"Are you here today to fight against me? Don't you fear that I will kill you all in a rage? " The demon lord disdained to hum coldly, and his eyes passed coldly from Pan Yin, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er. His sharp eyes were like eagles, which made Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er uncomfortable.

"Of course not." His lips were shallow and his sword was condensed. He pointed to the demon lord, "today I'm here to kill you!"

"Ha ha ha..." The demon lord seemed to have heard some funny joke, his face showed a bloodthirsty sneer, and his gloomy eyes were locked in the pan Yin's body, "do you want to kill me? Tens of thousands of years ago, if it was not for your emperor Yuchen's design to frame up this king, how could I have been defeated? How can you be imprisoned by this bastard emperor Tian? It's a pity that I didn't kill you myself! I didn't expect that after more than 60000 years, you automatically delivered it to your door! It's just that I haven't had a fight with anyone for 60000 years. Now it's time to try the power of God's intermediate level! "

As soon as the voice fell, the demon lord on the opposite side had lost his figure. When he appeared again, he was already in front of the dial tone.

With his left hand lifted out, a palm print thundered toward the voice of the disc.

The golden palm print is facing the storm. When it reaches the front of Pan Yin, the palm print instantly becomes the size of a mountain peak. The golden light is all over the sky, with a holy and terrible breath!

"Ha ha, this is my latest research on the God's handprint, how about it?" The demon lord's triumphant laughter rang over his head.

Pan Yin's face was cold and heavy, and the sword in his hand was lifted up, and the palm print that came from the front of him was smashed hard.


With a muffled sound, pan Yin was knocked out by the demon lord's palm print, and a trace of blood flowed from her white mouth. She reached out to wipe the blood from her mouth, and her eyes, like black gems, were filled with sharp edges.

"Yes?" The demon lord's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her eyes quickly flashed by a surprise. It seemed that she could take her own attack! Although he didn't use all his strength in this palm, at least 70% of them were in the middle level of God!

I thought that this palm could hurt pan Yin so much that she lost the ability to move. Unexpectedly, she wiped the blood on her mouth like nobody else

This is a big blow to the demon lord! He was confident just now, but now he deeply doubts whether the power of this palm is too small?

"I thought you had practiced for more than 60000 years, and how strong your strength is, it seems that it is just so!" There was a sneer of disdain in the corner of his lips.

"Little girl! At that time, you and Emperor Yuchen worked together to design, so I was caught by you. Now emperor Yuchen is dead, and Emperor heaven can't possibly come to help you, so you want to kill me on your own? What's more, the strength of this gentleman is still higher than you In the eyes of the demon lord, there is a strong disdain and contempt.

"I'll see if I can kill you!" With a cold hum of Pan Yin, the powerful and majestic momentum gushed from her body. The power of green dragon blood and the nine changes of Taiji were exerted at the same time. At this moment, she seemed to be covered with a layer of infinite brilliance, climbing steadily.

From a junior God to an intermediate God in an instant!

"This How could... "

Just now also a face disdain ridicule of the devil in situ, eyes get the boss, incredible whispering voice.

There is such a skill in the world, which can improve the strength of a whole level in an instant!

He used to be able to do this! However, with the continuous improvement of strength, these skills have gradually lost their effect, because the gap between each level is huge, so these skills have no way to improve their strength for a short time.

What's more, the more difficult it is to be promoted. Apart from emperor Tian, no one can threaten him at all. Therefore, he did not study the skills to improve his strength for a short time

So it was a shock to see the disco jump to the middle God.


When the Demon Lord is stunned, pan Yin has already made a quick move. The red light of miesheng sword in his hand is full of red light, the sword spirit is flying, the red hair is flying with the wind, and the Red Green Dragon Armor is shining in the sun, like a God coming.


The whole world seemed to explode with a sword.

The whole hall was shaking and shaking violently.

"Destroy the way, soul, heaven, earth and God!"

"Destroy samsara!"

With seven swords coming out in succession, all of a sudden, the light and shadow spread all over the sky, and the sword spirit of terror filled the whole space and hit the whole space.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and dark clouds rolled over the sky. The whole world seemed to be suddenly dark. However, the bright sword flying all over the sky reflected the sky in a dazzling way. Two extreme black and white seemed to divide the sky into two worlds.

Seven swords come out together, the wind and cloud change color!

The demon lord's heart trembled violently, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes. The sound of this voice has such a powerful sword move, which has never been seen before!

"Back!"The devil's steps flashed back, that is, he quickly retreated towards the rear!

But the seven swords that crisscross and crisscross show the potential of wrapping, wrapping the demon lord tightly among them! There's no escape for him!




There was a roar.

Heaven and earth seem to be collapsing.

Heaven and earth seem to howl.

Below a magic hall was destroyed, collapsed, boulders flying, turned into gravel.

Flowers and trees are turned into powder!

How amazing the power of these seven swords!

"What a strong seven swords!" Xiao xuan'er opened her mouth slightly and exclaimed. She found that she and sheng'er couldn't help at all in the war. They had to watch the opera.

However, it seems that the master only realized six swords before. Was the last sword realized by Pan yin?

"The master is so handsome!" Sheng'er's eyes are blurred and his face is worshipped.

And those demon people have been scared silly, standing in the same place dare not move.

"It's impossible to kill Ben Jun!" The demon lord roared in anger.

At this moment, the demon lord knew that he had fallen into a desperate situation. It was his carelessness! He never thought that the strength of the disc voice was so strong! It seems that it is not only him who has made progress over the past 60000 years, but also his opponents are constantly improving!

At this moment, the demon lord's heart is full of regret. He regrets that he despises the enemy so much and gives pan Yin a chance to make a move!

With both hands dancing, a golden bead appears in front of the Demon Lord. His hands are constantly changing and dancing around the gold bead. Then a picture of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers is presented in front of you. It is magnificent and magnificent.

Although his move seems to be extremely powerful, but because he is too hasty, there is no more time to make this move more powerful.

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