As the voice fell, I saw Fubo's figure slowly condensing in the air, "don't forget, you are now the second imperial concubine of the Tian family."

Fauber's words changed tianmeng's face, which was extremely ugly.

"Fauber, why are you here?" Tianmeng has a gloomy face, and her long and narrow eyes are full of gloom and calculation.

"Why can't I be here?" Fubo's mouth aroused a sneer, his body moved, and slowly fell in front of Mu Qianyue and nalanjing, and looked at her coldly.

"Fubo..." Mu Qianyue was stunned to recover from the shock, anger and despair of Tianshuo's death

"Master son, mistress, no one can hurt you with me." Fu Bo looks at mu Qianyue and nalanjing and says that when his eyes fall to Mu Qianyue, he has a trace of affection in his eyes. If he comes late, the tower will not be destroyed

He has been speeding up to catch up, but still came a step late.

"Fubo, panyin is a traitor of the pan clan. Do you want to help a traitor?" Tianmeng said with a cold face, "and don't forget your duty. If you don't stay in the Archaean world, but come to the Xuantian world, if God knows, he will not be happy to punish you! If you go back now, I can treat it as if I haven't seen anything! "

"Ah..." "I was ordered by God to protect his royal highness in secret. Do you have any opinion? If you have any opinion, you may ask God's decision. "

"You Tianmeng's face was not happy, but because she was afraid of God, she had to shut her mouth. She looked at nalanjing, but she didn't look at her. A pair of pure purple eyes like glass fell on mu Qianyue's body. Her eyes were full of tenderness. "Moon, I'll try to recast Tongtian tower, and then Tianshuo will come back..."

"Really?" Mu shallow month raises a head, the eye son red looks at him, black bright big eye is full of water mist.

"True, of course. When did I cheat you? Don't forget, no one can compare with me in refining tools. " Nalanjing gently picked up her small face, "lady, you won't blame me for not avenging Tianshuo now?"

"No Mu Xiaoyue shakes her head. Since tianmeng can destroy Tongtian tower with one hand, her strength must be incomparable. Even if Jing is not her opponent, how can she let Jing die?

"Lady, believe me, I will avenge Tianshuo with my own hands." The fingers under naranjing's sleeve clenched gently, but not now.

Fubo's strength should be equal to tianmeng. It's very difficult to kill tianmeng, and tianmeng's status is not low. If you kill her rashly, Fubo will be implicated.

How can mu Qianyue not understand? She wants to rely on her own strength to avenge Tianshuo! Not on fauber!

"Tianmeng, this is not the place for you to come. You'd better go." Fubo's cold voice floated slowly in the sky, and a strong unwilling color flashed in tianmeng's eyes.

And Yan Shu in hearing the words of tianmeng, the whole person was shocked, and the words of tianmeng echoed in her mind. Was she a human figure made of a bone taken by tianmeng near the heart? It means that she was not a human being, just a bone


It's impossible!!

It's impossible!!

How could she be a human made of a bone?

She is clearly a person with flesh and blood and ideas

She is a descendant of the Tian family. She has noble blood and talent. She is not made of bones, not, not!!!

I thought her status would be more noble than mu Qianyue, but now I find that she is the most ridiculous one

Yan Shu only felt that the whole person was not well, her expression was stunned and sluggish, full of despair, and she wanted to cry but couldn't cry out of despair

At the moment, when she heard that tianmeng was about to leave, she came back in a trance and called out to tianmeng, "help me, take me with you! I'll die if I stay here. They'll kill me. I don't want to die... "

Even if her previous life was a bone, she didn't want to die!

Now that she has human form, strength and flesh and blood, how can she be willing to die like this?

Just when she looked at the sky dream with the eyes full of hope, she saw the corner of her lips coldly, "I don't like someone standing up against my face."

“……” Yan Shu whole body a Zheng, eyes full of surprise looking at her, how can she say so? Didn't she create it herself? Does she mean not to herself? Or do you want to disfigure her?

"But, my lord But I am a part of you

After holding back for a long time, Yan Shu couldn't help saying that she couldn't bear to die, couldn't bear to see brother Yan's pain any more, and couldn't bear to watch brother Yan and his young girl love each other in front of her

So at this moment, she would rather leave all her dignity, just to let tianmeng save her.

Tianmeng's light eyes like water fell on her, frowned, and seemed to have some dislike. Her voice said coldly, "well, even if I don't like your face any more, at least you are one of my bones. How can you stay out and let those pariah bully me? You can go back to Archean with me now. ""Yes, my Lord." Yan Shu was overjoyed when she heard the speech. She wanted to stand up and remembered that she was bound with dark iron chains by Mu Xueying and others. She could not help but look up and look at Mu Xueying and others. She ordered arrogantly, "you should release me quickly! Do you hear me? "

Mu Xueying turned her eyes in disdain. Bai Xue looked at her with contempt on her face. Xiao xuan'er was violent and slapped her in the face. "If you put it away, which onion do you mean?"

Yan Shu was immediately angry seven tips smoke, almost spit blood on the spot, did not expect these people in front of the dream dare to be so arrogant!

Tianmeng's face "Shua" looked ugly. Her beautiful eyes were dark and blue. She looked at Xiao xuan'er and her party with hatred. They all spoke their words. These people even dared not to follow Cong and beat Yan Shu. It was clear that she was not the saint of heaven!

"Fubo, it's not that I don't want to let them go. It's because they bully people too much and dare to challenge the authority of heaven." Tianmeng turned his head and swept to Fubo, sneering.

Didn't you have a chance before? Now the opportunity is here.

"Yan Shu is a person from Xuantian world. Besides, she once hurt the master and his mother's family, so you can't take Yan Shu, and you have no right to take it." Fubo's hands were lost behind him. His gray clothes and robes were flying in the wind. His whole body was full of Fairy Spirit and awe inspiring momentum.

Tianmeng didn't expect that he said so. Fubo still refused to let go of his mouth. The color of his displeasure in his eyes was strong, and his brow was tightly wrinkling, "Fubo, are you sure you want to be the enemy of me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!