"Is it?" God narrowed his eyes slowly.

It's a terrible day! Actually at this time, she killed pan Yin. Don't you want her to make pills for herself? So that he can not survive the disaster, he can become the next God?

I didn't expect to go to the wilderness of heaven and break through the realm of God! What an accident!

God gently raised his chin, and his eyes coolly swept tianxingmo standing in the center of the hall. His mind was slightly heavy. It seems that he really wants to replace him!

"Every word is true." Heaven does not bow to bow, but there is not much respect in the face and words.

It's just an old guy who will die under the thunder at any time. What's the fear?

"God, tianxingmo is an old minister of the Tian family, and has worked hard to refine alchemy for the Tian people for tens of thousands of years. His conduct is still trustworthy, but it is the voice. She was once a traitor of the Tian family! It's very possible that she will do something harmful to the Tianzu! " Tianmu Yanmo, sitting next to the emperor, said in a timely manner that her meaning was very obvious. She was obviously partial to tianxingmo and said that mu Qianyue was not.

Emperor Lord coldly glanced at Yan Mo, Yan Mo's heart was startled, and immediately shut his mouth.

"God, I also believe in Dan God. Pan Yin is narrow-minded because he has a grudge against the punishment. It is not impossible to kill the will of heaven and the elders of the Dan Hall to relieve their Qi!" Wing God said, he is also the father of tianmeng, Tianyi.

"Nonsense! It is clear that you deliberately killed the crown princess, but also look for reasons! Don't think you can do whatever you want when you are promoted to God. The real God is not you

"Yes! You dare to kill the Prince now, do you dare to kill the prince in a few days? Do you dare to kill the Lord? " Nalanjing's group of people are angry.

Emperor days smell speech, Mou son more and more heavy a few minutes.

There is no doubt that their words reached the heart of the emperor. He was afraid that tianxingmo would become God. Now he heard them say so. Naturally, his suspicion of tianxingmo has risen to a new height.

"My father, no matter what mistakes Yueer has made, it is the father who orders and punishes her in person, rather than acts of heaven. Don't be good at killing people if they don't agree with each other! Please ask my father to ask for justice for yue'er, otherwise the children will not accept it! " Nalan purple eyes filled with hate anger, cold sweep to the sky mo.

After he solved the problem of Xuantian realm, he immediately returned to the Tianzu and tried to find a way to go to the wilderness of heaven.

Later, he found out that it was xuantianjie sent by tianmeng to harass Mu Yan and captured them. He took great efforts to save them. Only then did he find out that they were in the scheme of luring the tiger away from the mountain. They were deliberately delaying time!

Although they were arrested, they were not hurt.

After thinking about this, he immediately went back to the heavenly family and went to the wilderness of heaven, but he was still a little late. What he got was the news that the moon's soul was all gone!

Tianxingmo was promoted to God and returned to the heavenly family. It was reported that yue'er killed them by the will of heaven. Now he has been subdued by him.

Nalanjing wanted to kill tianxingmo, but he was no match for tianxingmo. So he could only find a way to kill tianxingmo through the emperor. However, he could feel that yue'er was not dead. He and yue'er had a soul contract. If yue'er really died, he could not live.

However, yue'er was seriously injured in that meeting, he also suffered great repercussions, these days to recover from the injury.

Although the moon did not die, but it must have been greatly hurt, otherwise it would not have been so long! He went to the wilderness of heaven to look for it, but it was too big and was shielded by chaos. Looking for someone was like looking for a needle in a haystack, unless he had the same strength as tianxingmo.

Moreover, he was afraid that he would wantonly search for Yueer's whereabouts in the wilderness of heaven, which would arouse the suspicion of tianxingmo, so he had to return to Tianzu. He only hoped that cangming and Xuanye could find Yueer for him.

"Elder brother, you are too partial to the crown princess. Is it because she is a princess that she does not have to be punished for killing people? You can do whatever you want? The nine elders of the Dantang hall are all people who have made great contributions to the heaven clan. The will of heaven is the granddaughter of Mo Dan God. It is said that they have reached the level of Dan Zun and will soon become the next Dan God. Is it not a pity that such talents are so damaged? " Emperor Yu cold hook lips, eyes with mockery.

That's how disco died?

What a pity!

Whether in the past life or this life, her beauty is indeed impeccable, but it is too poor.

Although he loved American people, he preferred the latter to the emperor.

Two groups of people, led by Prince nalanjing and the second emperor Yuqing, launched a fierce struggle in the hall of the court meeting, and for a time they had a lot of quarrels.

God's face has always been gloomy, and there is a terrible storm under his eyes, which is hard to see and feel.

"God, now Tianxing is the only Dan God of the Tian family. If he dies, no one can refine pills for you. Although there are many Dan pharmacists in the Dan Hall, their Dan skills are too poor It is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years to cultivate the next generation of Danshen. I'm afraid of you... " Yan Mo looked at the noisy hall, turned his head to look at the emperor beside him, whispered.Emperor Tian's face changed a little. If there was no one in heaven, there was still hope to refine Xusheng pill

But look at tianxingmo like this, not necessarily for their own refining continued life pill ah! I'm afraid it's hard to control his power as God

At this time, a woman's clear voice sounded slowly in the hall.

"Heaven, you are so mean! How dare you not tell the truth to God

Hearing this sound, Tianxing Mo's eyes stare at the eldest son unreasonably. Looking back, he saw the purple dress flying in the wind. The woman's face was exquisite and beautiful, which was like a woman walking out of the painting.

The beautiful lip corners gently rise, quiet and leisurely, under the people's eyes, slowly walk, the beauty is breathtaking.

"Lady!" Nalanjing's face showed a surprise color. She stepped forward quickly, regardless of whether it was the court hall or not, and ignored the eyes of the public. She hugged mu Qianyue fiercely in her arms and stroked her soft hair with her big hand. "Lady, you are back at last."

He knew she would be OK.

"Yes. I'm back, and you're worried. " Mu Xiaoyue held his waist back and buried his face on his chest. He felt his heartbeat, his breath and his unprecedented satisfaction and security.

With him, it seems that there is the whole world.

"No, it can't be! How can you be alive! " Tianxing Mo's incredible exclamation, his face full of shock.

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