"The medicine effect of peerless green lotus does not have much effect on elder sister's soul..." Pan Yin frowned. I thought that the elixir Qinglian could cure her sister's soul. Now I know it's not like that.

"Ah? What can we do? She is the master of the imperial court Tears can't help but slide down from orange's face again.

"Fortunately, my sister's soul has been preserved for a while, and we have to find new ways in this period." Looking at Pan Zhi jun's empty figure, she lies there silently. Pan Yin's heart is full of pain. She loves her sister most. In order to protect her and let her live, she takes people from Wanhua pavilion to avenge emperor Tian

Sixty thousand years ago, she is still so stupid. It's really good for her to protect herself

Fortunately, she braved once more than 60000 years ago, although she did not save the pan family in the end.

Sister, I won't let you die!

"How long?" Orange son raised tears filled eyes, nervously looking at the disc voice asked.

"I don't know, maybe half a year, maybe a year..." Pan Yin gently shakes her head, and the palm of the hand shakes, and the Pan Zhi jun and the cold jade bed are collected into the space of the sky.

"I'll do something about it!" Even if it is to pay her life, she will not hesitate to let her sister's soul die!

"There's no way even the peerless green lotus can do. What else can we do?" Orange's face was so white that her hands were strangled together. Thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind. Only then did she find that none of them was useful.

Pan Yin seems to think of something, eyes a stare, "reincarnation road!"

"What? What is the path of reincarnation? " The orange son does not understand the big eyes.

"It's said that in the early period of Archean times, the ancestor god of Pangu left a path of reincarnation after the creation of the earth. No matter the old dead or the broken soul, as long as they go through that path of reincarnation, they will be reborn!" Pan Yin's eyes were bright, like stars in the sky, firm and unyielding.

"Reincarnation? Is that true, second cabinet leader? " Hope and joy burst out in the eyes of orange.

"I don't know. After all, it's just a legend, whether it's really unknown. But no matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up! " The slender fingers under the sleeve tightly hold up, the pan sound is like the lake water, and the eyes are full of firm light.

"Good, I will accompany the two cabinet masters to look for the way of reincarnation! Even if it is to spend my whole life, I will not hesitate! " Orange clenched his fist, and his eyes were firm as iron, "I wish I could use my life to change the life of the Great Pavilion master! Let me be reborn, Lord

"Ju'er, in my eyes, your life is as important as my sister's, and no one's life is inferior to any other. I hope everyone is well. " The voice of Pan Yin is quiet, and you can't hear the joy and sadness, but it makes Ju er's body shake hard. Once the Great Pavilion master saved her, he also said such a thing.

The two Pavilion owners and the big Pavilion owners are so emotional and righteous!

A drop of crystal tears from orange's face, her eyes red, trying to control the tears that want to overflow the eyes, the heart is full of moved and warm.

Yes, no one's life is as important as who is cheap!

At the beginning, she was sad and hopeless. It was the Lord who comforted her and guided her that she had the courage to survive!

Her life is not as cheap as anyone, nor as contemptuous as those people!


The light blue moonlight sprinkles all over the mountain forest, with the night wind, by adding a few sad.

Full of Qionghua trees were blown down by the wind, white petals flying in the air, like flying snowflakes.

Roadside Lavender pink flowers vie to open, in the moonlight as if plated with a layer of silver, hazy dream.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

There is the sound of running water in front of me, which is very clear in the dark night.

The falling waterfall in the starry sky rushes down into the pool in front of it. The thin water mist rises, and the water vapor is dense. It looks like a fairyland on earth.

Not far from the pool, a wooden house stood alone there.

"Dust, the scenery here is beautiful."

"If you like it, we'll live here in the future."

"Well, well, are we going to build a cabin here first?"

"More than one, at least ten!" Emperor Yu dust beautiful face revealed a touch of evil smile, shaking ten fingers.

"Why ten?" Pan Yin looks curious.

"Because the two of us live in one room, and the remaining ten rooms are for our children, and then we will have an army Of course, take your time, sir. Let's talk about it in nine. " Emperor Yu dust takes advantage of the situation to embrace her slender waist, purple eyes are full of doting and tenderness.

His voice, his laughter, still in the ear, still in front of the eyes, as if only a day passed so short.

And everything has long been wrong

In the blink of an eye, the vicissitudes of life, more than 60000 years of time has passed, he is no longer there, and she is still alive, how to vent her hatred?Emperor Yu dust, do you think you die, everything will end?

No, far from it!

I will kill the emperor and then destroy the whole heaven clan! Destroy the whole heaven clan you want to protect with your life! This is the price you paid for betraying me!

I'll never be as stupid as I used to be!

The wrist is lifted up, the fierce palm wind blows out, and the wooden house in front of me instantly turns into ashes

All over the sky smoke and dust, such as past clouds.

"Moon, are you back? Are you really back? "

There was a cry of joy and excitement behind him, which made pan Yin frown displeasantly. He turned around and looked back. He saw boundless in black and walked over quickly. His face was still full of surprise. "Moon, I knew you would not die!"

"Who is the moon?" Pan Yin eyebrows tight, why even boundless also call their own moon?

What happened in the 60000 years she wasn't there.

"You..." Boundless live mouth, eyes fall on her body, keep looking back and forth, "what's the matter with you?"

"Boundless, don't you recognize me? Think of me as the woman named yue'er? " The lip color of the disc voice is light hook, which arouses a touch of light irony.

"No. You and she are as like as two peas, but you are you, she is her. Yinyin, welcome back There is a smile on boundless's face.

"If you don't stay in your demon world, what are you doing here?" Pan Yin disdains to hum. If the Demon Lord had not framed her with tianmeng, she would not have suffered this ordeal. Although all this is boundless, who let him be the devil's son?

"I'll come here whenever I have time, because it's a place you like and has your breath." The fist under the limitless sleeve clenches gently, the eye twinkles the light, seems to be some excited excitement, "but I didn't expect to meet you here."

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