"It's all due to my sister's useless. If you don't protect you, you will suffer so much..." Pan Zhi jun sighed, reaching out to hold the hand of Mu shallow moon, a face of sadness.

Mu shallow month wrist struggles, want to break free her hand, but see her black eyebrow tight frown, a sad face, can't help but some can't bear.

"Let go of my wife." Nalanjing, the vinegar jar, drags mu Qianyue into his arms and looks at Pan Zhijun with vigilant eyes.

"It's you?! Emperor Yu dust Pan Zhi jun looked at him angrily, as if looking at an enemy. Her eyes were full of killing intention. She grabbed mu Qianyue's other hand and said angrily to nalanjing, "emperor Yuchen, you let go of the sound!"

Emperor Yu Chen? Nalanjing frowned and hugged Mu Xiaoyue's waist tightly. "She is my wife. Why should I let go? You should be the one to let go

"Emperor Yu dust! You big jerk! Hundreds of thousands of years ago, if it was not for you, Yinyin would not have died! You killed Yin Yin, and now you still have the face to keep pestering her? You let me go Pan Zhi jun angrily drinks a, wrist a lift, toward Na Lan Jing to boom past.

Nalanjing's face was cold, and his palm flashed forward to meet the shadow of her hand.

"Emperor Yu dust, let go of the sound! You're not afraid to hurt her like that Pan Zhi jun was afraid to hurt Mu shallow moon, and immediately stopped his hand.

"Ma'am, wait till I get rid of this annoying fellow before we go home." Nalanjing loosens his arm and hugs Mu Xiaoyue. His body moves, and he sweeps past towards Pan Zhi Jun.

"Hello, you..." Mu shallow month cries out, unfortunately two people fight very fiercely, did not hear her words in the ear at all.

Wanhua island people look at each other, do not know what is the situation now.

And Jin Yilan and Mu Yan face anxious worried color, the woman called Pan Zhi jun is obviously strong, very difficult to provoke!

Looking at the sky to fight hard to give up the two people, Mu shallow month is a headache, with her strength to plug in.

The fingers under the sleeve tightly hold up, no matter what Pan Zhi Jun said is true, she can't hurt the scene!

Pan Zhi jun is a man who has lived for more than 100000 years. Naturally, the strength of nalanjing is not her opponent.

Naran Jingshi exhibited the nether world, covering Pan Zhi Jun. Seventy two guardians of the nether world, Qi Dynasty, Pan Zhi jun rushed past.

These 72 guardians of the nether world are all puppets refined by nalanjing. They have the same strength as him. They are all nine level gods!

Is his last and most powerful card!

See Nalan king summoned these dark guardians, Mu light moon's face changed, can see how powerful Pan Zhi jun's strength is!

When the prospect of the war with Bi Yu, he did not summon 72 guardians of the nether world

But it seems that there are only a few guardians of the future in the past few years, right? Why so much at once?

Such a holy army, enough to make the whole world tremble!

Jin Yilan, Mu Yan and the whole Wanhua island people are even more shocked.


What strength is this?

Seventy two puppets? Are they all nine level gods?

Do you want to be so abnormal!!

It's enough to sweep the whole world in one day!

It's a pity that he met their ancestors of Wanhua island

Pan Zhi jun corner of the mouth lifted up a disdain, "Emperor Yu dust, now you are just a God, you think you will be my opponent?"

If he is Emperor Yu dust, perhaps she will be afraid of a few points, but after two reincarnations, his strength is not as good as before.

Pan Zhi jun sneered and stepped out of the footstep. The speed was extremely fast, passing by the 72.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

A series of dull sounds sounded, and the seventy-two deity puppets trembled, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

Nalanjing's face turned white and a mouthful of blood gushed out. Seventy two puppets were destroyed. Naturally, he was greatly attacked.


There was a dull noise.

The next moment, Pan Zhi jun's palm bombarded Nalan Jing's chest.

Nalanjing's figure fell down from the sky.

"Scenery!" The moon catches his body.

Nalanjing looks white and vomits blood in his mouth. Mu Qianyue looks at his body and finds that his muscles and veins are broken by Pan Zhi jun!

Looking at the Pan Zhi jun who continues to attack in front of her, mu Qianyue raises her head and stares at her angrily, "stop! If you dare to kill him, I will live with you forever

Smell speech, Pan Zhi jun body shape a shudder, eyes full of injured look, eyes can't believe looking at her, "Yin Yin, do you know what you're talking about? Do you want to give up your sister for such a man? You have to know that it is he who killed you for more than 100000 years that you will fall into reincarnation and experience two generations of love robberies! You're not going to die for him and me? "

Looking at Pan Zhijun's hurt and painful look in her eyes, mu Qianyue only feels a pain in her heart. Her concern for herself is not like faking, and her words are not fake"I don't care what a hundred thousand years ago, those were too far away! And that's what happened in the past, and I don't have to be a dial! I only know that he is my husband, the man I love most in my life, and the lover I am willing to protect with my life! I won't allow you to hurt him one point! " Mu Xiaoyue said firmly and incomparably that the field of life was unfolding, slowly treating nalanjing's injury.

Hearing mu Qianyue's words, nalanjing's heart surged with a touch of emotion and joy. Her purple glass eyes were tinged with tenderness and affection. She wanted to squeeze the figure of the woman in front of her into her arms and knead into her bone marrow.

He also loves her so much!

Moon's heart, he is aware, if the moon does not love him, will not break into the hell for him!

"You must not sow discord here! How could I hurt my wife? " Nalanjing clenched mu Qianyue's hand. He didn't know what previous life and present life were, but he was afraid that what Pan Zhijun said was true

"Hum! Emperor Yuchen, if you are a man, you dare to be brave! " Pan Zhi jun hums angrily.

"Enough! I said I don't want to look into the past. " Mu shallow month cold face, back clenched Nalan Jing's hand.

"Yin Yin, when you think about those things before, you will understand." Pan Zhi jun sighed, "at the beginning, I established the Wanhua Island, and set the rules and regulations. My disciples should not have disputes with men, let alone marry. Do you know what it is for? Hundreds of thousands of years ago, you were deeply in love with him, but he hurt you severely. There is not a good thing for men! That's why I hate men so much. I set the rules that women can't get married, so as to wait for the return, wake you up, and stop indulging in the love in this world! But you disappoint me

Mu Qianyue frowned.

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