Feng's family leader was silent. He also wanted to kill the three women. Anyone who threatened his daughter should never be left! However, as the head of his family, he can't say such words. It's most suitable for his wife to do these things!

Feng Yun heart to see the eyes of Mu shallow moon also with a cold bloodthirsty light.

"You've been deceiving too much! In vain, you are the mother of xuanzu, and you say such words without moral cultivation! Say month elder sister they are fox spirit, then what are you? I think you are jealous of sister Yue. They look better than you! Hum! As long as I'm here, you don't want to hurt sister Yue's hair! " Lingfeng is like a hedgehog with fried hair. She stares at Mrs. Feng in front of her body with fierce light and anger.

"Presumptuous! I am the leading mother of xuanzu. Can I compare with them Mrs. Feng angrily scolded. Seeing the strange eyes of the people around her, she was embarrassed, but she was soon suppressed by the anger and hatred in her heart.

They all felt that Mrs. Feng's words and deeds were too much. They were the saviors of Lingfeng. They came to attend an engagement ceremony. They were scolded as foxes for no reason. Now they have to kill them. How can they be such people?

However, xuanzu is one of the three big families that kill heaven. They have the same existence as the top. Even if they have ideas in their hearts, they dare not say so. Otherwise, they will offend xuanzu!

Seeing Lingfeng so defending herself, Mu Xiaoyue's heart was moved by a trace. She put her hand on Lingfeng's shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiaofeng, don't worry, no one can hurt us."

"Sister Yue, I invited you to my house to play. I'm really sorry that such a thing has happened! No matter what, I have the duty to protect you! Otherwise, what kind of man am I Lingfeng's tender eyebrows were wrinkled together, and his chest showed his determination.

"You're not a grown-up man yet." Xiao xuan'er joked.

When Mrs. Feng sees that mu Qianyue and Xiao xuan'er are both dying, she dares to laugh here. Completely ignoring his own dignity, he could not help but be more angry. He looked at the master of the spirit family and Mrs. Ling and threatened, "if you don't kill them, how can I trust to give you my precious daughter? I don't want to marry my heart to your spiritual family, but I will be wronged! "

"Master of the spirit family, although my wife's words are heavy, they are also the thoughts in my heart. After all, it's about the happiness of my daughter's life, and I don't think of anything bad. If you can do what my wife says, I'll give you what you want immediately Feng family master's sharp eyes are surging with fine awn.

The master of the Ling family changed his face when he heard the words. Naturally, he knew that the Phoenix family Master said "what you want" meant the stars' tears. Besides his spirit family, the Feng family master also knew something about it. Therefore, he agreed with the Feng family master's request that jun'er should marry Xin'er as his wife.

"Master Feng, it's really hard for me to do that! Feng's wife, please don't implicate them! I'm going to drive the three of them out, and they won't be allowed to enter the spiritual city forever. What about that? " For the future of the spirit clan, he can only be a treacherous villain. Although he is to drive the three of them out of the spirit city and never get into it, it is better than killing them. It is good to keep alive for good or bad.

After they left, he sent people to apologize to the three of them and offered them a generous reward. I believe they will not continue to entangle them.

Father! How can you do that? " Ling Jun's unbelievable big eyes, is this still his father who knows the truth? How could you say such a thing!

"Jun'er, don't disobey your father any more. This is the best result." Lingfu life afraid of Lingjun will say what kind of words, quickly comfort way.

Ling Jun waved his wife's hand and looked at the man who was tall and upright in his heart. He said, "father, since I was a child, you have taught me to repay kindness, treat people sincerely and keep faith. Now you have done such a thing, which is really disappointing to me!"

"Presumptuous!" The master of the spirit family was very angry. Looking at his son's disappointed eyes, he felt a pain in his heart. But when he thought about the dying ancestors, the elders of the Supreme Lord, and the future of the spiritual family, he was cruel and cruel, "this is the father's decision, and can't be changed any more! What's more, you're the first to blame, so you can't blame anyone else but yourself

All the onlookers were filled with grief. Although the master of the spirit family drove them out of the spirit City, they were still alive. It was so much better than that Mrs. Feng wanted to kill them.

Feng Yun heart's lips were filled with a smile of satisfaction. Although they didn't kill them, it was good to drive them out of the spirit city and from brother Jun's side! As long as they don't show up at his side, she has many ways to make him change his mind and fall in love with himself!

Yes, it's a change of heart! Before the handsome elder brother although to her some indifference, at least will not be so rigid as now! All this is due to them! She believes that brother Jun has a little affection for her, but now he doesn't like her at all!

"Good! If you drive them away, even me Lingjun angry way.

"Father, what you do is really strange to me. Why do you become so?" Lingfeng is also looking at him with disappointment."Spirit little Lord, Xiao Feng, it's because of us. I'm really sorry. I'll keep your friendship in mind." Mu Qianyue said faintly that although she didn't like Ling family owners, Lingjun and Lingfeng were always on her side, and even spared no effort to quarrel with his father for their sake. Therefore, she had no complaints about Lingjun and Lingfeng brothers.

She didn't want Lingjun and Lingfeng to turn against each other for them.

Then he looked up at the master of the Ling family, and a sarcastic arc appeared in the corner of his lips. "I didn't expect that the head of the lingzu clan was a villain who didn't know what to do. I don't want to stay here. Xuan'er, sheng'er, let's go. "

"Master, but..." Xiao xuan'er bit her lips reluctantly. They came to the spiritual family for the spirit stone! Now that there is no clue to the spirit stone, it's a waste of time to leave?

Sheng'er did not speak, but followed mu Qianyue. Since the master said to go, he would go. I believe the master will have other ways.

"Miss mu, wait a minute." Ling Jun called, he stepped forward, eyes light is rare serious, "I go with you!"

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