"No wonder I feel the moon on her I see. " Nalanjing covered his chest, pale as snow, he took a deep breath, "I'm going to find the moon now."

"It's no use. She's in tune now. She won't come back with you." Yan Xin frowned.

"I said that the master didn't want us and started to beat us It turns out that she is a disc tone. She is the idea of the master son's previous life Xiao xuan'er's face suddenly changed, and then she frowned in doubt, "but isn't the idea of Pan Yin the master's? What's more, the disco tone died early. How could she control the master's body? "

Sheng'er also looks puzzled. 4

"that's Yiner's obsession! More than 60000 years ago, yin'er died with hatred. Her hatred for emperor Yuchen was too deep in her heart, so she left a trace of obsession. This time, it should be when yue'er was injured and in danger and her consciousness fell into a deep sleep, yin'er's obsession dominated her body. " I have to say that Yan Xin's analysis is as good as ten, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

"How can we awaken the memory of the master?" Sheng'er's eyebrows wrinkled and worried.

"Fanyin's obsession?" Nalanjing frowned.

"Only when you wake up the moon's consciousness can she really wake up." Yan Xin sighed, "I just don't know how the moon's consciousness is now..."

"Jinger, where are you going Yan Xin's eyes glanced at the distant figure in front of her, and ran up to ask.

"I'm going to get the moon back." Light voice with incomparable firmness momentum.

"She will kill you!" Yan Xin shouts.

"If I can't bring her back safely, I'd rather die!" The cold and elegant figure was determined and determined.

"Ah..." Yan Xin didn't stop her, but sighed heavily. Chen er's temperament is the most clear. Once the decision is made, it will hardly change. Otherwise, more than 60000 years ago, he would not have chosen to explode after his death, nor would he accompany her through three generations and never give up. From this, we can see how deep his feelings for Pan Yin are!!

I just hope he can wake up the sleeping consciousness of Yueer!

"Lord, wait for us..." Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er quickly follow in the past. How can they be spared a share when they find the master.

Before they did not accompany in the master's side will let the master alone face so many dangers, this time they say nothing will leave!


When the last touch of setting sun in the sky, the darkness around it completely fell down, and there was only a few cicadas chirping.


The evening wind blows, the branches shake, shadow.

In the quiet night, the lonely figure walks aimlessly on the winding bluestone path in the forest, hesitating and sad, like the tide, comes to her, wrapping her up, even more lonely.

The withered leaves falling with the wind seem to be singing the sadness of this moment.

I can't see my fingers, only the silver white moonlight on my shoulder. The chilly mountain top can only see the girl's thin back, bearing too much burden

In the past, those eyes as clear as lake water were full of tears, scarlet, confused, painful, helpless

Emperor Yuchen is dead


Isn't the person he loves a dream?

Why did he blow himself up? Is it really for her


She doesn't believe it!

If he really loves her, why did he never come to see her when she was imprisoned more than 60000 years ago, but turned to marry tianmeng as the crown princess!

So, she doesn't believe it!!

Unless he says it himself!!

No Even if he said it himself, she would not believe it! Is it not enough to taste the pain of more than 60000 years ago? Do you want to be cheated by him again?

He died, he deserved it, he deserved it!

But why is the heart so painful that it's almost numb

Her feet faltered and stumbled, and she was about to fall down. A broad, powerful and warm palm quickly stretched out and held her soft and delicate body.

It's so familiar

She raised her head mechanically and saw the purple eyes full of tender and caring, just like at the beginning

"Dust..." He whispered.

as like as two peas, she pushed him away, "no, you're not dust. You're not him. Though you look exactly alike, even your eyes are the same, but you're not him!" You are not... "

Their breath is different.

Even after more than 60000 years, she could still tell.

Can't you forget it?

She got up from the ground and went on aimlessly.

Nalanjing follows behind quietly.

"Don't follow me..." The cold and heartless voice came from the front.

He was still close behind.

"Don't follow me again!" She suddenly looked back, a pair of ruthless and cold eyes at Nalan Jing in front of her."I'm not going."


The long sword cut through the air, and the edge of senleng's sword was on his slender neck.

"Give you three seconds, disappear in my sight, or I'll kill you!"

"I said I would not go! Even if you kill me, I won't go! " The threatening sword spirit lingers around the neck. Nalanjing's eyebrows are still not wrinkled. The purple eyes are calm.

"Don't think I dare to kill you!" Pan Yinyin's sword in his hand made a little effort. The sharp blade cut his skin, and a trace of red blood ran down the body of the sword, dripping onto the ground and into the darkness.

"If you kill me, I won't go!"

"Why follow me!" The voice of the voice and the brow were locked.

"Because you and my wife look very much like I'm waiting for her to come back. " As clear as the lake, purple eyes, affectionately staring at the face of that beautiful face.

The affectionate eyes let pan Yin breathe for a breath, with a momentary sense of suffocation. At this moment, she seems to see the man she once loved deeply and gazed at her with such affection.


She shook her head with a sneer in her mouth, but the man she loved betrayed her, betrayed their vows, and was no longer her dust

"She looks like me. What does it matter to me? I'm not your lady. Don't follow me! Or I'll really kill you! " Pan Yin suddenly came back to his senses and snorted coldly. He took up his sword and went on walking towards the front.

Nalanjing is still not slow to follow behind.

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