There is no need to be afraid of them now!

At that time, we must let that demon lord taste their power!

If he doesn't cry, he will not be black Yu if he kneels down to beg for mercy and his bottom urinates!

"Well, I'll arrange it now. Let's go." Mu Qianyue stood up and went back to the moon garden. He told nalanjing about going to the magic moon sect immediately.

Nalanjing readily agreed, "you go, I happen to have something to go back to Yanhuang. With your strength, the people taught by magic moon are not your opponents. "

In his purple eyes, he put out his hand to cover Mu's cheek, and smoothed her hair, which was blown by the wind, "be careful."

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded. In addition to herself, Tianshuo, Heiyu, Wuhai, Tiange, and Bai Xue were all nine level deities. Even a thousand demons were not their opponents.

So don't worry at all.

But just in case, mu Qianyue still left Chu Tiange, the Ninth level God, sitting in the Feibao building, in case the magic moon sect's people suddenly came to visit.

Ready for everything, just when Mu Xiaoyue is going to take everyone out, fenglingyu and fenglingyun brother and sister come in a hurry in the cold moonlight.

"Sister Yue!"

Feng Ling rain joyfully shouts, rushes forward quickly, a few steps then came to Mu shallow moon's front. At this time, her delicate pink face was flushed. Maybe she was running in a hurry, and her eyes were full of worry.

Mu shallowly month's eyes doubt to her, "Ling rain, what's the matter?"

"My brother and I calculated the divinatory symbols and found a bad news." Feng Ling rain's face also dignified up, Mu shallow month heart clutters a, bad news?

"The devil is back!" Feng Lingyu said solemnly.

"What if he comes back? It's just a God Emperor. We're going to destroy the demon moon sect! " Heiyu disdained cold lips.

Black Sea is also a face of contempt, before perhaps they were afraid of the devil, now with this strong strength, afraid of a hair?

Fenglingyu disdained to turn a white eye, "what God Emperor, the demon lord's strength has reached the Ninth level of God's power ten thousand years ago. Although his body has been destroyed and is forbidden in the demon world, the Demon Lord has already broken through the God Emperor after ten thousand years of cultivation and recovery! Half a month ago, he had broken through the shackles of the demon world. I'm afraid he has come to the Xuantian world now... "

"Once the devil's body is restored, his strength will be even higher! I'm afraid the war between gods and Demons ten thousand years ago will be staged again! " Feng Lingyun is also dignified.

Heiyu and Wuhai looked dull and said, "is the devil in your mouth not the leader of the moyue sect?"

"Of course not!" Feng Ling rain way, disdain of cold hum, "but, the leader of the demon moon sect is just a puppet under the demon lord's hand, and he dares to call himself the demon lord?"

Black Yu, Black Sea look full of embarrassment, originally this demon lord, not that demon lord!

Mu shallow the eyebrow of the moon is tightly wrinkled, boundless? He's back in the flesh? Come to the Xuantian realm? So it's a bit hard to do!

"Is the news reliable? How did you know that demons mainly recover the body? " After pondering for half a sound, Mu shallow month couldn't help but ask.

"It is said that after the Demon Lord was sealed in the demon world ten thousand years ago, he left a trace of ideas in the human world and created a melting pot. I only infer from the divinatory symbols, but I am not sure yet." Fengling rain Road, after all, his Phoenix family is based on divination, with the stars as the force, divination has always been very accurate, almost no mistakes.

This time, she calculated out the bad news, and then rushed back from the outside to report to Mu shallow moon.

Melting furnace?

Hearing these two words, Mu Xiaoyue shivers all over her body, and a trace of picture flashes quickly in her mind. The boundless melting furnace is nalanye!!!

It's no wonder that nalanye and Wuyuan are somewhat similar before, because the similarity is not very high, so she has not thought about it!

Now hearing the words of fenglingyu, I suddenly remember what Fubo said to her and Jing!

At that time, Fubo also asked her and Jing to quickly find the boundless melting furnace, and then it was destroyed, because there was no news, no clue, so the matter was delayed!

But she never thought that the melting furnace was nalanye!

"Go to the magic moon sect immediately!" Mu shallow month is now a moment also don't want to wait, words fall, snow white body shape a flash, turned into a huge white tiger, "master son, come up quickly."

"Cher, I'm good for coolie. I'll do it." Yuan Han's voice rang out in the night, and his handsome and elegant figure was instantly transformed into a Kunpeng flying for nine days. Its huge wings spread out in the sky, nearly 100 meters long!

The huge body covered the bright moon in the sky, and it was dark below, and the wind was howling.

People standing below felt the gust of wind.

Bai Xueer is not polite. She turns back to human form. In terms of speed, Kun Peng is naturally the fastest among the Warcraft.

Kunpeng is famous for its speed and soars to 90000 Li!How fast can it be!

Mu Qianyue's body moved and jumped on Kunpeng's back. Bai Xue, Tian Shuo, Heiyu and Wuhai also fell on Kun Peng's back.

Kunpeng's back is very generous, even if standing on a thousand people, will not feel crowded!

Wings spread, soar up, sweep up the void, toward the direction of the magic moon cult!

Originally, it took a day and a night to fly at the speed of snow. As a result, at Kunpeng's extreme speed, it was only half a day's work!

Fast to incomparable!

After arriving at the magic city, mu Qianyue communicated with Bingyan and muxueying with their ideas. Soon, the four of Bingyan received the news and rushed to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue summoned them to the space of Tongtian tower, and promoted the strength of Bingyan, muxueying, Longting and Xiao Xuaner to the level of nine gods by means of soul contract.

Now even mu Qianyue is included, there are nine masters of the Ninth level god statue here!

If boundless has not recovered the flesh, and has not fused with nalanye, then it is enough to deal with him!

I'm afraid of

This time, mu Qianyue didn't take yunshang mother and son, even dream Xi Mo also stayed in Feibao tower.

"Master, we are useless and have not completed the task you assigned." Ice Yan's face was cold. At this time, because of guilt, it was even colder. With her thin lips, it seemed that the air could condense into ice.

Long Ting also stands aside with a face of remorse.

"It's not your fault. You've done your best." Mu shallow moon comforts a way, at that time, they are only a level God Emperor, even if there are a hundred first-class emperor, also won't be a God Emperor's opponent.

Besides, the leader of the demon moon sect is still a third-order God Emperor. It is understandable that they are not rivals.

"Go, you lead the way now. We'll go to the magic moon sect." Mu Qianyue's face is cold. If you delay for one more minute, nalanye will be more dangerous. I just hope that he can catch up with , the fastest update of the webnovel!