"Yan Mo, you are so bold. You dare to order the ministers without your command?" Suddenly, he should not look back on the anger of strangers?

"Husband, Yan Xin, she insults you like this and doesn't pay attention to you. She should be punished! Even if she is my sister, I can't tolerate her humiliating you like this! So she has to be punished! What's more, she gave the reincarnation flowers to Fulin. All the people in the world belong to your husband. Naturally, the reincarnation flowers belong to you. Why did she give it to Fulin like this Yan Mo pear flowers with rain said, micro drop of the eyes is flashing through the vicious light.

"Shut up!" The emperor scolded in a low voice.

Why do you want to be angry with me when I've been missing for many years?

Originally, there was no Yanxin in the heart of emperor Tian. Originally, she had already been replaced by herself. However, she did not think that the most important person in the heart of emperor Tian was Yan Xin!

From the emperor to see Yan Xin's eyes can see!

She won't take it!

Why did she accompany emperor Tian for more than 60000 years, and the person he loved in his heart was still Yan Xin? Where can't she compare to Yanxin?

The hands folded in the sleeve were twisted together, pulling the sleeve, as if to tear up the burning Xin.

Yan Xin to Yan Mo's eyes and small movements how can not understand, Mou Guang just lightly swept her one eye and then took back. For Yan Mo, she didn't put it in her heart at all.

He raised his eyes and looked at Fulin and tianxingmo, who were fighting fiercely in the air in the distance. His brows wrinkled. It seems that it is difficult to kill tianxingmo by his own strength alone.

I think I have to do it!

When she moves, Yanxin rushes straight up into the air, raises her hand and blasts out, and goes straight to tianxingmo's back. Tianxing Mo Ben is dealing with the attack of Fulin wholeheartedly. Suddenly, Yanxin suddenly attacks, leaving him overwhelmed.

Tianxing Mo's back was slapped, his face turned white, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. He glared at Yanxin angrily, and it took a lot of effort to stabilize his figure. He suppressed the horror in his heart and glared at her angrily and hatefully, "Yanxin, you are despicable, even sneak attack!"

I can't believe that Yanxin is also a god kingdom!

"Compared to your meanness, mine is just a piece of cake." Yan Xin's expression is cold and cold. Her purple eyes like glass are full of murderous spirit. Her white clothes are light and beautiful. She is so beautiful that she is breathtaking.

Yan Mo eyes dead stare at the top of that floating white clothes, she is the realm of God?! The breath on her body is the realm of God. That's right, because the emperor and the heaven have the same momentum!

I can't believe that she hasn't seen her for more than 60000 years, and Yanxin has unconsciously reached the realm of God!

The emperor's heavenly eye light shrinks fiercely, and her body is shocked. Xiner is actually God's realm?

Unknowingly, Xin'er has reached the stage of being as powerful as he is. What about himself? Over the past 60000 years, however, it has been stagnant and in place

With this in mind, Emperor Tian's heart is a little painful. In the past, he and Xin'er would practice together, urge each other, practice sword together, sit on Sansheng stone and watch the colorful clouds in the sky

Looking at the beautiful figure above, his thoughts are not a little far away

"Be bold! Yan Xin, you traitor of Tian nationality, dare to kill the Dan God of Tian nationality. If you come, don't take them down quickly Yan Mo no longer camouflage can not go down, she only know the existence of Yan Xin, will bring her a lot of trouble! It must be removed as soon as possible!

However, after her words fell, no one listened to her, and no one came forward. Besides, Yan Xin was a strong man in the kingdom of God. What they could do was nothing. The most important thing was that God did not speak. Who dares to fight? Isn't that ignoring God?

Emperor Tian's face is not good-looking now. He was the only God in the heaven family before, but now there are three more! He is more and more unstable as a god!

"Yan Mo, it seems that I have spoiled you so much that you have repeatedly exceeded the rules!" The emperor's heavenly eyes were bright and terrible, and his face was pale, "husband, I..."

"Well, you don't have to say that! From now on, hand over the Phoenix seal and think about it for 300 years! " Emperor Tian's attitude is tough and unquestionable.

And his eyes have been locked in the top of that beautiful slender figure, not willing to move a point.

Tianmeng saw that emperor Tian received the Phoenix seal of burning Mo and punished her face wall. He was shocked. Emperor Yuqing's face was ugly, and his fist under his sleeve was not willing to clench. "Father, are you too harsh on the empress mother? Mother is also for your Tianwei! I also ask my father to see that you and your mother have been loving each other for many years, and you can take it lightly. "

"Anyone who pleads again will be punished." The emperor said coldly.

"Father emperor!" Emperor Yu Qing didn't expect that emperor Tian would turn over his face and turn over his face. He was so heartless. A few days ago, his father and his mother still showed incomparable love! How can we say that change changes? He didn't understand why his father became so fast!Emperor Yu Qing also want to say what, was Yan Mo drink stop, Yan Mo made a pair of clever obedient appearance, toward emperor day said, "husband, Mo'er is willing to accept punishment."

The tiny drooping eyes are full of anger and jealousy. Yan Xin will come back, and the emperor's mind will be all over her. Now she wants to take back the Phoenix seal and punish her face for 300 years!

I'm afraid that after 300 years of her coming out, Yanxin will have recovered her status as the mother of heaven, but she will fall back to the fate of a princess. There will be no hope of Qing'er's crown prince

No way!

She can't just throw in the towel! Never!

Yan Xin, I won't let you have the chance to take everything that belongs to me! Absolutely not!

"My husband, I'm afraid that this time my sister is not good. What happened more than 60000 years ago..." Yan Mo collected the fierce color of the eyes, looked up at the emperor in front of the body, and said secluded. She didn't say the words behind, as long as the emperor understood it.

As expected, the emperor's eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a trace of evil in the bottom of his eyes.

"God, although there is no reincarnation flower in the world, there is a way of reincarnation according to legend." Tianxing did not cover his chest, reached out to wipe the bloodstain on his mouth and said quickly.

When God hears the words, his eyes change and his way of reincarnation? Why hasn't he heard of it?

Yanxin over there has launched another attack on tianxingmo. Emperor Tian thinks for a moment. He moves his body, grabs the air, and flicks his palm. He breaks up Yanxin's attack and lands on her opposite side. "Xin'er, if you have enough trouble, stop it."

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