"Star you disdains to sneer out a voice," how to say is also alive 30000 years old person, also be an adult, still young? If she can say that, she will pay for her behavior! "

People always have to pay for their own behavior!

"Brother Xing, do you really want to? Can it be seen from the face of the Xuan people that it's all over? " The face of the three elders of xuanzu is a little cold and iron blue.

He really didn't expect that Xingyou was a member of Xingyue clan. What made him depressed was that mu Qianyue was actually a member of lingzu!

In this way, the second miss not only offended the Xingyue clan, but also offended the spirit clan!

If these lingzu return to lingzu and report what the second young lady has done to the head of lingzu, then the engagement between xuanzu and lingzu will be cancelled!

The second miss is really, want to grab the green wood in the hands of Xingyou, how can you not inquire about the origin of these people in advance, so rashly offended the spirit clan and the Star Moon Clan!

I used to think that the second miss was very smart. Now I really think that the second miss is really stupid! What a fool!

But he had to wipe his ass for the second miss's behavior!

"Is the face of the Xuan people big? Ha ha Xuanzu is not a fart in my eyes. If you insult me like this, you will not die! " Star you cold hum a, again body movement, again toward the Phoenix rhyme heart flutter in the past, it can be said that is not a bit of face!

He has lived for tens of thousands of years. Everyone respects and fears him. No one has ever dared to insult him like this. Even the patriarch will give him three parts of face. A second young lady of Xuan nationality has such a big posture?

What a bully!

He is just a second young lady of xuanzu. He is so arrogant that he has opened his eyes today!

Even the Xuan people are so unreasonable and aggressive, so he doesn't need to give Xuan people face!

The fierce strength is coming!

The three elders of Xuan clan resisted in a hurry. This time, he was ordered by the clan leader to accompany the second young lady out to experience and see the world. If there is something wrong with the second young lady, his responsibility will be great!

Feng Yun's face was dull, and it seemed that she hadn't recovered from the fright. When she thought that Xingyou was going to kill herself, her anger burst out in her heart. Xingyue clan, lingzu, this account book Miss wrote down! I want you to look good in the future!

"Ha ha, didn't you say you'd kill us just now?" Xiao xuan'er, with a malicious sneer on her lips, walks towards Fengyun heart while rubbing her hands.

"She wants to rob our master. Xuan'er, how can we punish her?" Sheng'er also stood up from the position, cunning eyes containing star awn, also toward the Phoenix rhyme heart walked past.

Looking at the coming Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er, Feng Yun heart's face turned white, and her steps could not help but retreat back. Her eyes showed a look of fear, "what do you want to do?"

As the three elders said just now, this woman seems to be God's kingdom!

"Guess what we want to do?" Xiao xuan'er's lips are cold.

Looking at Xiao xuan'er who was getting closer and closer, Feng Yunxin hid behind the other five people. "I tell you, I'm the second miss of xuanzu. If you dare to hurt me, I won't let you go!"

"Oh, I'm so scared! Please don't let us go, will you Sheng'er's delicate face pretended to be frightened and frightened. Feng Yun's heart was flushed with anger. Her neck was thick and her body trembled. If she had not been afraid of Xiao Xuaner and sheng'er's strength, she would have rushed forward.

"You and you are too much! Are you not afraid to be struck by thunder Feng Yun heart looks very ugly said.

"Are we too arrogant?" Hearing this, sheng'er couldn't help laughing. It was clearly that she was too arrogant before, OK? Now they actually say that they are too arrogant, but also look aggrieved. I don't know that they think they are bullying her!

It is true that people are not old-fashioned!

You're so smart!

"Aren't you arrogant in bullying the weak with the strong?" Feng Yun heart Half bite lips, eyes surging with unwilling anger color.

"Poof! We bully the weak with the strong? " Xiao xuan'er couldn't help laughing. She put her hands around her chest, with a sneer in her eyes. "It seems that you were the one who was arrogant and brought people to rob things? Before clearly is also you, relies on you is the Xuan nationality second young lady's status to want to rob! Well You're really good at turning black and white into horses! I really admire you

"Ha ha ha..."

"How could there be such a shameless man in the world."

"Yes! Thanks to her, she is still the second young lady of the Xuan people. If all the Xuans are of this virtue, then the Xuans are really bad! "

"This time I've learned a lot! It turns out that the Xuan people like to bully the weak with the strong. If they can't bully them, they will bite back! "

All the people around the restaurant couldn't help laughing, and their eyes were full of sarcasm.

Feng Yun heart's face was blue and white. She was so ugly that she wanted to find a hole in the ground. She looked up and looked at Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er, but there was nothing she could do."Do you kneel down and admit your mistakes to my master, or do you want us to help you?" Xiao xuan'er was leering at her.

Feng Yun heart pale face, "by what? I'm xuanzu II... "

Before she finished her words, she saw Xiao xuan'er's cold and sharp eyebrows and eyes. Her heart shrank with fright, and then she swallowed the words behind her.

"Don't go too far! Although you are spiritual people, you are not qualified to let my lady kneel down and apologize to your master! " Standing in front of Feng Yun's heart and body, a man said.

He was dressed in a delicate green robe, with delicate features and fair features. At this time, he blocked the heart of Feng Yun behind him, and looked at Xiao xuan'er with a cold eye.

"Yes! Don't bully people because you are spiritual people Other Xuan people said angrily.

If it had not been for the fear that the former women were a God's land, they would have started.

I never thought that the other side was so young that he was a strong man in the kingdom of God!

"Ah..." A light smile rings in the restaurant. Mu Qianyue, who has never moved in her seat, can't help but sneer. Her chin is light and her eyes are as cold as frost to Feng Yunxin and others, "one point, I want to make it clear that I am not a spiritual person! But... "

The slender jade finger pointed to Feng Yun heart, "she wants to seek to seize, insult, slander and our star elders, let her kowtow to admit mistakes is the biggest tolerance. Otherwise, I don't mind killing her! "

A powerful and terrifying momentum emanated from her and enveloped the whole restaurant. All of a sudden, people felt an invisible pressure on her body, like a hundred thousand mountains on her body, suffocating and depressing, and extremely miserable.

However, fengyunxin and xuanzu's people all have big faces, especially the man standing in front of Fengyun's mind, Feng Tiancheng. At this time, his face is pale and frightened, and his eyes are full of disbelief

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