Warm yellow candle light sprinkles in the room, the air suddenly quiet down, and only left a mu shallow moon.

She is still sitting in the position, frown tight, thinking about Pan Zhi Jun said.

"Lady, what are you thinking? So absorbed? " Naranjing's warm voice sounded beside his ears. He had a trace of home flavor, and the smell of matches and dishes made mu Qianyue feel very warm.

"I miss you." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

Nalanjing put the food box in his hand on the table and took out a dish of dishes from it. The aroma was strong.

A total of four dishes and a soup, color, flavor, are her favorite, but also a fresh mushroom ginseng black chicken soup.

Mu Xiaoyue swallows her saliva and feels that her saliva is almost falling down. With her higher strength, sometimes she has to mend and close down. Recently, she has eaten less. Although she won't starve to death if she doesn't eat, she still likes to eat three meals a day, so that she can feel full and fun in her life.

Nalanjing put on two pairs of chopsticks and rice, sat down in front of her, picked up a white jade bowl, filled a bowl of soup in front of her, "lady, taste the taste."

"Yes." After drinking a mouthful of chicken soup, mu Qianyue felt that it was delicious and not greasy. Soon after eating two bowls of chicken soup, he ate some rice and vegetables, which made him belch contentedly.

Nalanjing raised her sleeve and wiped her greasy mouth. Her eyes were gentle and full of doting. "Have a good rest. We'll go home early tomorrow morning."

Mu shallow month did not answer his words, but wanted to see to him and asked, "Jing, do you know what happened more than 60000 years ago?"

Nalanjing stopped and shook his head. "I don't know."

"Didn't you ask fauber?" Mu shallow month continues to ask a way.

"What do you want to ask, lady?" Nalan Jing looked at her, purple eyes sometimes deep, sometimes clear, mu Qianyue youyou sighed, "nothing, I'm just a little curious, I'm going to retreat and practice."

When Tian Shuo died, the tower of Tongtian naturally disappeared. The only thing was that the space was still there. Mu Qianyue separated the space from the tower.

The idea move, Mu shallow moon into the Dantian land to practice.

Originally, mu Qianyue and nalanjing had discussed to return to Canglang city the next morning. However, considering that Qinglong and Xuanwu needed a soul pool to repair their soul injuries, mu Qianyue did not rush to leave, but took them to yanghun pool.

Since mu Qianyue found Qinglong and Xuanwu, he has been letting them stay in the space of the sky for recuperation. These days, they rely on the medicine of nourishing soul flowers. Although they have repaired many injuries, their souls are still very weak. I hope the soul pool can be useful to them.

Half a month later, the souls of Qinglong and Xuanwu are no longer as empty as before. Instead, they have a sense of substance. Their breath and strength are both tens of times stronger than before.

Seeing this scene, mu Qianyue is also very excited. Their soul injuries are finally cured. She doesn't have to worry any more. She doesn't want to raise the soul pool to be so rebellious!

Actually, it can repair the soul injury so quickly. For such a heavy wound, Qinglong and Xuanwu have spent a lot of methods before, and have also taken a lot of herbs to nourish and nourish the soul. However, the soul nourishing pool only stayed in it for half a month, and the effect is so good!

Mu Qianyue decided to excavate the soul pool together with jade and put it into his own space. As a result, a deep pit with a length of more than ten feet and a width of more than ten feet appeared in the secret place!

Anyway, it's a waste to put the soul pool there. Maybe she can use it on her body in the future, and she doesn't have to be afraid of soul injury any more.

The next step is to find herbs for them and reshape their bodies.

"Thank you, master." Qinglong and Xuanwu stand in front of Mu Qianyue in high spirits, with a gentle and intoxicating smile on their beautiful faces.

"You two are so polite to me. Do you want to be beaten?" Mu Xiaoyue deliberately raised his fist. If it wasn't for their desperate efforts to protect their inheritance, her strength and memory would not be restored. Moreover, they had been waiting for thousands of years in that void space for a promise. She was afraid that she would not be able to repay her loyalty and friendship for three generations!

For both of them, she is also willing to give everything!

"Master, we can continue to accompany you have been very satisfied, reshaping the body is not urgent, after all, those herbs are not easy to find, everything depends on the chance." Qinglong road.

"Yes, master." Xuanwu nodded.

Mu Qianyue also knows this, which of those herbs is not very difficult to find? You can't buy money!

"Master, there are more important things waiting for you to go, we are not in a hurry to reshape our bodies." Qinglong raised his lips and said with a smile, "when our strength reaches the level of God one day, we will be able to condense our flesh."

"God?" Mu shallow moon doubts way.

"Well, it is said that the true God is the king, and the king is the God. Now the master is the true God, we believe that this day will never be far away! When the Lord becomes God, we will be able to form flesh Xuanwu explained."Well, I will try my best to reach the realm of God as soon as possible." Mu Xiaoyue nodded solemnly.

The next morning, mu Qianyue, nalanjing, Mu Xueying and others set out to return to Canglang city. As for the Yanhuang clan, nalanjing didn't take charge of it and didn't want to. What did Yanhuang people do if they died or lived with him? Yan Shu's incident also made nalanjing disappointed with Yanhuang people.


Feibao building filled with a stiff and sad atmosphere, not like the past cheerful, but like a layer of cloud cloth.

When Meng Xi Mo heard the news of Tian Shuo's death, she almost fainted. Her beautiful face was as white as paper, and her tears were full of tears, which made her heart ache.

First, nalanye was possessed by the demon lord boundless. He didn't know his life or death. Now Tianshuo is dead

For a time, the whole Feibao building was immersed in a sad breath, and there was no more laughter.

Since her return to Feibao tower, mu Qianyue has started the crazy mode of closing up, and she is practicing almost every minute.

But the effect of this practice is very little.

Strength to such a state, the more difficult it will be to advance in the future, the real yuan force between each level is extremely huge!

However, mu Qianyue learned from Yuan Han that he could go to Shenshan to try his luck if he wanted to improve his strength rapidly.

It is said to be the holy mountain, but it is extremely dangerous. There are countless ferocious Warcraft animals and countless precious and rare medicinal materials. Most of these herbs are rare herbs, which can enhance the power of hundreds of years, but it is very close to the God punishment, because the holy mountain has been delineated by the God punishment, and has become the force of divine punishment for a long time ^

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