Is she such a fool?

Think she that a few words, she is silly to leave?

No one wants to destroy her and Jing's feelings again!

The day dreamt that mu Qianyue was hard and soft and did not eat, and her eyes were flushed with anger, "Mu Qianyue, if it were not for you, brother Yuchen, would die more than 60000 years ago? Does he need reincarnation? He has long been the God of heaven! You made him so stubborn! You are a disaster star. You killed brother Yuchen 60000 years ago, and then killed brother Yuchen 10000 years ago when he was Yan Emperor. Do you want to kill brother Yuchen in this life? How can your heart be so cruel, you wicked woman

Mu Qianyue's eyebrows are covered with a layer of frost. Her eyes are cold as a knife. Her long, narrow and deep eyes are infected with a sharp intention of killing. "Tianmeng, who is the result of all this? I think you know better than me. Yes, I don't remember the past, and I'm not a dial. But what you did to me, I'll give it back to you slowly! Those past events, I will also check out one by one! If you owe me, I'll let you return them all! "

"It's clear that you killed brother Yuchen twice, but also said me?" Tianmeng's face is a little distorted, but looking at mu Qianyue's cold eyes, I can't help but shrink my eyes. But when I think of my own strength and status, I can't help but feel a little disdain on my beautiful face. "Mu Qianyue, when you were a disc voice before, you were not my opponent. In this life, you are not!"

"Ah Is it? Then let's try and wait for it. " Mu shallow moon Mou son a cold, as expected is her.

Tianmeng's last words are equal to her admission.

In fact, Mu shallow moon is not unexpected, because limitless said before her and tianmeng's gratitude and resentment, as well as Yan Shu's matter, in addition to tianmeng, mu Qianyue can't think of a second person.

It seems that I dare not to be afraid of the moon, but I am afraid of what I am afraid of? What is this for?

In this way, she will have time to develop and strengthen her own strength!

It's hard to say who wins and who loses if tianmeng does it himself now.

Light throw down a word, Mu shallow month did not go to tube tianmeng, and her waste of breath, it is better to seize the time to practice, make up for the gap.

Looking at mu Qianyue's delicate and exquisite figure, tianmeng is so angry that his teeth itch. His eyes are very red, and he looks some ferocious and frightening.

The blink of an eye was the third day. Emperor Yuqing saw that nalanjing had a firm attitude and did not want to go back with him to the Tianzu. He had to lead tianmeng and Tianbing to go back together. After three days of excitement, the land of Yanhuang finally became quiet, and the clan leaders gradually recovered in the excitement and excitement.

Who knows that five days later, the people of Tianzu came again. This time, it was even more powerful. In addition to tianmeng, even Tianmu came!

All of a sudden, the whole situation of Yanhuang was boiling, and their faces were filled with excitement and excitement!

The mother of heaven is here. Is she here to pick up the prince? It can be seen how much God and mother of heaven love his royal highness!

Tianmu is dressed in a gorgeous purple red phoenix robe. Her appearance is young and beautiful, and her temperament is incomparable. Her whole body is full of dignity and elegance, which almost makes people dare not give birth to a trace of blasphemy. This is Tianwei.

This is the mother of heaven? The mother before Jing? Mu Qianyue stands in the same place lightly, standing beside nalanjing, looking at the woman who is approaching quickly

Nalanjing's face is light, standing in place, not moving forward, his face is not a trace of waves, his brow like a green peak wrinkled, this is his mother? Why can't he have a little joy in his heart?

"Dust! My dust Mother of heaven's eyes fell on nalanjing's body, exclaimed with joy, and quickly came over. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. It looked like a loving mother who saw her son who had been separated for a long time.

Nalanjing's eyebrows wrinkled a bit deeper, and her purple eyes were a deep and secluded place.

After many years, I finally saw you again Mother Tian's eyes were red, and she looked at him as if she were happy and sad. She reached out and wanted to hold nalanjing's hand. She was blocked back by nalanjing without trace.

"Heaven mother's words are heavy." Nalan Jing said lightly.

Mu Qianyue's eyes turn around on nalanjing and Tianmu, and find that Jing and Tianmu are not like each other, and Tianmu's eyes are black.

Well The purple eyes and looks of the king do not know who is inherited. If it is inherited from God, it is not like the mother of heaven.

"Chen'er, didn't you come to pick you up early after the mother was blamed? In fact, when Qing'er and meng'er came last time, I wanted to come, but without the command of God, I dare not act arbitrarily. Although I am the emperor's mother and the wife of your father, if you want to come to Xuantian world, you must get your father's permission to come. Chen'er, don't blame the empress dowager, will you? " The mother of heaven looked at him lovingly and gently, with tears in her eyes and a gentle and gentle expression.

Mu Qianyue noticed that nalanjing's cold face was softened. When he was very young, Jing's parents died. There was no one beside him except cangming and Xuanye. Most of them had never enjoyed his parents' kindness and tenderness since childhood. Although he never showed it in his childhood, he should be eager for it in his heart!Then the mother of heaven's eyes fell on mu Qianyue's body, with a gentle smile on her lips, "Yin Yin, you've made mistakes before. God doesn't intend to investigate them. Since you and chen'er have been married for three generations, we can't bear to separate you. I heard you gave birth to a couple of grandchildren? Where are they? "

Her eyes are full of hope and joy, looking around, mu Qianyue can not find a trace of fake from her eyes.

"They're not here. They're out there." Mu Qianyue said.

"Oh." The mother of heaven's eyes showed a touch of disappointment.

"Chen'er, don't get angry with your father. Will you come back to the heavenly family with us? Although you are not in Tianzu these years, you are not in Tianzu. You can see how much he loves you. Don't you want to see your father? Your father is not very well in recent years. He misses you very much Seeing that nalanjing didn't like her to touch her, the heavenly mother didn't take his hand, but looked at him tenderly and said.

"You and Yinyin will live in Wuyou hall after you go back. Besides, if your father and Emperor see Jiu Jiu and Xiao ling'er, he will be more happy! Ah, for tens of thousands of years, Qing'er and meng'er have been married for a long time, but there have been no children. Your father and Emperor are looking forward to having a grandson. " Tianmu said with a smile that what she said was all homely words, which could move people's hearts most. , the fastest update of the webnovel!