Sheng'er also likes to look out and keep up with her. No matter who she is or who she is, as long as she is the master, she will try her best to protect her!


The breeze blows gently, the green bamboo sways, like the sea waves.

It was quiet all around, with occasional calls of cicadas.

On the soft land one after another in full bloom, colorful, very beautiful and charming.

Pan Yin, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er walk in the Ziyan forest.

"It's so quiet here. It's a bit strange." Xiao xuan'er is on the left side of the pan Yin. She is full of vigilance in her eyes like autumn water and observes everywhere.

"Well, let's be careful." Sheng'erhu is on the right side of the pan tone, and his eyes are also full of vigilance.

After three people walked for a long time, pan Yin frowned. Xiao xuan'er said with a puzzled face, "master, what's the matter?"

"There should be a high and deep array here." Pan Yin didn't answer her question. Instead, she stroked her chin with her fingers, and her eyebrows showed a color of contemplation. The palm of her hand flashed, and the sword of miesheng was condensed in the palm. The sharp and incomparable spear fell straight down in front of her, and a path made of Bluestone appeared slowly.

"Master, what are you looking for?" Sheng'er asked curiously.

For Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er's curiosity, pan Yin ignores them, and with a long leg lifted, they head straight to the bluestone road.

Just as her feet had just stepped on it, a fierce murderous spirit was coming from the deep bamboo forest in front of her. It was so vast and terrifying as the sea!

"Who intruded into my ziyanlin! Go away

The voice full of murderous spirit sounded over the bamboo forest, just like the thunder on the top of Pan Yin, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er. All of a sudden, the three of them felt a surge of Qi and blood in their bodies, and their five and six Fu organs seemed to be shattered by the roar.

Pan Yin's cold and beautiful face quickly flashed a touch of surprise, she is now in heaven, almost no one can hurt her! Even if it's the emperor or the devil, you can't do it!

The owner of this voice can make her Qi and blood churn only by voice, which shows that the strength is far above her!

Is there anyone stronger than God?

Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er did not hesitate to come to pan Yin before the murderous spirit came. The fierce and terrifying momentum emanated from the two of them and resisted the murderous spirit.

The fierce murderous air forms a terrible whirlpool in the air. For a moment, the green leaves flying over the bamboo forest form a green giant dragon.


The green dragon roared and roared like thunder, and rushed to Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er!

All of a sudden, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er find that they can't move any more. They seem to be under pressure in an instant. A huge invisible pressure is like a hundred thousand mountains pressing on their hearts, which makes them panic and fear!


Behind him came the cool voice of Pan Yin. The sharp sword was like a meteor flying across the sky. The green dragon was smashed under the terrible sword spirit and turned into a green drizzle, flying and falling all over the ground.

"Hum! How brave you are A scornful and angry cold hum suddenly sounded in front of my eyes, and then a blue figure slowly appeared in front of me.

"How dare you The sound of Yang's voice falls on his eyes.

The woman was dressed in an ordinary blue robe. Her long hair was tied into a simple bun. Half of her face was smooth and jade like, and her contour was exquisite. The other half of her face was full of scars, like dried orange peel. From the forehead to the chin, it was like a ghost. It was very terrible.

"I don't know how long no one has set foot here. The people who once stepped into the purple swallow forest are all dead. I'm breaking through the critical moment recently, so I don't want to kill life." Ghost spirit son did not answer her to ask a way, but disdain cold hum out a voice, the breath on the body is more Sen Leng terrible, "you had better go back quickly, otherwise, there is no amnesty to kill!"

"Gui Lingzi, in the lower voice, came to ask about how to treat the soul." Pan Yin stood still, hands bowing, politely asked.

"Ghost spirit son's face surged with anger, set off her half face more terrifying," I let you go, didn't you hear me? If you are determined to die, I don't mind fulfilling you! "

"Master guilingzi, if you can tell me how to treat the soul, I can cure the wound on your face." When she came, she noticed the wound on GUI Lingzi's face. It was not an ordinary burn, but a real fire burn!

"Heal my face?" Ghost spirit son as if to hear what joke general, the lip corner contains thick sarcasm.

"Not bad." The dial nods.

"Little girl, I advise you not to talk big." Ghost spirit son sneer way.

Her face did not know how many Dan pharmacists, all helpless, she can cure? What a joke!

"Why not block it? If you lose, your face is still the same, and you won't lose anything. If your face is cured, isn't it better? " Disk voice way, black bright eyes in the flashing cunning light.

"Talk to me about the terms? I'm not so easy to fool with! What if you didn't fix my face? " Ghost Lingzi said."Let it be dealt with!"

"Good! If you can't fix my face, I'll kill the three of you Ghost spirit son road.

"No, they have nothing to do with it. They just accompany me. If I don't cure your face, you can kill me! But you must let them go Pan Yin looked at Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er beside them and said to Gui Lingzi.

"I didn't expect you to be a man of love and righteousness! Yes, I promise you The ghost spirit son nods, her eye son turns to turn, in the eye sarcasm is more intense, "just how can I believe you? What if you make my face uglier before you cure it? "

Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er didn't talk, but they thought deeply. They could do it with master Zi's medical skills, but I don't know whether pan Yin is good or not. It is said that Pan Yin is Dan Shen, so it should be no worse than master Zi!

"How about being the God of Dan?" Pan Yin, lips, eyes as clear as the lake, the palm of the hand, a medicine tripod appeared in front of you.

"Danshen?" GUI Lingzi's eyes narrowed, and a quick flash of surprise flashed through the depths of his eyes. Did Archean world even have Dan God? I didn't expect it. It's just, isn't it said that the only Dan God over 60000 years ago was not dead?

These years she did not hear that there was a god of Dan on the mainland!

"I'll know when I make pills for you." Seeing the suspicious color of her eyes, the pan voice gently curved the corners of her lips.

"Yes! Then I'll watch you make alchemy. It happens that I haven't seen the alchemy of Dan God. " Guilingzi's sleeve robe brushed lightly, and a red sandalwood chair appeared behind him, and he turned leisurely and sat on it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!