Of course, this relative is meaningful. He really loves Aijing and regards him as a relative, not a false one.

"Lady, what can I ask for if I have you in this life?" Nalan's heart suddenly softened. He clenched her hand. It seemed that there was only one other left in the world. The second prince, the second imperial concubine and others all became air.

The deep affection circulates in this palace of eternal life.

"I have nothing more to ask for than you in this life." Mu Xiaoyue looks back at him with a smile, hugs his neck, and can't help cuddling up in his arms.

Emperor Yuqing, tianmeng and the patriarch were all caught off guard by the dog food. They were depressed. They knew that they would be stuffed with dog food here. They said that they would not come here at this time!

Emperor Yuqing's face had not changed much except for some coldness. However, his heart was full of ups and downs. He was surprised that his elder brother had been reincarnated twice, and his personality had changed a little, and he could say love words so much!

You should know that in the past, although the elder brother was very talented and powerful, he was cold-blooded and reticent. He would not have said such lurid love words at all. Otherwise, the misunderstanding between the sound and him would not be so deep

He has been reincarnated twice. Although his character is still as indifferent as ever, he has changed in love

Tianmeng is envious of the eyes are almost red, under the sleeve of ten fingers tightly twisted together, would like to rush forward to hold the lovers together to mercilessly tear open!

Disc sound!! You are a fox spirit. It's not enough to attract the prince. Even emperor Yuqing has been thinking about her

Disc sound, I won't let you go!!

The anger and hatred in tianmeng's heart is like the fire on KuYuan, which is out of control.

"Cough..." Emperor Yu Qing coughs lightly, interrupted two people in the embrace, this just slow voice mouth way, "elder brother, you really don't go back with us?"

"I said I would go back to Archean, but not to heaven." In the purple eyes of Nalan scenery, there is a kind of indifference.

Emperor Yu Qing saw his resolute attitude and had to sigh, "we will live here for three days. If you think clearly after three days, you can go with us. You can rest assured that the father will not be troubled by Yinyin. Although Yinyin did something sorry to the Tianzu in the past, it has been more than 60000 years and Yinyin has been punished. Therefore, the father has no longer investigated this matter. When you return to the heavenly family together, your father will hold a new wedding ceremony for you. "

"Yueer and I are husband and wife. Why should we get married again?" The eyes of Nalan scenery are cool.

"You and Yinyin return to the Tian family. When the celestial officials get together, don't you want them to recognize Yinyin?" Emperor Yu Qing asked.

Nalanjing's eyebrows almost couldn't be found.

"It's none of my business whether those people can order or not? As long as Jing approves of it, it's enough for me. " Mu shallow moon disdains to lift the eyes lightly.

"Well, I won't tell you. You'd better make a decision in three days." Emperor Yu Qing shook his head and turned out of the palace of eternal life.

Tianmeng took a look at Nalan Jing, and left behind the emperor Yuqing.

The patriarch and the elders also casually found a reason to leave the palace of eternal life.

Suddenly such a large yard will be left only mu shallow moon and Nalan Jing two people.

"Jing, don't you really want to return to the Tian clan?" Wait for the figure of the public completely disappeared in the sight, Mu shallow month this just raised head to look at the person in front of him to ask.

Nalanjing Junlang Rufeng's eyebrows were shallow and frowned, "Tianzu is going back, I won't let go of tianmeng! Ten thousand years ago, our life and death and our pain were all caused by tianmeng. In this life, she intervened in it, so I don't know if she also intervened in the affairs between us in Tianzu for more than 60000 years! "

"Besides, refining the stone must be in the hands of the Tianzu..." Nalanjing's voice stopped, and her purple eyes looked directly at mu Qianyue, "yue'er, don't you want me to return to Tianzu?"

Mu shallow month looks at him silently, thought to shake head, "have no. You are the crown prince of the heavenly family. All that is your glory, and it is normal for you to return. "

"Moon, you have to believe me, I will not let you suffer a trace of injustice, will not let others hurt you a point! If you don't want me to return to Tianzu, I won't go back. I said that we can create our own power after we go to Archean world! Do you believe in my ability? " He held her small face and looked at her attentively and seriously.

"Fool, of course I believe you." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile, her eyes filled with trust and deep love.

He is her husband. Why doesn't she believe it? Besides, he never let her down!

"Yueer, your trust in me is my greatest motivation! I will not let those who bully you live well Such as glass in the purple eyes burst out of the cold murderous gas.



The light of the moon on the land.

After the completion of Mu Qianyue's practice, she walked in the courtyard near the hall of eternal life.

All of a sudden, the air fluctuated, and mu Qianyue frowned. Before she could react, a hand stretched out from the air, and then she was dragged into the air and disappeared in the thick night. All this happened in the blink of an eye, almost a second!When mu Qianyue reacts, he is already in the mountains outside Yanhuang city. Standing in front of him is a familiar and strange tall figure, boundless, or perhaps nalanye

"Boundless?" Mu Xiaoyue frowned tightly and looked at him coldly and fiercely, "originally, I wanted to go to Archean world to find you, but I didn't expect you to come back! So I don't have to worry about finding you. "

Boundless slowly shakes his head, "Qingqing, I don't want to be the enemy with you. This time I'm not fighting with you."

"If you hand over nalanye's soul, I will not investigate the previous affairs."

"It's impossible, because I'm inseparable from his soul." Boundless light said.

Smell speech, Mu shallow month heart clutters a sound, the eye socket instant red, "boundless!!! Damn you

She almost roared out these five words. Her voice was no longer as cold as before, but full of anger and hatred.

With a flash of his hand, the sword of death had already been held in the palm of his hand. His whole body was incomparably cold and frightening, just like the arrival of death.

"Qingqing, why can't you understand me? Nalanye is me, and he comes back to me. What's wrong with him?" "Qingqing, if you want to kill me, I will never fight back, but can you listen to me? I have something important to tell you when I come to see you this time! "

"If you have any last words, please tell them." Mu's voice is as cold as a knife.

Boundless see she did not immediately start, can not help a long sigh of relief, "Qingqing, you do not go back to the Archaean world, not to go to the Tianzu, they are not good people!"

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