt, her heart relaxed a lot.

"I'm fine. I'm not hurt. The key point is that Honghuang cauldron has blocked the damage for me The corners of his lips rose slightly, perhaps because he was in a good mood. More and more I think it was a wise choice to accept Honghuang tripod in yaowangzong.

Looking at the front of the two wipe embrace love figure, Yan Shu's eyes a red, that she has loved for thousands of years of man, at the moment, he is full of eyes are only mu shallow moon! But don't look at her shadow!

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