Luo weather shook off the ghost lady's hand, a face of impatience, "look at you now, compared with that year is really far from it! Even the original tender and considerate can not be found! Don't blame me for being rude if you do this again

Lengleng throws down a word, Luo weather no longer looks at the ghost lady, takes the medicine list to send the person to collect the medicinal materials.

Looking at the distant figure of Luo, Mrs. Luo's eyes are filled with anger


It seems that the night of ghost city is more lively than that of the day.

Yuxianglou is the largest restaurant in the ghost city and the largest number of people. There are a lot of people here, and the news is the most. Sometimes you can get a lot of news without opening your mouth.

"Well, have you heard? Lord Luo's illness seems to be saved! "


"It is true that the news came from the Lord's house. Can it be false? It is said that he went to a powerful Dan pharmacist. As long as he collected the necessary herbs and refined them into pills, Luo Shaozhu's disease could be cured! "

"It's really pitiful to say that Luo Shao Lord came out of his mother's womb and got a strange disease. He was not only unable to practice, but also extremely ugly. He was infected with a vicious disease. No matter how many doctors the Lord Luo asked for over the years, he was at a loss. What a strange thing

"The little Lord Luo is not married now?"

"Which girl would like to marry him

"That's what I said! Why don't the Lord and Mrs. Luo have another one? "

Lord Luo, lady Luo?

Mu Qianyue's eyes are light when stepping into the Yuxiang building. It must be that the Lord and Mrs. Luo are referring to the Lord of the ghost city! His name is Luo.

However, Luo weather is a resident of the city Lord's house, and his son should follow his wife's surname Guicai. Maybe the husband and wife love each other and are willing to let their son follow his husband's surname.

And Ling Jun went straight up to the second floor, the hall on the first floor was still loud.

"It's strange that the Lord of Luocheng can't give birth to a child without a good salary. It's strange that the Lord of Luocheng can't afford to have a child without a good salary."


It suddenly dawned on all of us. So it is.

Another person in the crowd asked, "can your new herbalist really cure Luo Shaozhu's disease?"

"Well, who knows, maybe it's another one who came to cheat for reward. There were not many Dan pharmacists who had entered the city Lord's house before."

Hearing this, mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a cold light. Before hearing the ghost lady's cold voice threatening her and Lingjun, she thought that she was just talking. Unexpectedly, she actually killed those innocent Dan medicine masters!

"I didn't expect that the ghost city Lord and the ghost lady were such evil people." Ling Jun's eyes show anger, has never seen such a look at human life as grass-roots.

It's too much of a pill master's noble status to be brutally killed because he could not cure Luo Shaozhu's disease!

"People like this deserve to have no children. No wonder they have almost asked all the Dan pharmacists to kill heaven, but no one can cure them! It's just retribution Xiao xuan'er's voice of resentment rings in Mu's ear.

Mu Qianyue pursed her lips. If it wasn't for the ancient giant elephant animal Dan, she would never have done it!

"Miss mu, I'm afraid that even if you cure Luo Shaozhu's illness, the ghost lady will not let us go easily." Ling Jun eyebrows slightly wrinkled, from the ghost lady's tone and eyes can be seen, she is not like Mu girl.

"If she is honest and good, if she wants to bully me, she must be killed." A trace of cold light flashed through Mu's bright and black pupils.

Although I just came to Yuxiang building to have a simple meal this time, I found out the temperament of Luo weather and Mrs. Luo.

After dinner, after paying the money, mu Qianyue and Lingjun get up and leave. When they leave the restaurant, a black figure comes in a hurry and bumps against it.

The comer was covered in a black cloak, and his whole body was covered with black robes. It was difficult to distinguish between male and female. He had a black mask on his face, which almost covered the whole face. He only showed his smooth white chin, and his black hair was tied up with a horsetail. He was simple and agile. Rao was mu Qianyue and did not distinguish the gender of the other party.

The other party looked up at Mu shallow month one eye, slightly a Leng, and then said nothing, turned away.

Looking at the figure disappearing in the crowd at night, Mu Xiaoyue frowns slightly. The figure seems to be a little familiar, as if I have seen it before, but I can't remember it for a while

"What's the matter, Miss mu?" Ling Jun followed the figure and asked.

"Nothing." Mu Xiaoyue shook his head.

For the next ten days, Luo collected herbs from all over the place, and had no time to manage mu Qianyue and Lingjun, and the ghost lady didn't come to them for trouble.

However, Lingjun is right. In the ghost city, he can avoid the pursuit of xuanzu.On this day, Luo came to the courtyard where mu Qianyue lived. "Miss mu, I have almost collected all the herbs needed for alchemy. Now I'm short of the last one."

Mu Qianyue stepped forward and asked, "which medicinal material is needed?"

"Bauhinia." Luo's face showed a comfortable smile, "I have inquired that there is a bauhinia herb in black sky valley. These days is the flowering period. I will send someone to pick it now! However, there is a fierce beast in the high-level God's Kingdom guarding it for the Bauhinia Flower. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to do

Speaking of this, Luo weather's brow could not help wrinkling.

"What can I do for you?" Asked asamo.

"There are also several masters in the high-level God kingdom of our city Lord, but the fierce beast, the devil tiger, is too powerful to be defeated. I want to ask Miss Mu to go with me. If any of them is injured, you can cure them immediately, so as to save their lives. If not, you can only retreat back." Luo said thoughtfully.

"Good." Mu shallow month thinks about, nod a way.

"How wonderful! Miss mu, if they can pick up this Bauhinia Flower successfully, I will give you double reward Luo said with a smile.

In the early morning of the next day, a dozen strong men had gathered in the city. Most of them were in the Catholic realm. There were more junior ones, six intermediate ones and two senior ones.

When mu Qianyue and Lingjun came to the front yard, the courtyard had gathered a lot of people.

Luo weather sees Mu shallow moon come over, then introduce to everybody, "these two are Mu girl, spirit childe. They will go with you. The great elder and the two elders, you will take care of them. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!