When his words fall, it immediately stirs waves in the crowd. What?

Zhenshen Dan? Can let the person break through to the true God realm in an instant?!

There are such pills in the world!!!

Are they sure they heard me right?

One by one, one by one, staring at his eyes in horror, his face full of shock and unbelievable color, this is simply too shocking, more shocking than bringing the dead back to life!

They know that there is a kind of elixir in this world that can bring the dead back to life. As long as they can find the medicinal materials, it is not impossible!

But it was the first time that they heard it!

So they were so surprised that they almost couldn't close their chin!

God will be very satisfied to look at the expression on the faces of people, when he heard this true God Dan, the horror on his face was no less than them! Zhenshen Dan was handed over to him by his ancestor last night. There are ten of them! However, he didn't take it immediately. Instead, he had to choose nine excellent elders to take it according to his ancestor's payment. Then he closed the door to consolidate his strength. At that time, he must kill mu Qianyue

"Lord, what you said is true?" The elder took the lead to react. He blinked and looked at the sky meeting in front of him. His slightly bent body couldn't help shivering. This was because he tried to restrain his inner excitement, otherwise he would shake into a sieve.

"Nature is true. The pills given by the ancestors will be fake? Don't forget, the ancestor is a member of the Tian family. It's normal for her to have such an anti heaven pill in her hand "According to the ancestors, this Zhenshen pill has no negative effect on the users, so we don't have to worry about the sequelae after taking it! It's a pity that there are not many such divine pills in the hands of our ancestors, and there are only ten of them! "

Hearing this, the 50 elders in the hall lit up their eyes, and their faces burst out with excitement and joy. My God! This magic pill!

They have been working hard for a lifetime, for two or three hundred years. They are only a God Emperor, or a God Emperor. Even the God's respect has not been achieved. Besides the temple master's Tianhui, they are the most powerful. The Ninth level God Emperor is only one step away from the God.

But this step, but let him fear, let him stay in place for more than 50 years, no inch to advance! At the moment, this true God Dan made him see the hope and the dawn!

One of the places in Zhenshen Dan will be decided by him!

Other people also have this idea, since it is fair competition, then they have to work hard, no one will give in!

Each face excited, hands clenched, eyes flashing with excited light, like fighting chicken blood, there is such an opportunity to become a real God, who will give up? No matter what, they will strive for it!

If you get such a quota, it will become the supreme existence and the real peak of world power!

That's a real God!

Not only is the strength of the status of ascension, after the status of God punishment is very high! So they know that such an opportunity is extremely rare!

Those with strong strength show a will to win look on their faces, while those with weaker strength clench their fists secretly. Their eyes are full of calculation

After three days of fierce competition, nine of the 50 people finally made it to the top nine. The elder elder was one of them. When the other eight got the quota, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the God punishment hall Lord Tianhui gathered the nine people together. Each one handed out a real God pill. The elder and others held the real God pill. They were so excited that they wanted to take it on the spot. However, they did not. Instead, they seized their inner excitement and looked up at the Tianhui in front of them and asked, "Lord, muqianyue is just a real God. We Shenfen sect Two true gods are enough. Why ten this time? "

And it's even the hall master out!

This is really amazing!

The other nine people also cast a curious look at Tianhui. They were also very confused about this.

"According to her ancestors, Namu Qianyue is an excellent animal trainer, and she is also the reincarnation of her ancestors' enemies of more than 60000 years ago. She has collected several ancient supernatural beasts and fierce beasts around her, and she does not know what secret methods she has used to make the beloved animals signed with her conform to her strength. There are nine pet animals around her, that is to say, there are nine true gods around her, and she herself is ten gods! "


As his words fell, the hall immediately sounded a voice of backward air conditioning, one by one unbelievable staring at the eyes, afraid that they heard wrong!

Originally, they thought that the true God Dan had been enough shocking, but they did not expect that the world still had such a rebellious means! It's just appalling!

They can't believe it!

I can't believe them!

However, there will be no fake, otherwise the ancestor would not take out ten true God pills to give them to take

Oh, my God!

Does the world really have such a rebellious means? They have never heard of it! Originally thought that their talent, means has been enough against the sky, now found and that the woman named Mu shallow moon, just know that the difference is far!They would not have believed it if they hadn't heard the LORD say it today!

If someone told them that, they would think that man was a madman!

Let all the pet animal strength and her synchronization, together to the true God realm, this has to be how adverse, how abnormal, how crazy!

It's impossible to locate by ordinary people!

"Yes! At first, I didn't believe it, but it can make the ancestor so solemn and worried. It can be seen that what the ancestor said is true. Otherwise, the ancestor doesn't need to take out ten true God pills! " A rare trace of solemnity appeared on the face of the meeting.

The big elder and others are suddenly dignified.

The elder frowned tightly and thought for a long time. The worry on his face became more and more serious. "The Lord of the temple, there are ten true gods in front of us, but we may not be able to kill mu Qianyue! The ancient supernatural beasts and fierce beasts are more powerful than ordinary Warcraft. Their defense, attack power and speed will be several times that of other Warcraft, and even more than twice that of human beings of the same level. It will be good if we don't be killed by them... "

The other eight people all nodded their heads to support the speech, and the worries on their faces were the same.

Although the effect of Zhenshen pill is very attractive, they are also afraid of death. They have not easily cultivated to the realm of God Emperor and God Emperor. Even if they can not reach the realm of true God in their lifetime, at least they will not die. At least they will live for thousands of years. Who knows whether they will break through the realm of true God in the next few thousand years?

After all, there is hope to live. If you die, there will be nothing.

The more powerful they are, the more they cherish life, and no one is willing to die.

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