"Well, just be happy." Nalanjing raised her hand with a smile and scraped her lovely little nose.

After dinner, turn off the lights and go to bed.

Wan'er withdrew from the bedroom.

The hall is dark, and there are only two weak glass lamps in the cold corner.

"Lady, do you want to change a girl?" Nalanjing took off his shirt, sat on the bed, looked up and asked the woman opposite.

"No Mu shallow month shakes his head, "even if changed a person, they will certainly be able to insert the manpower to come in again, it is better to continue to use her, at least to her I already had a little familiar with."

"Yes." Nalanjing nodded and stepped forward to hold her hand. "I thought it would be easier for you to follow me to Tianzu, but I don't want to be as good as our days in Xuantian world."

"We are not here to enjoy happiness, but to find out the relationship between you and me more than 60000 years ago." Otherwise, she would not agree to follow him back to Tianzu. In addition, she would deal with tianmeng.

It's just that you can't fight tianmeng now.

Therefore, at present, we still have to make up with them.

The next morning, mu Qianyue went to the Dantang alone. However, her arrival did not seem to be welcome. She blew her beard and glared at her one by one. She was obviously disgusted and disgusted.

"A traitor can return to the heavenly family, hum!"

"Yes! Maybe you will betray the Tian clan one day

"I really don't understand why God let her return to the heavenly family and let her enter the Dantang?"

One by one, one by one, with indignation and indignation, looked at mu Qianyue, almost able to spurt fire.

Mu Qianyue turned a blind eye.

"Shut up, all of you!" At this time, there came a woman's angry voice. Mu Xiaoyue turned her head and looked, and saw a thin and graceful purple figure, like a purple butterfly.

There was a gentle smile on her delicate and beautiful face. "How are you, princess? Are you ok? You don't care about them. You have just come to Dantang today. Many places must not be familiar with. Let me take you around. "

This girl is no one else. It is the girl who entangled with nalanjing in the lotus pond yesterday. It seems to be called Providence?

The name is special.

Mu shallow in the heart of the thought, look up to the will of God, the face showed a shallow smile, "that's a girl."

Dan Hall is very large, with 30 temples and more than a dozen attics, which is bigger than Wuyou hall.

Mu Qianyue wandered in the Dan Hall with the will of heaven.

"This is the spirit hall, which is the alchemy room. Generally, everyone will come here when they want to make alchemy." Tianyi stood at the gate of the courtyard and explained with a smile.

Mu Qianyue raised his head, and the plaque above the entrance of the courtyard really wrote the word "spirit hall".

"Would you like to go in and have a look?" Asked Providence.

"Whatever." I admire the moon and the spirit is light.

There are more than a dozen small courtyards and temples in the hall.

Suddenly, the door of the hall creaked and opened, and mu Qianyue was standing in front of the main hall. Eight old men in white robes and gray hair surrounded a tripod stove.


A dull sound came out of the cauldron stove, followed by a strong smell of coke dispersed in the air.

Obviously, alchemy failed.

Eight old people are all a Leng, the expression on the face is shocked and stunned, "finished! The elixir of alchemy for God is broken

"It seems that this is the only medicine..."

Then the eight people were furious. Qi Qi turned his head and looked at mu Qianyue who was standing at the gate of the hall. One of them said angrily, "who are you? How dare you break into the hall! Don't you know that no one can disturb us when we are refining pills? "

"Master, what should I do if she destroys God's elixir?" Another man looked at the head of Tianxing Mo asked.

"She has to be left to God." Tianxing Mo's face was gloomy, and he spit out a word coldly.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned, as if they were refining some very important pills, and then failed? Is it because of her sudden appearance? But the door was closed very well before, but she opened it automatically when she came here

"Grandfather! She is the crown princess. She was appointed by God to be the chief elder of the Dantang hall, and she learned how to refine pills The will of heaven came out from the back of Mu shallow moon, looked at Mu shallow moon with a worried face, and looked at the sky, Mo and others said.

"Hum! What about the crown princess? If she destroys God's life sustaining pill, she will also be punished! " A person disdains cold hum.

"Good! There is only one piece of medicine for the Xusheng pill, which we have collected for 20000 years. We don't know how much energy we have spent on it, but now because she failed, she must be responsible for it! " Another person also said indignantly, looking at the eyes of Mu shallow moon is very bad.

"Grandfather, elders, please forgive the princess for the sake of his highness. The princess didn't mean to. She didn't know you were refining pills..." God's small face is pale, one face pleads with kindness for mu shallow moon.Mu Qianyue's lips curled up coldly, and she had the answer in her heart. When she didn't take herself, she brought herself to the spirit hall at this time. If she said that the will of heaven was not calculated, she would not believe it!

"Yi'er, it's not that I don't want to spare her, but that the continued life pill is so important that we can only leave it to God." Tianxing don't sigh. When I look at the moon, my eyes are very cold.

"Princess..." God's eyes filled with tears, a face of remorse and worry.

Mu shallow month just light hook hook lip horn, did not speak, argue with them have no meaning, is just a waste of words.

On the hall of the court, God was originally going to the early court. At this time, hearing that the elder of the Dantang hall reported that the "Susheng pill" had been destroyed, he quickly summoned Tianxing MoBa people, as well as Tianyi and muqianyue.

The hall of Chaohui is the place where God went to the early Dynasty. This is the time of the early Dynasty. Therefore, all the officials in the hall gather together. Nalanjing and Emperor Yuqing are also present. Tianmu and tianmeng are not here. They are not qualified to participate in the early Dynasty.

"What the hell is going on?" God's cold and solemn eyes swept over and fell on tianxingmo, mu Qianyue and others.

"Tell God, when we were refining pills, we were at the critical juncture of melting pills. Unexpectedly, the Crown Princess burst in and the Dan was destroyed." Don't bow your hands in reply.

God's eyes narrowed and his eyes turned back to Mu Qianyue.

"God, we have worked hard for more than 20000 years in order to continue the life of Dan, but now we have done nothing..." A man's eyes stare at the moon coldly.

"God, the Crown Princess deliberately destroys the longevity pill. Please God to punish the princess!" Another person followed, the rest of the people are also tongue in mouth accusation Mu shallow moon is not, as if Mu shallow moon has how bad, how angry and resentful.

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