"Good. I'll do it for you now After kissing her forehead, nalanjing got up and went out of the room. His tall and straight figure was pulled by the moonlight, adding a sense of coolness. The white robe of the moon danced in the evening wind, like a banished immortal without worldly flavor.

Looking at his back, Mu shallow month in the heart of a stable, that nervous heart finally fell down.

Mu Qianyue wants to get out of bed with shoes on. With a flick of her fingertips, a continuous flame sweeps out from her fingertips, lighting the candles in the glazed lanterns hanging in every corner of the house.

The warm yellow light dispelled the darkness in the house, adding a trace of home flavor.

Mu Xiaoyue sits at the table with her head up, waiting for nalanjing to make delicious food for her.

Tian Shuo's death really hit her a lot, but she also knew that she could not be immersed in sadness all the time. Instead, she should adjust her mood and attitude, and strive to break through the high-level true God realm as soon as possible, and then she could avenge Tian Shuo

She wants to turn hatred into motivation!

After naranjing left, suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the air, and a familiar voice sounded in the room, "voice, how are you doing? Did you get hurt? "

Mu shallow month looks up, see Pan Zhi jun don't know when to stand in front of the table, eyebrow shallow frown, a face worried looking at himself.

Why did she come? I didn't even realize it! Think of Pan Zhi jun is also living more than 100000 years, Mu shallow month's heart will calm down, her strength is certainly the same as the dream of heaven, are high-level God!

Pan Zhi jun saw that she didn't speak, and her face turned white. She stepped forward quickly and sat down beside her. She reached out to hold mu Qianyue's hands and explored the pulse on her wrist. After confirming that she had nothing to do, she was relieved.

"I'm fine." Mu shallow moon suddenly returns to consciousness, light says.

I don't know why, for Pan Zhijun, there is no trace of disgust in her heart. When she holds her hand, she doesn't have a little antipathy in her heart. Is this the power of kinship?

"Yinyin, I know that tianmeng came today. I wanted to help you, but later I saw that Fulin appeared, so I didn't come out." Pan Zhi jun looks at her gently and sighs slowly.

Fulin should be the name of Fubo, thought mu Qianyue.

"Yinyin, our pan clan's blood is withered, and we are all wanted and killed by the Tian people. I can't show up for a long time. I can't save your friend. I'm sorry I didn't expect the tower to be so loyal to the Lord. " Pan Zhi jun road.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned.

"Miss Pan, can you tell me something about the past?" After a while, she looked up to Pan Zhi jun and asked.

"Yinyin, I'm your sister, my sister! Sister with father and mother, how can you call me pan girl? Don't you want my sister? You are the only one I have now Are you blaming me for not protecting you before Pan Zhi jun's eyes were slightly red, tears fell from his eyes, a sad and regretful look, "I don't want to, ah, I would rather die of the person is myself! You know what? When I saw you die, do you know how painful my heart is? I hate that I can die for you

Looking at her heartbroken appearance, Mu shallow month in the heart some unbearable, uncomfortable, reached back to hold her hand, "Pan girl, I am Mu shallow moon, not pan Yin."

"You are my sister Yinyin! It's just that you reincarnate and forget the previous things. I have found you in your life as a young girl, but I can't show up and do anything because the people of Tianzu are still staring at you and me. If I show up, they will know that I have found you. I am afraid that they will attack you, so I have been holding on. I never thought that dame in tianmeng was so crazy that she made a dummy and sent her to Emperor Yuchen's side Pan Zhi jun some gnashing teeth said, full of anger in the beautiful eyes.

"Yinyin, can you call my sister? I've been looking for you for more than 60000 years! " Pan Zhi jun once again holds her hand, that pair and Mu shallow month some similar beautiful eyes take a silk of tension.

"Sister..." Exclaimed Mu Xiaoyue.

She can feel Pan Zhi jun's feelings for her is true.

"How did you find me?" After a pause, he couldn't help asking.

"Silly sister, have you forgotten? As I said before when I was in Wanhua Island, there will be a special mark on the people of the pan clan. In addition, we can find people with the same blood line through the power of blood. " Perhaps because hear Mu shallow month finally willing to call her sister, Pan Zhi jun's face showed a happy smile, stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on his face, and said with a smile.

"Oh." Mu Xiaoyue nodded, so it is, "sister, what happened more than 60000 years ago?"

"What do you want to know? As long as I know, I will tell you without reservation. "

"Give me a rough idea of what you know."

"Good..." Pan Zhijun nodded and said slowly, "60000 years ago, the Archean world was called Honghuang realm. There were three forces, namely, the Tian clan, the pan clan and the demon clan. Tianzu is the descendant of the God of heaven, but we Pangu is stronger. Our ancestor Pangu is the first human in the world of flood and famine! At that time, the chaos of heaven and earth became one. It was our ancestors who opened up the sky and the earth with the power of one person. Chaos began to separate. There was a distinction between heaven and earth... "Mu shallow moon doubts frown, "at that time, there was only Pan Gu in heaven and earth. Where did he come from?"

Mu Qianyue has heard this fairy tale many times in the 21st century. Now she heard that Pangu was her ancestor. She almost died of shock.

"At that time, the body of his ancestor Pangu was transformed into all things in heaven and earth, but a drop of his blood essence was left and bred in a beautiful flower, forming a new life..."

Later, the blood essence bred in Qionghua grew into a white, white and tender baby. He was born with wisdom and profound strength. He was the ancestor of Pan family after Pangu, which gradually became the pan family.

The blood of the pan clan was very noble and pure. At that time, there was no Tian family, only the pan family. After thousands of years of long years, various ethnic groups and factions in the mainland have sprung up, and human beings are thriving and thriving.

Because from generation to generation, the power of Pan's blood is not as good as that of the first generation. After the rise of the Tian clan, there was a demon clan, which stood against the pan clan and the three clans, and was called Honghuang kingdom.

Later, there was a dispute between the heaven clan and the demon clan. Because the cultivation skills of the demon clan were too cruel to be recognized by the Tian family, and the Tian family exerted various kinds of pressure, so the relationship between the heaven clan and the demon clan was very rigid

Later, the demons grew in strength and the Tian clan was defeated. They asked the pan clan for support. At that time, pan Yin was the most talented and outstanding person among the pan clan. At that time, she met emperor Yuchen

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