Feng Yun Xin's face suddenly became stiff and ugly, but she controlled it well. Quan Dang didn't hear her. She squeezed out a smile. She picked up the wine pot on the table, poured a glass of wine into the wine cup in front of Lingjun, and then gently lifted it to the direction of Mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er. She said with a smile, "thank you for saving feng'er's life. It was Yun before The heart's fault is that Yunxin misunderstands you three. I hope you will forgive me. After that, you will also be Yunxin's life-saving benefactor. Yunxin will thank you for feng'er! "

After that, he raised his head and wanted to drink it all at once, but was caught by Lingjun.

In the eyes of the deep eyes of the Phoenix, her eyes are not as deep as the wine.

"Brother Jun, it's just a glass of wine. I'm fine. As long as I can get the forgiveness of Mu girls, not to mention a glass of wine, I will drink it without hesitation." Feng Yun heart looks at Ling Jun with a shy face, and her eyebrows and eyes are shy. Is that worried about her?

Ling Jun's face is still a cool and cold, but the bottom of his eyes is a little disgusted, "I don't like other people touching my cup."

With a cry, Feng Yun's shy, crimson face instantly turned to pig liver color, and her smile at the corner of her mouth was so stiff that she could not laugh or cry. Her expression could be as ugly as it could be. It was embarrassing to death.

"Brother Jun..." The voice is as light as a mosquito, with infinite grievances. She looks at Lingjun with tears. Feng Yunxin's hands are still holding wine cups. For a while, I don't know whether to drink or not.

"Put it down." Ling Jun's voice is cold, there is no room for bargaining.

Looking at Ling Jun seems to be angry, Feng Yun heart had to put down the wine glass obediently, she slightly drooped her head, tears burst out of her eyes, and gently sobbed.

How could brother Jun treat her like this? In front of so many people, he even refused to give her a trace of face

"Somebody, change my glass." Lingjun light command way.

As his voice fell, immediately a maid came forward, carefully and respectfully replaced a wine cup for Lingjun.

With a flick of Lingjun's finger, a ray of light flashed out and fell on the handmaid's hand. The wine cup that had been taken by Fengyun heart on the handmaid's hand was instantly turned into vermicelli.

"Brother Jun, you are too much!" Feng Yunxin couldn't help it any longer. "Teng" stood up. She glared at Lingjun in pain and sorrow.

Did she just touch the glass? As for whether he was changed or destroyed? Is that how annoying she is?

"Miss Feng, you should know my habit. I never like people touching my things." Lingjun said lightly.

"But But I'm no one else I am your fiancee Feng Yun's heart and eyes are whirling with tears.

"Not yet, at least."

Ling Jun's indifference and estrangement deeply hurt the heart of Feng Yun, "is that different? Tomorrow we will hold the engagement ceremony, and then I will be your fiancee! Don't you allow me to touch your things in the future? In the future, we will share the same bed and love each other for a lifetime

"That's tomorrow, too." Ling Jun's eyebrows seem to be covered with a layer of frost, the whole person bathed in the setting sun, appears more cold.

"Brother Jun, you were not like this before. We knew each other when we were young. Although we can't talk about childhood sweethearts, we also know each other well. I don't know why you treat me like this. What's wrong with your heart? You tell me, I can change it! I will do anything for you And looking at his tears.

"Miss Feng, you are very well. You don't need to change anything." Lingjun said lightly.

"If I'm good, why do you treat me like this, so indifferent to me, so distant?" Feng Yun Xin couldn't hear that it was Lingjun's perfunctory. She lifted her eyes and fell on mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er in front of her. Her mouth was full of mockery, "is it because of them? They are more beautiful than me, but my appearance is not bad, and I am the second miss of xuanzu. My identity is beyond their comparison! "

Since these three women came to the spirit clan, brother Jun has been more indifferent to himself. Before that, he treated everyone the same, but now this kind of indifference obviously keeps her away!

"This is our business. It has nothing to do with them. Don't involve innocent people." Ling Jun frowned.

"Hum! Innocent people? " Feng Yun's heart was filled with sarcasm, "they are clearly a group of evil minded fox spirits, and only your brothers will be fascinated by them!"

"Presumptuous!" Lingjun clapped his hands on the table, his eyebrows were cold, as cold as a knife edge, and his whole body was full of cold air. "Miss Feng, have you not been taught etiquette by xuanzu people?"

"I..." Feng Yun's heart was half lip biting, with infinite grievances in her eyes. "Brother Jun, it was just me who was too angry just now that I could not choose my words. I was confused by anger..."Lingfeng disdains to snort. It is clear that her nature is like this, and she is still making excuses for herself. When she is angry, she is more obvious. Before in Feixian restaurant, fengyunxin slandered sister Yue and master Xingyou for the sake of qinglinmu. Now she slanders sister Yue, sister xuan'er and sister sheng'er.

Mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er are always enjoying wine and watching the excitement.

Ren Fengyun heart and Lingjun how to make trouble, it's none of their business.

But is this Phoenix rhyme heart a little silly? Mingming Lingjun said it was none of their business, but they had to be involved in them! Doesn't she know that this will make Lingjun disgusted? It seems that Lingjun doesn't like Fengyun heart!

"Brother Jun, that's because I care too much about you. I'm afraid that you will be robbed by others..." Fengyunxin looked at Lingjun pitifully and wrongly. Seeing that he was a pair of Gao Leng and unwilling to pay attention to his appearance, Feng Yunxin knew that he could only find interest in him if he continued to stay, so he said, "brother Jun, I suddenly feel a little sick. Then you should help Mu girl and the three of them, and I will go back to have a rest first."

"Yes." Ling Jun nodded lightly and did not detain him.

Looking at the Phoenix rhyme heart to leave the figure, Mu shallow moon's eye ground more a trace of meditation.

After Feng Yunxin made such a fuss, the banquet also lost its original flavor. Mu Qianyue and Lingfeng all seemed a little boring, so the banquet soon ended. Mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er were not interested in these things.

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