Hearing boundless words, Mu shallow moon's face changed, so no longer nonsense, body movement, directly toward the boundless storm.

At the same time, a ray of light from her body, also at the same time to the boundless rushed in the past

As soon as those lights came into the air, they became human beings. They were Bingyan, muxueying, Yuanhan, Baixue, Xiao Xuaner, Longting, Heiyu and Wuhai.

With mu Qianyue, the Ninth level deity, all of a sudden, nine ninth level gods simultaneously launched an attack on infinity.

Their strength is not weak, and they are all Warcraft. It can be said that their combat effectiveness is very strong. They are more powerful than the general nine level gods.

The leader and disciples of the magic moon sect saw that nine deities appeared all at once. Although they could not see their specific strength, their momentum could not be ignored, and they could almost compete with the demon lord!

It's no wonder that the four Supreme elders in the sect are not their opponents. No wonder the four Supreme elders died easily without causing any disturbance

This kind of battle is not the magic moon cult leader can participate in. His face shows an anxious look and can only stand quietly and watch.

Boundless and beautiful face a calm, he looked at the siege of nine people, the corner of his mouth raised a scornful sneer, "Qingqing, do you think they will be my opponent?"

His figure quickly flashed in the surrounding circle, his hands raised under the black sleeve robe, and quickly blasted around.

"Puff, puff..." Eight stuffy sound sounded, only to see in addition to Mu shallow moon, muxueying eight people were blown out.

Mu Xueying's eight men floated in the air for two times, and then fell down steadily. Their expressions were somewhat embarrassed. They looked at the boundless opposite with cold faces. It seemed that he was so powerful that he could resist the attack of eight of them all at once!

Boundless and relaxed to resist Mu shallow moon's attack, deep eyes with deep feelings, like the Starry Sea under the night sky, "Qingqing, I was wrong before, I shouldn't have done those things that hurt you together with Yan Shu. I really didn't think that Yan Shu would be so crazy. It's really my negligence. I promise I won't hurt you again..." After a pause, his face sank slightly, and he continued, "as for Xiao Ling and Jiu Jiu, I will spoil them as my own children! Never let things happen again ten thousand years ago! Qingqing, would you like to give me another chance? "

Mu Qianyue is floating in the air, her light purple dress is flying in the air, and the cold bright moon and silver light fall on her body, like a layer of frost on the cage, which makes her look more cold, like a posterity and independent purple lotus, noble, elegant, cool and beautiful.

"Are you a fool or an idiot? First of all, you killed me husband, my daughter, but also delusion that I forgive you, is it possible? Second, we have never been together. How can we give you another chance? "

Before those memories, she just regarded him as a good friend. At that time, she was aloof and did not like to talk, and had few friends. At the beginning, she was very wary of Mu Meiyue and seldom spoke. Later, during the period of limitless healing, they became familiar with each other gradually. Wuyuan also laid down her guard against mu Qianyue. At that time, there was no place to go, and Mu was left behind He finally became a good friend, known each other for several years.

But in those years, mu Qianyue and he were both innocent, without any physical contact, no ambiguity, some just know each other's friendship

Until later, mu Qianyue and nalanjing were together, boundless began to change, and changed back to that gloomy and violent Yaya beast.

That time, he was possessed by the devil when practicing martial arts. It was a fuse that completely pushed the relationship between him and mu Qianyue into the abyss of irreparable destruction. In a boundless rage, he became a lord of Warcraft. He also attracted many powerful Warcraft into his camp. Among them, chaos, Taotie, Taowu and Kuqi were four fierce beasts.

In that war, he won, seriously injured Yan Emperor and successfully brought mu Qianyue back to his territory. However, Yan Shu, the woman, took advantage of his absence to let him go.

When he came back, he learned that Mu Xiaoyue died of suicide, that is, in the scene between the cliff on the top of the mountain. When mu Qianyue saw Yan Shu tear off the hypocritical face, he knew that it was her collusion with limitless that killed so many innocent people, hurt Jing seriously, and even dismembered Xiao Ling!

Boundless rage, to find Yan Shu, that damned woman but hide, let him how to find can not find.

Later, Fubo appeared, seriously injured boundless, destroyed his body, sealed him in the demon world.

"Qingqing, do you really refuse to forgive me, and you want to be the enemy of me?" Boundless cold calm face, in the night to see some hazy frightening, the whole body exudes piercing cold.

"I said, if you let nalanye go, I will choose to forgive you." Mu shallow moon light hum way.

In any case, she must rescue nalanye! She can't let nalanyie die for her people, nor can she let bao'er have no father

Although nalanye is a trace of boundless soul, but nalanye is nalanye, he is not boundless!

"Qingqing, I can promise you all your other requirements, but this is not allowed!" Boundless shook his head. "I've swallowed nalanye's soul, so even if I give his body back to you, it's useless."Swallowed?

Mu Xiaoyue's face turned white, her steps swayed, and she nearly fell down. Her big black and white eyes were wide open, and her beautiful little face was full of astonishment and shock.

It took her a long time to suppress the shock and anger in her heart. Her face was gloomy and cold, and the cold and violent breath floated around her. "Even if his soul is gone, his body will be mine!"

"Qingqing, I am him, he is me. What do you want my body to do?" Boundless corners of the mouth hook up a smile, the cold on the face seems to melt ice and snow, warm as spring, but with a trace of ambiguous breath.

Nalanye's appearance is not ugly, it can be said that it is very beautiful, Yushu Linfeng, chic and elegant, beautiful and noble.

Mu shallow moon sinks the eye son.

"Qingqing, don't try to take my body away from me. Even if you have eight nine level gods around you, they can't beat me! I am a real spiritual realm now The boundless light voice says, the facial expression shows complacent.

"I'll see if I can fight it or not." Mu Qianyue snorted, and her whole body was full of momentum. At this moment, the blood of the green dragon and the nine changes of Taiji were all put into full play. Her breath soared, and she instantly reached the realm of half step true spirit.

Half step true spirit state means that one foot reaches the threshold of true spirit state, but it is not true spirit state.

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