The stone gate is carved with strange and complicated patterns. Bai Chen takes out a jade pendant engraved with the word "smoke" and puts it in the groove of the stone gate. Hearing only a dull sound, the stone gate slowly opens automatically

Exposed the dark, invisible with a oppressive breath.

Bai Chen stepped in. His eyes were deep and calm. Instead of looking around, he walked in the passage in front of him according to the topographic map drawn by Chu Tian song.

Lingyan Pavilion is built in a cave on Lingxiao peak. The entrance of the cave is about half the mountainside. According to the topographic map, the whole Lingyan Pavilion is very large, occupying almost the top of the mountain.

After entering the passageway, the stone gate behind him will automatically close, and there are two men in black with the same faces and masks guarding the entrance.

The two sides of the passage are inlaid with white moonstones. The light white light reflects the surrounding area very bright, just like lighting a light.

Bai Chen found that the necklines and cuffs of the two men in black were embroidered with red edges, while the collars and cuffs of his suit were green. It seems that the neckline and cuffs of the two men were graded according to Lingyan.

The one with the red edge is the lowest.

The second is orange.

The level division is the same as that of the martial spirit.

From low to high, there are seven grades: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, and purple. The main and deputy hall leaders of Lingyan Pavilion have golden collars and cuffs, and gold is the highest level.

These are the songs from the memory of the man in black.

When Bai Chen came in, no one reached out to stop him. He arrived at the task hall smoothly. The man in charge of the task hall was called Elder Dragon. His collar and sleeves were dark blue.

"The dragon grows old." Bai Chen stepped forward in a low voice.

Elder Dragon nodded, "received the task?"

Naturally, what he said was before a cup of tea.

If someone wants to entrust Lingyan Pavilion to kill people, they will go to the ghost Valley and light up the black stone. There is also a corresponding black stone in the mission hall, which echoes the Spirit Valley from a distance.

As long as the black stone in the mission hall lights up, you will naturally know that someone went to ghost Valley and wanted to ask people from Lingyan Pavilion to kill people.

Lingyan Pavilion will never ask the name, strength and identity of the employer, but will only ask who is the person to be killed. This is a kind of respect for and protection of the employer's privacy.

"Yes." Bai Chen nodded, "this time the task is a bit tricky, the other side wants to kill the person is the medicine Lord of the medicine King clan, the reward is a pill to bring the dead back to life."

Said, respectfully took out a porcelain vase and handed it to the front.

This time, the bottle is filled with the real Jinlian Huisheng pill.

The mission of this time is the mysterious map. Now naturally, we can't scare the snake. We have to perform the whole set of plays. Moreover, he is not the opponent of Elder Dragon with his strength.

Long Changlao heard that it was a pill to bring the dead back to life. Under the mask, his calm eyes were filled with a trace of surprise, which turned out to be a pill to revive the dead!

He quickly took over, opened the lid of the bottle, smelled it, and carefully put it away after confirming that it was the real pill. "Well, I will let the people in the Presbyterian hall do it in person." After all, the master of medicine is a real God.

This kind of task belongs to is very difficult, is not a God King can complete.

"Yes, Long Chang Lao." Bai Chen nodded respectfully.

"Lone wolf, you go down first, there are other suitable tasks for you to summon you." Long long old light said.

"Yes." Lone wolf is the code name of the man in black.

Bai Chen nodded and retreated.

Lingyan Pavilion is very large. The whole area of Lingxiao peak is tens of miles. The Lingyan Pavilion is like a cave dug into the rocks of Lingxiao peak, covering an area of tens of miles and very wide.

For killers like lone wolf, almost everyone has a room of their own.

Back to the room, a small figure came out of his sleeve. It was Chu Tian song.

"I'll go and find out." Chutian song quietly dropped a word, body movement, then disappeared in the house.

He turned into a miniature pet animal. At the moment, he was no more than the size of a baby's paw. He was like a newborn mouse, and "whoosh" got out of the room and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The strength of lone wolf is good. He is the fifth level God King. He is also a core killer in Lingyan Pavilion. So he has a lot of contact with things. He knows where the treasure house of Lingyan Pavilion is, so Chu Tiange gets to the treasure Pavilion smoothly all the way.

But his small body, like a little mouse, did not attract much attention.

Unfortunately, there are also guards outside the treasure house. It is not easy to enter because the treasure house is usually closed. Only when a person wants to enter, can he have the opportunity to follow the opportunity, otherwise he can not enter.

It seems that only Bai Chen took him in.

Chu Tiange immediately went back to find Bai Chen.

Lone wolf has many points in Lingyan Pavilion, and every time he enters the treasure Pavilion, he needs to use points to exchange.

There are five storeys in the whole treasure house. It takes 1000 points to enter the second layer, 10000 points to the third layer and 100000 points to the fourth layer. It is said that the fifth floor can't get there even if there are integral points. Only the hall master and deputy hall master can enter.If you exchange a pass to enter the first floor, you can only select one item you want to leave from the first floor, and you can only take one item each time you come in.

Bai Chen used 10000 points to exchange for a chance, then took the Chu Tian song hidden in his sleeve into the third floor of the treasure house.

The treasure house is very large and has a lot of things, some of which are ordinary and some are precious.

After arriving at the third floor, Chu Tiange found a row of stone stairs going up in the corner. Obviously, it was the treasure house leading to the fourth floor.

There is a boundary between each floor. You can't get in without a pass.

Bai Chen didn't exchange the pass order to enter the fourth floor, but he needed too many points. Lone wolf didn't have so many points, only 60000 points, which was far away from 100000 points. On the other hand, he suddenly changed the pass to enter the fourth floor, which is easy to arouse suspicion.

Chu Tiange hesitated for a moment at the entrance to the fourth floor, and his body flashed and rushed towards the border. The result was that he easily passed the boundary and reached the fourth floor.

Bai Chen blinked his eyes in surprise. He knew that Chu Tian song was a fierce beast in ancient times. However, he didn't expect that the boundary here was virtual to him. In this way, the task was much simpler.

Bai Chen strolled leisurely on the third floor, waiting for Chu Tian song to come out. Anyway, all of them came in and could not go out empty handed.

This is the three storeyed treasure house of Lingyan Pavilion. It also contains a lot of good things.

After entering the fourth layer, Chu Tiange searched for a circle, but did not see the mysterious map, and went straight to the fifth layer, but there was no mysterious map in the fifth layer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!