"Ah, I also heard that those people who entered the city Lord's house never came out again. It is said that they were all killed by the city Lord!"

"Ah? Is this girl going to die? "

"Whatever! She chose her own way to die for wealth and birds for food. "

People shake their heads and sigh, and look at the eyes of Mu Qianyue with regret.

"Let's go and have a look." Lips raised a smile, Mu shallow moon regardless of people's different eyes, toward the side of the Ling Jun said.

Step light lift, toward the direction of the city Lord's house.

Ling Jun's eyes flashed a touch of doubt, followed closely in Mu shallow moon side, "Mu girl, you want to go to the ghost city little Lord cure?"

"Yes Mu shallow moon nods, for that ancient giant elephant animal Dan, how she also wants to have a try.

Ancient colossus is a kind of ancient divine beast. Although it is not comparable to Qinglong, Baihu and Qilin, it is also powerful and incomparable to refine its body with its animal pill.

Because the most powerful ancient colossus is physical defense, which is more suitable for Xuanwu.

They soon arrived at the gate of the Lord's house.

"This is the city Lord's house. Please leave as soon as possible The two guardians at the gate of the gate of the city called out to the guards of the gate.

"I'm here to cure you." Mu Xiaoyue raised the notice in her hand.

The guard changed his attitude. "Please come inside, please."

Under the guidance of the guards, mu Qianyue entered the city Lord's mansion. There were all kinds of rare flowers, carved beams, painted buildings, strange stones and flowing water. In the garden, there was an ancient tree carved with jade, which was more than three meters high, and hung with petals carved with light purple and light pink jade. It was dazzling in the sun.

This luxurious and luxurious decoration style, you can see the moon secretly smashing the tongue.

Is this city Lord's mansion trying to show off how rich they are?

I don't know what kind of taste the Lord of the ghost city is. He can decorate his mansion like this!

Even Ling Jun is a stunned look.

After about a cup of tea, I went to the hall of the city Lord's house. A man and a woman were in a sad mood.

"Lord, Madame." The guard stepped forward and called.

The Lord of the ghost city is a beautiful and beautiful middle-aged man. He looks gentle and elegant, and he has a soft scholar's breath. If you don't know the identity of the man in front of you, I don't think he is the city master of the ghost city.

"What's the matter?" At this time, he frowned, looked impatiently at the guard and asked.

"These two people said that they could cure Shao Zhu's disease." The guard quickly bowed his hands and said respectfully.

"Can you really cure my son?" With the moon's face, I'm not surprised to see the city's owner.

"I have to see what it is first." Mu shallow month did not immediately answer, after all, here is Zhu Tianjie, do not know their own medical skills here can be used.

The next moment, Mu's eyes fell on the ghost city lady's slightly familiar face, not from a Leng, ghost spirit son? How could she be here? When did she become the wife of the Lord of the ghost city?

When the lady of ghost town looks at the moon, a touch of jealousy flashed in her eyes. How beautiful and beautiful she looks in the world. Compared with that bitch, it is not bad at all, even better than that one

"If you can cure my son's illness, you will get a lot of the reward on the notice! But if you can't cure my son's illness, then you can accompany him in pain The ghost city lady's face shows ferocious color, the voice that talks all has a gloomy breath.

In fact, just now, mu Qianyue knew that she was not a ghost spirit son, but she had the same appearance as the ghost spirit son.

Although the ghost spirit son is arrogant and indifferent, it is not a snake and scorpion. As soon as the woman in front of her opens her mouth, she will die. You can imagine how vicious the mind is.

Lingjun smelled the speech and showed anger on his face, "what do you mean? We are kind to treat your son, but you threaten us like this! Let's not treat the disease! We don't need any reward at all! "

He did not see mu Qianyue perform medical skills, so he did not know whether she could cure the disease of the ghost town young master, but the ghost lady's words were too much!

Kill them if you can't cure them? How can there be such a unreasonable woman in this world? It's a virtue with Feng Yun heart!

"Presumptuous!" The lady of the ghost city yelled angrily, and her lips curled up a sarcastic arc. "Where do you think the city Lord is? Do you come and go when you want to? "

Lingjun frowned speechless and simply looked at the main road of the ghost city, "ghost city Lord, is this the rule of your city Lord's house? Although we don't know if we can cure Shao Zhu's disease, we will try our best to cure it! If everyone who can't be cured will be killed mercilessly, I'm afraid that all the doctors in this world will be killed by you, right? I don't know who dares to come to the city Lord's house? I'm afraid that if someone in the city Lord's house is ill, there won't be another doctor, even if you offer a sky high reward. ""What a big voice! Today's youth is not only arrogant and arrogant, but also impetuous. I don't know how many famous doctors in zhutianjie are helpless. You two can cure it well? " Ghost lady disdains to sneer.

"Since you have said that the doctors of the whole heaven killing world are helpless, let's go and have a look. Maybe we can cure it well and make our son have more hope." Mu shallow moon light said, if not for that ancient animal Dan, she would not say so much nonsense, would have turned away.

"Who knows if you want to cheat for the rich reward of my city Lord's house?" The ghost lady has contempt in her eyes.

"If we can't cure it, will you pay us? You two must not be idiots Mu Xiaoyue sneers.

"Be bold! How dare you say we are fools The ghost lady was completely angry.

"This disease is not cured," Mu shallow month coldly threw down a word, toward the side of Ling Jun way, "let's go."

It's just right that this ghost little Lord can't be cured well. It's strange that such a mother can be cured well.

"Two, please wait." Cried the Lord of the ghost city.

Mu Qianyue stops.

"You two, I'm sorry. My wife is too worried about my son's illness, so I can talk nonsense for a while. I'm not one of those people who don't know how to repay my kindness. No matter whether you can cure my son's illness or not, I will not embarrass you. If you can cure my son's illness, you will be given the same reward in the notice The ghost city Lord said, while staring at the ghost lady next to one eye.

"We will do our best." Mu shallow moon see ghost city Lord attitude is OK, this just opens a mouth.

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