The island's owner, Hua Lian, was also angry. Looking at Huarong, she was filled with heartache and disappointment. "Huarong, I really regret saving you! I treat her like my own daughter and take good care of you. Now that's how you repay me? "

"Island Master..." Jin Yilan's face was full of pain and entanglement, "why don't you believe me? I really did not betray you! Mu Yan is my husband. I really lost my memory at the beginning! Lan'er is really grateful to the island Master for saving my life. Even if the island Master takes my life, I will not blink. I just hope that the island Master can release my husband, daughter and son-in-law! "

Looking at Jin Yilan's serious and sincere expression, Hua Lian doubts, is what she said true?

"Master of the island, you must not be deceived by her! Even if what she said is true, but she let her son-in-law hurt you, clearly did not pay attention to you, also did not remember your kindness at all Hua Yun said in a hurry.

Hualian narrowed her eyes.

"Jing, help me to control her. She talks too much. Listen to the noise." Mu shallow month impatiently took out the ear.

A breath was locked in Hua Yun's body. Hua Yun's face showed a frightened look. She found that she could not move. She was about to speak. Suddenly, a faint fragrance of flowers floated over her nose and filled her nose.

Hua Yun only felt her consciousness slowly confused. When she opened her eyes again, she found that there was no one around the huge altar. She only had a stiff figure standing on the opposite side, looking at her coldly with pale eyebrows and cold eyes, which made her heartache

"Yinger, Yinger, are you willing to meet your mother at last? Yinger, I'm sorry for you My mother has kept you around for more than ten years. She has beaten or scolded you. She has never loved you well. She is sorry for you... "

"I also want to love you well, but whenever I see your face, I will think of Yao Ning, the heartless man who said he would marry me and would take me away. But after I gave him my innocent body, he didn't admit it He wanted to be his underground lover and treat me as a free prostitute How could I bear it! I even abandoned Wanhua island for his sake, regardless of the rules and regulations of Wanhua island. That's what he did to me

"Damned man! Yinger, don't be afraid. I have already revenged for you. The man who is not as good as an animal can not let go of his own daughter. So when he was seriously injured and unconscious, I cut off his lifeblood, made a dish and fed it to him personally Ha ha ha You know what? When he knew how to eat his own life, he was so angry that he kept spitting and spitting. Looking at his hatred, I felt really cool

"Yao Ning, that son of a bitch, he also has today! He killed you! If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have died! So he has to pay for your life! Later, I cut off his flesh piece by piece, and let him die after suffering... "

A word from the mouth of Hua Yun came out, so that everyone was shocked!

It turned out that Hua Yun had lost her virginity and had a baby. She also cut off the man's things and made a dish for him to eat

I don't know whether it's cruel or sad!

What's more, Ouyang Ying, who was taken as her apprentice by Hua Yun, is her own daughter, who has been hiding around for more than ten years! If she doesn't take the initiative to say it, no one knows the secret!

Looking at the face of the flowers, they are ferocious, angry, sad and crying. The faces of all the people are complicated, either sympathetic or contemptuous

But Jin Yilan also understood. No wonder Ouyang Ying killed herself by cutting her wrist in Tianmen sect. It turned out that she was polluted by yaoning, who was her own father

Ah, what a crime!

"All this is strange Huarong, that bitch! If it's not for her, Yinger, you will not die, you will live well, so I won't let Huarong that bitch have a good time! I want her dead! I want them all to pay for the funeral... "

"Ah! Elder martial sister Lian, why are you here? Elder martial sister Lian, you can't fight before you die, and you are not my opponent after death! I didn't want to kill you, but you blocked my way forward, so you must die

"Oh, you go away! Huazhu, I didn't mean to kill you You know the secret that I am not a virgin and have a baby, so I can't keep you... "

Hearing the two names of elder martial sister Lian and Huazhu, people were even more shocked. Unexpectedly, Hua Yun was so cruel that she even killed her two best sisters before!!

Only because one blocked her step forward, one knew her secret

I can't see it!

Hua Yun looks kind and tolerant. I didn't expect to be such a snake and scorpion!

The island owner Hua Lian's face is cold and iron green, and her eyes are full of murderous anger.

Well I had guessed that Hua Yun was not a virgin, but she was really dirty! So many bad things have been done! Mu Qianyue put her hands around her chest and lifted her sleeve. A wisp of breeze swept by, and Hua Yun was stunned. Seeing the people's contempt for the cold eyes and the island Master's look full of disappointment and anger, Hua Yun was shocked and had a bad premonition in her heartThinking of what she said just now, she couldn't help but look pale. "Island Master, I don't know what happened just now Those, those are fake! I've entered a fantasy world, none of which is true! Someone is trying to kill me! Yes, it must be Huarong! "

She raised her head and glared at Jin Yilan, "Huarong, it must be you who are the devil of this bitch!"

"Pa!" A loud slap in the face.

Mu shallow moon stroked the palm of her hand, "which scallion are you? Is it right to abuse my mother

"Hua Yun, I didn't expect you to be so vicious! You are a great disappointment to me The island owner Hualian looked at her coldly and strangely, "if you don't say that you destroy the rules and regulations of Wanhua Island, but also harm the same door, I can't still keep you! Do it yourself

Although Hua Yun's behavior just now is somewhat abnormal, it is undeniable that she has entered the dreamland, which is the secret of her heart. It is only revealed through the way of illusion. Hua Lian, the island Master, is not a fool. She can see it at a glance.

Moreover, she could see that it was the hands and feet of the woman named mu Qianyue.

"No, I don't want to die Island Master, I'm wrong! I'm really wrong! I've changed my mind now! I promise I won't make mistakes again... " Hua Yun pounced on the foot of Hualian and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy. His nose and tears were pitiful.

Today, Hua Rong and her adulterer were burned to death. Unexpectedly, Hua Yun's secret was revealed. Tut, it's really hidden! , the fastest update of the webnovel!