"If it's bragging, try it and you'll know." Xiao xuan'er has a quiet and charming smile, just like red crabapple in spring.

After that, she disappeared in the same place. When she appeared again, she had already appeared beside Feng Yunxin and others. Her slender palms flashed out in front of her body. Feng Yunxin and others immediately flew out and fell directly from the second floor into the hall on the first floor.

The railings, tables and chairs were smashed in an instant, and the dishes and wine cups fell to the ground, and ping-pong rattled.

Because all this happened so fast, Feng Yunxin and others almost didn't react. Until they fell on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood, they didn't understand what happened!

And Sanchang had been stunned for a long time. His eyes were wide open. His eyes were full of unbelievable expression. It seemed that he could not believe the scene in front of him.

"This How could it be? "

The woman who looks about the same age as the young lady has the strength of God kingdom?

When Xiao Xuaner didn't do it just now, he didn't see through her strength. He thought she was wearing some magic weapon to hide her strength. Now he knows that the strength of others is not inferior to him! It is also a strong God!

"No wonder you dare to rob our xuanzu's things with such arrogance. It's God's kingdom!" The three elders stare at Xiao xuan'er, some gnashing their teeth.

The fall of his voice immediately caused a sensation in the restaurant. For a moment, people talked and marveled at Xiao Xuaner's strength.

Xiao xuan'er turned his eyes with disdain. He was not only God's realm, but also sheng'er and master's son? Sheng'er and the master didn't start. If they did, how could they still stand here and be wild?

But she will not say it, she will not tell the real strength of the master to these people!

"Hum! Your talent is really good. Look at your breath. It hasn't been long since you were promoted to heaven. Little girl, I advise you not to be too arrogant, or you don't know how you died! "

"Is it? I'd like to see how I died. " Facing the cold threat of the three elders, Xiao xuan'er has no fear on her beautiful face. Instead, she has a pair of long and deep eyes, which twinkle with the subtle light.

"Three elders, kill them for me!" Feng Yunxin has already got up from the ground and walked on the second floor again. Her eyes are resentful and vicious, and she looks at Xiao xuan'er in the opposite direction. Her pretty face is white and ferocious.

Damn it! This damned woman has the power of God! It must be that she deliberately pretended to be weak, so that she and her party relaxed their vigilance, and just now she won the attack!

Otherwise, there are three elders present, how could she easily hurt herself!

Of course, this is just Feng Yunxin's own idea. Xiao Xuaner didn't want to hide her strength at the beginning, but the skills she and sheng'er learned could hide their strength.

Hearing Feng Yun heart's words, the three elders could not help wrinkling, the eyes obviously flashed a touch of displeasure, the second miss is really not a bit of brain! The woman on the other side is a strong man in God's land. Even if she wants to kill her, it is not easy to kill her. Besides, there is an old man named Xingyou, who is a nine level Heavenly Master. If they work together, his chance of winning is not high.

"Three elders." The other five of the Xuan people also got up from the hall on the first floor, covered their chest and limped back to the three elders.

"Yes." The three elders nodded lightly and glanced at them indifferently. Although the strength of the five of them was only the primary and middle level Tianzun, it should be no problem to hold down Xingyou.

Only one by one slowly solved, who let them insult him in public?

Those who don't pay attention to him and xuanzu people should die!

A strong murderous spirit diffused from him, and the whole restaurant seemed to fall into the cold pool in an instant. The cold and bloodthirsty atmosphere enveloped the whole restaurant, making people's pores stand upright.

"Ha ha Do you really want to kill us? " With a sneer in his mouth, Xing you looked at the three elders of the Xuan clan with his eyes light and slanting, "who is wrong? I think you must be very clear in your heart? If you are determined to overturn black and white, grab the green wood in my hand, it doesn't matter! It's just that I'm not such a bully! "

Stars and moons?

Hearing these three words, the three elders of xuanzu changed their faces. They were shocked by the rapid crossing of their eyes. The other side was actually a member of Xingyue clan!

His eyes fell on Xiao xuan'er, sheng'er and mu Qianyue. Are they the direct disciples of Xingyue clan? Otherwise, they would not be so young, nor would they be accompanied by an elder of the Ninth level heaven

It is said that there have been several talents in Xingyue clan in recent years. But the girl in the God's land is the genius of Xingyue clan?

The hearts of the three elders of the Xuan clan came up and down one after another, and the startled thoughts flashed through his mind. He had to reexamine Xingyou, especially the girl in the middle who was wearing a light purple dress. Although she never said a word from the beginning to the end, the cool and watery temperament that spread from her body was very attractive and calm like water The deep and secluded ocean seems calm, but it can't be seen at all. It's unpredictable and frightening.She is the scariest one!

The three elders of xuanzu suddenly had this idea in their hearts. After careful consideration, he found that it was not only Xiao Xuaner's strength, but also the strength of the girl in purple and green!

Either their strength is stronger than him, or they wear magic weapons that can hide their strength!

However, at this moment, the three elders of xuanzu preferred to believe in the former, because he had been careless before, so he did not think that Xiao xuan'er was God's kingdom! Will these two women be like the girl in red, who are in the heaven?

"They are not members of the Starmoon clan!" Feng Yun heart gritted teeth, eyes full of unwilling look, if Mu shallow moon they are the people of Xingyue clan, there is no need to trade with star you.

"Yes, they are not Xingyue people, but I am a member of Xingyue clan. Qinglin wood is my property. Don't you want Qinglin? If you have the ability, take it from me. " The star you disdains rolled the white eye.

Feng Yun was choking, and her expression was like eating a fly. She never thought that the old man was a member of Xingyue clan!

Her eyes hate to look at Mu shallow moon, wait for her to cheat from the hand of star you green Lin wood, oneself again take from her hand! But the slap she got for no reason would never have been over!

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