The nine people who followed him looked at her with scorn and disdain.

Mu shallow moon eyebrow shallow Yang, "you are the person that God punishes?"

Her beautiful face is indifferent and quiet, and she can't see any emotional changes. Her eyes pass over the ten people in front of her. Their breath is ups and downs. They are like waves and waves. They are magnificent and incomparable. You can see that they are the strength of the real God!

In my heart, I was surprised. When did God punish ten strong people in the true God state?

For the strength of punishment, mu Qianyue knows something about it. Feibao tower is not just about auction and selling pills!

Feibao tower also collects intelligence secretly, especially the strength of the big families in the Xuantian world. Generally, the high-end strength of the big schools such as the God punishing hall master and the elders is deliberately leaked out. The purpose is to tell everyone that the God punishes those who have the power of God, and those who want to cause trouble should also think about it.

But Isn't divine punishment the only one?

The only God is still the God punishes the temple Lord!

What's the matter with these ten gods?

Mu Xiaoyue doesn't think that the intelligence of feibaolou is wrong, but something that she doesn't know must have happened!

Otherwise, if there were ten true gods punished by God, the news would have been spread all over the world, instead of being unknown to the world!

Therefore, Mu Xiaoyue is sure that these true gods have suddenly appeared in recent years, and there is no time to publish them to the public!

What is the ability to make so many people become true gods at the same time?

Snow White is because they are in a contractual relationship with themselves. She has the secret of the contract against the sky in her hand, so that their strength can be synchronized with their own.

But what about God's punishment?

All of a sudden, mu Qianyue's eyes brightened up, really God Dan?

It's said that Zhenshen Dan can make people of any rank become true gods instantly!

At the beginning, Jing took such a pill, so he suddenly became the strong one in the true God realm

Are these people also because they got the true God Dan?

"Good! I am the master of the temple punished by God. " The Tianhui was only slightly surprised for a moment when Mu Xiaoyue guessed the identity of himself and others, and then went on to say, "you killed my God punished young Lord and four elders. Today, we are here to settle this hatred with you!"

How did they know? Mu shallow month heart quickly across this curious idea, "yes, I killed."

She didn't lie, she didn't say any reason.

Since the God punishes the person to know this matter, lies also is useless, moreover she also does not need to lie.

"How brave! Mu Qianyue, you are a person from a lower position, how dare you kill the people punished by my God! Do you know what our punishment stands for? " The elder's eyes were round and angry, and he looked at her angrily.

"Are they not gods? It's just conceited Mu shallow moon light hums a way, white face a calm, did not show the slightest fear because of their persecution.

"You are ignorant to say you are ignorant!" The elder turned his eyes with disdain, and his face showed a look of pride and incomparable, "our God punishment represents the heaven family! Tianzu is the ruler of the whole three realms, and Tianzu maintains world peace! We are in charge of the heavenly family, acting on behalf of heaven, and punishing all crooks and villains! "


Mu shallow month's heart suddenly had a few distinct, it seems that God punishes the person behind the scenes is the heavenly dream!

Otherwise, they would not know that she killed the God punished young Lord and the four elders. Mu had no pity for the five people. They wanted to kill themselves and Jing. She was not the virgin. Why did they still save their lives?

But she won't explain.

No wonder they can become the true gods all of a sudden. They must be the ghosts of tianmeng!

Zhen Shen Dan was developed by Pan Yin, but now it has become tianmeng's means to deal with her, which makes mu Qianyue very unhappy.

Although she has yet to admit that she is a discoid, this discomfort does exist in her heart, perhaps it is a woman's intuition.

"The great elder said it's true that a villain like you doesn't deserve to live in this world. Only death is your destination!" Three elders disdain cold hum, look to Mu shallow moon's eyes full of disdain.

"Come on, are you going to do it yourself or are we going to do it?" The temple Lord Tianhui said in a cold voice. His eyes were full of cold and fierce, and his words fell. He turned his eyes to the snow white and Yuan Han beside him. "You two must be the divine beasts, the white tiger and the Kunpeng? I don't have to use this mean person to stay with you! We will save you both. When we kill mu Qianyue, you will be free

"You don't have to thank our temple master. Our temple master has always been kind-hearted. If you really want to thank, you can stay with our God to punish." The elder replied, with a haughty look on his face, he did not notice that snow and Yuan's face were as cold as ice. "Our God punishment represents the heavenly family. At that time, if you want to go to the Archaean world, it will be possible! I believe you will get better development there! That's the right place for youThe great elder talked excitedly, and the Kunpeng that the hall Lord liked, then the white tiger beast would belong to him!

At the thought of getting a white tiger, the elder was very excited.

Snow White looked at him coldly with a pair of look Idiot's eyes, "where comes the fool?"

"Ha ha Another one who goes out with no brain! " Yuan Han's mouth is full of irony.

These people's calculations are really loud. They hit him and xue'er, but they are so righteous and awe inspiring!

He and Cher still have to be grateful to them

A group of respectable villains.

Fire Xi's eyes are also cold.

The elder's face froze in an instant, a piece of iron, some ugly.

But for the white tiger and Kun Peng, he couldn't get angry. It was an ancient beast! To get one is to get a huge force!!

On the same level, cross level combat, invincible!

He just thought that Bai Hu and Kun Peng were under the control of Mu Qianyue. After a moment of stiffness, he continued, "I know that you and mu Qianyue signed a soul contract. As soon as she dies, you will die. You can rest assured that we have a way to unlock the soul contract, so mu Qianyue can't bind you at all! You can rest assured

"Yes, you two are ancient gods and beasts. Don't help tyranny!" Another elder echoed.

The other elders all look like this.

"Mu Qianyue, you can die by yourself, but don't drag down these two animals!" It will be cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!