Nalanjing walked quickly to the temple on the hillside.

Siyue hall is a force he has just established in recent years. Most of them were brought by him from Feibao tower in Xuantian. In addition to Tiange, Bai Xue, Yuanhan, Bingyan, Longting, Heiyu and Wuhai, mu rutian, muruke, mu Rufeng and Tong Xiaofu and his wife have also come.

There are Bai longying of Bai family, Xiao family, and fenglingyu brother and sister.

When they were in the Xuantian realm, their strength was only the realm of the divine emperor. After ten years of hard work, they had reached the primary level of true spirit.

Of course, a large part of this was attributed to nalanjing. He restored his memory of previous lives and gave them many Tianjie, even high-level, almost divine level techniques to cultivate them, as well as various martial arts and footwork.

And sheng'er is back.

Sheng'er is the spirit in the ring of life. Before that, she was the tree of life of the Spanish people. Because of the war between gods and Demons ten thousand years ago, she was forced to leave the group. Later, she returned to the clan with Yimu Qianyue. She remembered the past and stayed there.

After recovering his strength, sheng'er went back to Feibao tower, and then followed Tiange to the Archaean world.

With sheng'er, there is no need to worry about medicinal materials at all. All kinds of medicinal materials grow rapidly under the influence of her rich and incomparable aura of life. It only takes a few months to grow into medicinal herbs for thousands of years, and even herbs can be cultivated for thousands of years.

In addition, there are two Dan pharmacists, Dongfang AO and Yaoxin, so it is easy to refine any pills.

In order to Mu Ru Tian, Mu Ru Ke and other people's strength increased very fast.

"Mother, you wake up." Nalanjing walked into the room quickly. Yanxin heard the voice and sat up slowly from the bed. Maybe it was the reason that she just woke up. Her face was still very pale, and her lips were pale, "where is this? Jinger

"Mother, it's me. This is our home." Nalanjing sat down beside the bed and looked at her gently.

"What about moon? Where is the moon? " Thinking of the last scene in my mind, Yan Xin asked in a hurry.

Nalanjing's face suddenly fell down, "I haven't found her yet..."

At that time, his injury took half a month to fully wake up. After waking up, his injury did not recover and his strength did not fully recover. However, he did not hesitate to use the secret method to tear open the space.

After he rushed in, he did not find the moon, but found his mother.

At that time, Yan Xin was so unconscious that she fell asleep in the dark void. Her body was a blur of flesh and blood, shocking.

Nalanjing asked Fubo to bring her out. He continued to search for Yueer's figure.

But the black hole is really too big. The deeper it goes, the greater the power of space is. The wounded man is even scarred and bloody. After he lost consciousness, he was dragged out of it by Fubo, who almost died in it

Up to now, he can still remember Fu Bo's roar at that time, "master, if you die, who will avenge the mistress or the young lady?! Who will take care of the little master, young lady

So he survived.

Moon, I promise you, as long as I kill those people, I will accompany you!

"Yueer, she..." Yan Xin heard Nalan Jing's words, and her face turned pale. How could she not understand his meaning.

"I'll find her." Yan Xin gnaws her teeth and opens the quilt to get out of bed.

"Miss, it's been ten years now. I'm afraid the mistress is..." Fauber had a choking voice.

"What? decade? You mean I've been in a coma for ten years Yan Xin exclaimed in an incredible voice.

"Yes. At the beginning, you had a severe brain impact, and you were in a coma. We thought you were hopeless to wake up, but we didn't expect you to wake up at this time Fauber nodded.

In fact, Yan Xin had been in a coma for ten years before she woke up. A large part of the reason was that she was so disappointed with emperor Tian that she was so depressed. In addition, she was seriously injured and her brain was hit. She was instinctively resistant to waking up

Yan Xin smell speech, complexion a white, the body is unable to fall to sit back.

Moon, she She

Tears fell uncontrollably.

Black hole. Where is that? That's a place where people eat people and don't vomit bones!

At the beginning, she was God's strength. She almost died in it, let alone Yueer, who was seriously injured?

No more resistance!

"Wuwuwuwu..." Yan Xin squatted down and covered her face with both hands. She couldn't help sobbing. At this moment, she cried helplessly and blamed herself like a child.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't take yue'er back to Tianzu, yue'er would not have died! In the last life, I didn't protect her well. In this life, I still let her Damn it, it's me

Her head was covered with green silk, but the tears still flowed from between her fingers.

"Niang, it's none of your business. You've tried your best. Yue'er will be very happy when she knows." Nalanjing squatted down beside her and hugged her in his arms, quietly comforting her.Both were the most important women in his life.

But he hated that he didn't see the moon in it. Otherwise, he would have saved her life!

Moon, you wait for me, wait for me to revenge for you, I will accompany you, this day is not far away!


In the void of endless darkness, it is as black as ink, and you can't see five fingers.

I saw a faint white light flashing in the dark, such as a bright light to guide the lost people forward.

One of them sat cross legged and practiced with his eyes closed.

"No, there's too much space to breathe in. The more you accumulate, the more you can't hold back now..."

The violent power is rampant in her body, which seems to destroy all her muscles and veins, and the violence is incomparable.

"No! I must break through! Only by breaking through the realm of God can I tear off this defensive light, and I can leave here! " Mu Qianyue clenches her teeth and tries to restrain the force of the space that almost breaks through the body.

The body everywhere seems to be in merciless tearing, the pain makes her face white, cold sweat dripping, almost fainting.


There was a dull sound from the Dantian. Mu Xiaoyue felt dizzy in her mind, and then she completely fainted. The terrifying force of space was still raging and destroying her body. In an instant, her blood was dripping and her wounds were all over the place.

At this time, I saw the white light on the defense light group, and a Qionghua rose slowly. A faint figure was lying on it. With the white light, it floated into mu Qianyue's body, slowly repairing the wounds on her body

Do not know how long, that pair of closed eyes slowly opened, eyes have confusion, doubt, and sadness , the fastest update of the webnovel!