"Emperor Yan, miss shu'er, like you, is also a descendant of Yanhuang people. Her blood is pure and has reached the rank of emperor. Moreover, she is a direct lineage ten thousand years ago. Why can't she stay in Yanhuang palace?" The elder asked slightly dissatisfied.

"Yes! Miss shu'er's blood, but not low! And now Shu Xiao'er is the strong one in the true God realm and the strongest person in the whole Xuantian world! Even taller than you The eyes of the elder are twinkling with light.

"With Miss shu'er in, I believe we Yanhuang people will be more powerful!" The elders looked happy and excited.

What a Wonderland!

Even if it was ten thousand years ago, there was no strong one in the true God state!

Even the most gifted Emperor Yan of ten thousand years ago has only reached the realm of divine respect

True God, that represents the spirit!

With Miss shu'er in, they believe that miss shu'er will lead them to become gods, true spirits and even true gods!

Think of this, one by one excited, almost cheered.

Yan Shu's face with excited bright smile, a face looking forward to in nalanjing, "brother Yan, the world is only worthy of standing by your side. As for qingnu, she has no qualification at all But brother Yan, if you really like her, I will allow you to take her as a concubine

Look, she is so kind and tolerant, so big belly and understanding.


What she wants is to let qingnu see how she and her brother Yan love each other, and how painful and desperate she is

It's more fun than killing her!

Mu Xiaoyue frowned. She didn't understand why Yan Shu's obsession with the scenery was so deep? It's not enough to entangle Jing for ten thousand years

Thinking of the boundlessness of the same obsession, she was even more upset.

One more, one more.

"Which onion are you? Is it worthy to be compared with Yueer? " Nalan Jing like glass in the purple eyes is not hide the suspicion, this woman is sick? He refused so many times, even wanted to kill her, she still pasted her, is not a good brain?

If you have a disease, go and treat it!

Don't hurt people!

"Brother Yan, shu'er doesn't know what's wrong with me, which makes you so dissatisfied with me?" The smile on Yan Shu's face suddenly lost, and she blinked her eyes wrongly. "Ten thousand years ago, we knew each other first. We were childhood sweethearts. It was she who robbed you..."

As soon as her eyes turned, she fell on mu Qianyue beside her, and her lips raised a sneer. "Brother Yan, she colluded with the demon lord ten thousand years ago to help the demon world to cooperate with others and kill our people, which led to the loss of life. Finally, we all suffered the death of Yanhuang people! Ten thousand years ago, if it was not for my good luck and three uncles, we Yanhuang people would disappear completely in this world! Now, after ten thousand years of development and precipitation, it is not easy for us to rebuild the Yanhuang nationality and recover the glory and prosperity ten thousand years ago. If you bring this culprit back, are you not afraid that we Yanhuang people will be destroyed again? "

Her words are chiseled, her voice is sad, her expression is solemn and sorrowful, and her pear blossoms are full of appeal.

Standing behind her, a group of elders and disciples of the Yanhuang clan, one by one, are filled with righteous indignation and angry, and stare at mu Qianyue, hoping to pick her skin and draw her tendons

Mu Qianyue looks at her coldly, the ability of reversing black and white is really good! It seems that she is accurate today and the scene will come to Yanhuang City, so she took people here to stop.

"Good! Traitors like this don't deserve to come to our burning yellow city! Please drive her out

"Ten thousand years ago, if she had not colluded with the demon lord, the mainland would not have suffered hardships and the people would not have died! Such a picky bitch should be put to death

"Emperor Yan, are you bringing her here to avenge the spirits who died ten thousand years ago?"

A voice of Crusade and anger sounded over the arena, and everyone's face was filled with rage.

Yan Shu's face shows a touch of pride, how about the protection of young girl's brother Yan? As long as the Yanhuang people do not agree with her, she will not want to step into the realm of Yanhuang, let alone become the hostess of Yanhuang!

In the face of public anger and accusation, Mu Xiaoyue didn't get angry, but her face turned cold unconsciously. These people didn't know the truth and didn't know the truth. So they criticized and slandered her, and she would not treat them well

As soon as she opened her mouth, nalanjing shook her hand and turned her head toward her, showing a gentle and doting smile. Her long and powerful fingers gently adjusted her hair which was disordered by the wind. "Yue'er, let me deal with it. You can rest assured that I will never let you be wronged, let alone you carry these pots!"

"Good." Mu Xiaoyue nodded, so she closed her mouth and stood on the side of nalanjing.

Nalanjing takes back his sight, and his eyes fall again on the faces of Yan Shu and others. Instead of gentleness in his eyes, he is cold and fierce. His white clothes are shallow, and senleng's killing machine breaks out from his body.

"Yan Shu, let you escape for several times. You don't know how to repent, but you dare to run to Yanhuang city? Do you think you can blame yue'er with just a few words? "The graceful lip corner draws up a faint sneer, loosens mu Qianyue's hand, the eyes coldly lock in Yan Shu's body, walks forward slowly, "I don't care what you are behind, this time, you must die!"

Yan Shu was frightened by his terrible eyes, and she shrank her neck. Her steps could not help stepping back two steps. But when she thought of her own strength at the moment, she could not help but have more confidence. Her fingers under her sleeve clenched her fist. "Brother Yan, how can you be so right and wrong? Are you so fascinated by her that you don't even care about the big hatred of our Yanhuang people? "

"We salute you Yan Emperor because of your blood. But if you help this traitor again, we will be unjust!" The elder's brows were wrinkled tightly.

Other people also said that they agreed to let nalanjing kill mu Qianyue now to show their determination that they would not pursue the matter. He was still the Yan Emperor loved and worshipped by the Yanhuang people

Nalanjing disdained a sneer, "I need your worship, your support to be the emperor of Yan? Oh Even if you give me the whole world, I don't care! "

As the words fall, the majestic and mighty momentum emanates from him. The terror is incomparable. It is like a huge wave that covers the whole arena in an instant!

As soon as the momentum of crazy tyranny and earth shaking was sent out, it immediately made people dumbfounded, especially Yan Shu's unbelievable exclamation, "true God state?"

No, it can't be!

Brother Yan, how can you be a real God!

A month ago, he was the peak of the Ninth level God

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