Since tens of thousands of years ago, this half of the face was hurt by Tianmei zhenhuo, and she has no sense. Instead, she has a thick scar, which can't be torn off. She tried to pull the scabs before, but every time it was bloody and flesh blurred. As a result, a thicker layer of scab appeared. Since then, she has never pulled these scars again.

I didn't expect a day of recovery! She had been looking for many Dansheng before, they were helpless! Gradually, she gave up hope! However, heaven does not fail her, after all, it is to give her a chance to restore her appearance!

After a while, guilingzi's face was completely restored, without those ugly scars, her face was very beautiful and charming, a kind of contradictory combination, but it reflected incisively and vividly on her body, so perfect.

"Thank you for helping me restore my appearance. Please ask me what you want to ask." The ghost spirit son took a deep breath and looked at the pan voice with gratitude, "as long as I know, I will tell you without reservation."

"I want to know what kind of elixir can cure the seriously injured soul and where the path of reincarnation is The discoid voice opens.

"Reincarnation road..." Ghost spirit son whispers softly, such as autumn water beautiful eyes seem to dye a layer of memories.

"Ghost Lingzi, do you know where the path of reincarnation is?" Pan Yin looks at her with bright eyes. All the expressions on her face are telling her that she must know the way of reincarnation! Otherwise, you won't show such a look!

What's more, it seems that the connection between GUI Lingzi and reincarnation is not so simple!

After a long time, the ghost spirit son just lightly sighs, "reincarnation road I know where." Under the expectant eyes of Pan Yin, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er, GUI Lingzi continued, "the road of reincarnation is not in the Archaean world, but in the world of killing heaven."

"Kill heaven?" Pan Yin's eyes showed a surprised look, why she had never heard of it?

Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er are also confused.

"There is the highest ruler of the whole continent. There are ancient gods living in the heaven." The ghost spirit son speaks leisurely.

Xiao xuan'er blinked in surprise, "ancient gods? The supreme ruler of the mainland? Isn't it supposed to be God

"It's useless to tell you these things now. Your strength is too weak. Even if you go to zhutianjie, you can't find a way to reincarnate. But you are determined to go, and I won't stop you. Reincarnation route wizard guard, no one can enter. That's all I can say Guilingzi said, "as for the medicinal materials for the treatment of soul injuries, except for the peerless green lotus, there is only Hongye fruit. If even the peerless green lotus has no effect, the red fruit can only last for a few months. I happen to have red fruits here. I can give them to you for free. "

Words fall, palm a flash, a bright red to drop, such as the size of an apple fruit appeared in the heart of the ghost spirit son.

Thank you Pan Yin's face showed joy, and he reached out to take it.

"if the red fruit is matched with the golden Bodhi, the effect will be doubled, and the soul can be kept alive for at least ten years." Ghost spirit son road.

"Golden Bodhi?" The voice of the dial brightened the eyes.

"Yes, jinbodhi is in the hands of the devil. He has been used to cultivate his soul. It is difficult for you to snatch it from him." Ghost spirit son road.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will take the golden Bodhi." Pan Yin's eyes reveal a touch of determination, because it is the only hope that sister can survive!


After leaving Ziyan forest, Xiao xuan'er asked, "master, why do you have to find a way to be reborn? Master, is your soul hurt

If we find the way of reincarnation, can the master's soul wake up?

Well, will the soul of the master and daughter dial disappear?

In the past, the soul who hated disco took the master's body, but now she doesn't feel so disgusted, but she still hopes that she can return the body to the master as soon as possible!

"My soul is not hurt. It's my sister. Her soul has been badly damaged. I have to find a way to be reborn as soon as possible." Fortunately, guilingzi gave her the fruit of red karma. As long as she got the golden Bodhi from the devil's hand, her sister's soul could live ten years longer.

Although ten years is not much for a practitioner, it is just a flash of the finger, but with this ten years, she can look for the whereabouts of her reincarnation road without worry!

So this decade is very precious for her!

"Wanhua Pavilion master Pan Zhi jun?" Xiao xuan'er is surprised. No wonder that Pan Yin has been looking for a cure for the soul, as well as a way of reincarnation.


"Master, when shall we go to the demon clan?" Sheng'er asked, "or do you want to go now?"

"Now it's a bit rash to rush. After all, we are not familiar with the demon clan. We must make some inquiries first, and strive to get the golden Bodhi from the demon lord's hand. Otherwise, if the devil knows our intention, it will be difficult to get the golden Bodhi! " Xiao xuan'er's long and narrow eyes are full of fine light, shining like a black gem.

Pan Yin's eyes narrowed slightly. "You're right. If you just break in like this, you can't do anything, you'll be arrested or even dead."Moreover, if it had not been for the collusion between the demon lord and tianmeng more than 60000 years ago, she would not have been charged with colluding with the demons, and the whole pan clan would not have died

So this account should be settled with the devil in any case!

"Go back to Wanhua Pavilion first."

In the Wanhua Pavilion, when orange and others heard the pan Yin and wanted to break into the demon clan, they were all shocked.

"Two cabinet masters, never! The demons are always cunning and cruel. What can we do if you want to be hurt? The Great Pavilion master has We can't live without you again The elder said anxiously.

On orange's beautiful face, a touch of firmness appeared, "second Pavilion master, let me go! I will live up to my mission and get the golden Bodhi from the devil's hand

No more accidents for the second cabinet leader!

Pan Yin shook his head. "You are not rivals of the devil. And I've decided on it, so you don't have to say more. "

Cold left a word, turned to leave.

In the courtyard, Qionghua is still in full bloom. The snow-white petals blow down gently with the wind, and the sky is full of snowflakes.

Plain hand light exhibition, a Qionghua fell into the palm.

With my sister lying under the Qionghua tree, looking at the scene of the rain, still like yesterday.

However, in a twinkling of an eye, her sister has left her, turned into a soul that will never speak again and never smile to her again

Sister, I'm sorry!

I did not protect you, let you hurt again for me!

This time, I must save you. I will guard the Wanhua pavilion that you have worked hard to create for you when you are not here , the fastest update of the webnovel!