"Master Xing, when you take a bath, add this liquid into the water and soak it for a day and a night. After three days, I'll give you acupuncture. " Mu Qianyue divides the medicine liquid in the medicine tripod into seven bottles, and takes one bottle and hands it to Xingyou.

Star you is busy excitedly to take over, the water mist is flashing in turbid eyes, "good, I go to take a bath now!"

It just stinks!

Words fall, the figure of star you already disappeared in the courtyard.

Mu Xiaoyue shook his head with a smile to see his excited and excited appearance, but also like a child who didn't grow up.

"Sister mu, your medical skills are really good!" Lingfeng's eyes are full of worship. He keeps staring at mu Qianyue in front of him without blinking.

The sunshine makes her face more beautiful and bright.

"Well, with the green wood, there is still a lack of ancient animal blood..." In the courtyard, mu Qianyue sits on a wooden chair and thinks with her eyebrows. As long as she finds the ancient animal blood, she can refine the animal body for Qinglong and Xuanwu.

"Sister mu, do you want ancient animal blood?" Lingfeng sits beside her and hears her murmuring. She raises her head and looks at her.

"Yes." Mu Xiaoyue nodded and looked at the spirit wind beside her. Her eyes were shining like stars. "Spirit wind, do you know where there is ancient animal blood?"

Lingfeng bit his lips, did not speak, his face showed tangled color, seems to be very difficult.

"Lingfeng, it's OK. I know you must have your difficulties and difficulties." Mu shallow moon lip Cape rippled up a light smile, reached out to touch his head, like a lovely big sister next door.

"Sister mu, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but that I don't want to go back. I have ancient animal blood in my family, but I can't get it. " Lingfeng lowered his head and said with a guilty look. He raised his head, and a firm look flashed in his star eyes, "my life was saved by you. I should repay you, but I can't come out of the family because of fear of returning to my family I'm a real coward! Sister mu, don't worry. I will try to help you with the ancient animal blood! "

"Lingfeng, since you try your best to escape from the family, it proves that you don't want to go back. Naturally, I won't force you and hate you. As for the ancient animal blood, I will try my best to do it myself! " Mu shallow month light said, at the beginning saved the spirit wind, just handy, so she did not want to blackmail Lingfeng to do for themselves, this is not her style.

Although she needs ancient animal blood very much, she also hopes to obtain the section through normal ways and means, rather than forcing spirit wind.

"No! Sister mu, I will try to help you get the ancient animal blood! " Lingfeng curled his lips and said, "ancient animal blood has been preserved by my family for more than 100000 years. It's like a treasure to be worshipped. If you just look at it and don't use it, no matter how good it is, it's useless! Good things must be used in order to play its due value! "

Well More than 100000 years

Mu Xiaoyue is surprised in her heart. The family of Lingfeng should pay great attention to this ancient blood, and I don't know which Warcraft's blood is!

If you can get it, it will certainly have a great effect on Qinglong and Xuanwu!

"Lingfeng, can you tell me about killing heaven?" Asked asamo.

"Yes." Spirit wind does not hesitate to nod, and then the color of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Mu elder sister, are you not the person who kills heaven?"

"We're from the Archean world. We met you as soon as we came from Archean." Mu shallow month did not conceal, for the pure spirit wind, she is still very fond of, very trust.

"So sister mu, you are from the Archaean world Lingfeng's face suddenly realized, "although Zhu Tianjie has a vast territory, it has a small population. There are only three families, xuanzu, lingzu and Xingyue. The others are the gods left over from ancient times. Protoss are slow to reproduce... "

Through the explanation of Lingfeng, mu Qianyue understood what it meant to be a slow reproduction.

It turns out that the cultivation and life span of the protoss are faster and longer than others, so they are limited by the law of heaven. In zhutianjie, it takes tens of thousands of years for some couples to give birth to a life, and it takes 10000 years for those with good luck to give birth to a life, which leads to the sparsely populated zhutianjie.

Otherwise, according to the rate of human reproduction, it is estimated that the whole zhutianjie will be full of people.

"Are you a spiritual man?" His name is Lingfeng, so mu Qianyue immediately thought of the lingzu, and then combined with Lingfeng's mockery of fengyunxin, mu Qianyue affirmed his idea.

"Yes, I am from the spirit clan." Spirit wind also did not conceal, very simply nodded, can see in his heart, he is also extremely trusting to Mu shallow moon.

"Do you know the witch clan?" Dai Mei frowned slightly, and mu Qianyue's face was a little serious. When Lingfeng talked about the three big families, they were xuanzu, lingzu and Xingyue, but there was no witch clan!

Have the sorcerers disappeared from the world?

"Sister mu, the witch clan has disappeared from the world of killing heaven since 100000 years ago..." Lingfeng's words let mu Qianyue's heart cool, one hundred thousand years ago disappeared from Zhu Tianjie? Can we still find the way to reincarnation?But then Lingfeng's words almost made her want to beat people.

"In fact, the witch clan did not really disappear. To be exact, it was the Wuzu who had internal strife and then split up into three big families." The spirit breeze sees Mu shallow month in the eye the expression of madness, not from the proud pick eyebrow.

"Can't you finish at once?" Mu Xiaoyue's mouth is depressed. Do you want to beat him up?

Almost didn't scare her to death!

If the witch clan really disappeared, the road of reincarnation will inevitably disappear in the long river of history, in the long years

"Hey, hey..." The spirit wind complacent smile.

"These three families are the xuanzu, lingzu and Xingyue clan?" Asked asamo.

"Yes." Lingfeng nodded, "sister mu, what do you want to do with the witch clan?"

"I want to find a way to be reborn."

"Reincarnation road?" Spirit wind's eyes flashed with amazement.

"Lingfeng, do you know where the path of reincarnation is?" Like a traveler trapped in the desert, mu Qianyue looks at him brightly, even afraid to blink for fear of missing a trace of expression on Lingfeng's face.

Lingfeng shook his head, "to tell you the truth, I don't know where the reincarnation road is, but I have heard these three words from the elder's mouth. I don't know anything else. "

Mu Xiaoyue saw this, and did not continue to ask. It must be that Lingfeng really doesn't know, otherwise it will be said. Of course, she will not think that Lingfeng is deceiving her and pretending not to know.

If Lingfeng really wants to pretend that she doesn't know, there's no need to tell her about the witch clan, let alone mention the path of reincarnation.

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