It turned out that this was her previous life.

Heart inexplicable pain, pain can not breathe, 60000 years ago that kind of pain again hit, surrounded her.

Emperor Yuchen, he married tianmeng!

In the past life, he really married tianmeng!

He doesn't believe her!!

In the distance, she dreamt that mu Qianyue was in a state of pain, stagnation, despair and sadness, and her mouth was cold with a strange smile. She raised her magic wand, and a powerful and incomparable light group beat mu Qianyue's chest.

The violent power with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth is so terrible that it seems to tear up the sky!

"Ha ha, Mu shallow moon, you go to die! You can't beat me, you are doomed to be my loser! " Looking at the terrible power of chaomu Xiaoyue, and seeing Mu Xiaoyue still standing there, tianmeng couldn't help laughing with pride like a wooden man. She seemed to see the scene of Mu Xiaoyue being blown to pieces.

This is her all-out blow, she poured out all the real yuan strength in her body, she believed that this blow absolutely killed mu Qianyue!

And mu Qianyue still did not respond, immersed in the pain that can not extricate themselves, that kind of desperate


Nalanjing didn't have time to think about it, but he didn't have much time to defend. He threw himself at her and landed in front of her. He took her into his arms and held her tightly around her body and pressed her on his chest.


The next moment, the terrible force fell on nalanjing's back. His face suddenly turned white, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. However, he was afraid that the red blood would dye her dress. He quickly turned his head to one side, and the blood gushed from his mouth, shocking.

Mu Xiaoyue was stunned. She looked at the beautiful face in front of her eyes, and her purple eyes which were as frightening as glass

All over the sky, the golden light scattered behind him, like a God, with deep feelings in purple eyes, as if she could drown in it.

At this moment, his thin figure becomes tall and tall, supporting this piece of sky for her and protecting her peace for the whole life

The scene of his first meeting in tianwu continent and the wind and rain that he walked through hand in hand with him, they cried and laughed together, worked hard together and faced the storm together. When he fought with Yan Shu to save her in the dream city, his body was destroyed and died in front of her At this point, he fell into the nether world prison and was imprisoned by the Lord of the nether world for a year

All this is the proof of Jing AI. She never regrets her death!

Scene after scene floats in my heart, touching the string in the bottom of Mu's heart

There are thousands of years ago, she was a young woman, he Yan Di, she died, he died, she lived, he lived!

It was Emperor Yuchen who betrayed pan Yin in the past life, not her scenery, not

"Scenery!" Mu Xiaoyue reached out and hugged him, and saw the blood gushing out of his mouth. His eyes were full of pity and remorse.

If it wasn't for her, Jing would not have been hurt to save her!

Looking at the gradually dissipated vitality, she quickly flipped her fingers, took out a golden lotus Huisheng Dan and quickly fed it into his mouth. His wound immediately improved, and his pale face gradually turned red.

She lifted her chin slightly, and her eyes were angry at tianmeng. Her face was sharp and cold.

"Heavenly dream!"

The voice of gnashing teeth, cold and merciless, as if from hell out of the cry.

Tianmeng's face was not white. Her eyes flashed with shock and panic. Her eyes touched the figure of nalanjing, and her eyes were filled with deep hatred. Originally, mu Qianyue was dead. If he hadn't blocked her, she would have killed him!

Looking at the purple figure slowly approaching, tianmeng's body could not help shaking, and the fingers holding the magic wand involuntarily tightened a little bit, "you, what do you want to do?"

Smell speech, Mu shallow month disdains chi to smile, this time asks her to do what? It's so naive and ridiculous!

"Tianmeng, you owe me, and now I will let you return it!"

"You can't kill me! I am the holy daughter of the heavenly family! If you kill me, my father and God will not let you go! " Tianmeng swallowed and salivated with fear.

Joke! Think she's afraid?

Mu Xiaoyue disdained to laugh, and her eyes were cold and fierce, "60000 years ago, you asked me to go to jiuyoutai. Before that, you had already released the demon king, right? What did you make with him? "

Tianmeng's face turned white, and a flurry flashed on her face, but she would not admit it, "you are nonsense! It's you who released the demon king! At that time, the devil said it himself! You hurt me badly in order to release the demon! "

"Ah In the war between gods and demons, Jing and I subdued the demon king and suppressed him under the Jiuyou platform. If I really wanted to release him, why should I form an alliance with the Tian people? Our pan clan can form an alliance with the evil enemy The cold meaning of Mu Qianyue's lips is like ten thousand years of ice, which is frightening.

People were shocked when they heard the speech, and their eyes were dazed. Yes, if pan Yin really colluded with the demons, there was no need to agree to make an alliance with the Tian clan!Emperor Tian's face was livid.

Seeing the doubts flashed in the eyes of all, tianmeng became more flustered in his heart, "you are nonsense! Mu Qianyue, don't slander me here! How could I have let go the devil! "

"More than 60000 years ago, you wronged me very happily! Let me recover this justice with my own hands today Mu Xiaoyue no longer talks, and the sword of death rises in her hand. The terrible storm forms at the tip of the sword. Countless stars come from the nine days. Bits of broken dark seven colors of light appear all over her. At this moment, she seems to be in a dream universe.

Tianmeng's eyes are unbelievably staring at the eldest, with a look of frustration and despair, the power of the stars? She can summon the power of the stars!

Isn't this the power only God has?

But even God can't gather so much star power!

No wonder her strength is so strong!

Emperor Tian, Yan Mo and Emperor Yuqing and others saw the power of using stars by mu Qianyue, and their eyes were all surprised.

The edge of this sword is too strong, even if it is in the realm of God, I'm afraid it will be hurt next!

I didn't expect that she was so strong!

"Bitch, you can't touch my daughter's hair when I'm here!" The sky wing roars, wants to fly toward Mu shallow moon, but is blocked by Fulin.

"You're the slut. Your whole family is a bitch!" Fulin has scorn in his eyes and disdains cold hum.

More than 60000 years ago, if there was no heavenly dream from which to become a ghost, how could the master mother die, and the master son would not die. The master and the mistress would always love each other and give birth to a pile of lovely babies instead of suffering and separation!

"Get out of here!" Skywing roared.

"You don't have the ability to let me go!" Fu Lin looked at him with a scornful look. His body was still firmly in front of the sky like a huge stone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!