"Miss mu? Don't you call it dial? " Ghost spirit frowned.

"There are too many twists and turns. I'll talk to you later." Mu Qianyue said faintly. As she guessed, the woman in the city Lord's house pretended to be a ghost spirit. It's no wonder that Luo's son is not a ghost, but a Luo.

In general, if a man is in trouble, the child is born with a woman's family name.

"It seems that you are also a man with a story." Ghost spirit purses lip, light a smile, did not force Mu shallow moon to say cannot.

Who has no story in his life?

It's just that everyone's stories are different. Some are plain, some are ups and downs, some are great joy and sorrow, some have experienced separation in life and death, some are plain happiness

It's just that she's the unfortunate one.

"Miss, Luo's strength is not weak, and Zhang yudie is also an expert in disguise. I'm afraid that it's difficult for you to pass the test." Elder elder some worry said, otherwise these years he will not be unable to discover Zhang yudie is false, thus shows Zhang yudie's transfiguration skill is very clever.

The ghost spirit's eyes fell on the corpses of the three elders on the ground, and a bloody sneer rose from the corner of her lips. Instead of speaking, she stepped forward, took out a sharp dagger from the space ring, and then scraped it gently on the face of the three elders. After a while, a thin face was completely uncovered from his face, and the corpse on the ground was a flesh and blood model Paste.

After the ghost spirit washed the face carefully, his eyes were cold, "if I wear this real mask, they will not be able to detect it."

Mu shallow moon shakes head, "still flaw is too much. Forget it. I'll help you

Slowly, she took the dough from the ghost spirit's hand. A flame came out of her slender and green fingertips. She kept refining the dough, and then quickly added some herbs to refine and blend into the dough.

After a while, she handed the face to the ghost again, "OK."

The skin in front of me was as thin as a cicada's wing. It was so thin and breathable that there was no flaw in it. The ghost spirit put the mask on his face, just like the three elders standing in front of him. He couldn't tell the difference.

"I didn't expect you were still an instrument refiner." Ghost spirit exclaimed.

"Not really, just some superficial work. Alchemy is my strong point. " Mu Xiaoyue blinked playfully. At the beginning, this weapon refining skill was learned from Jing, but now I don't know how Jing is

After she got the ancient animal pill, she would go back to the Archean world first. Her heart's missing had already been unable to hold back

"Miss mu, thank you very much this time." The ghost spirit's eyes are filled with gratitude. This is the first time that she has been helped and cared for by her friends for so many years. She has not experienced this feeling for a long time. She has been alone for tens of thousands of years. She has always thought that her heart has been cold and thoroughly cold.

The original is not, but her cold is covered by hatred, let her almost forget what warm is.

Perhaps this is a trivial thing for mu Qianyue, but it has great significance for her!

Unconsciously, a mist of water appeared in the eyes of ghost spirit.

"It's fate to meet here. Besides, we are friends. Why should we be so polite? You can call me shallow moon later Lips slightly raised, can meet people in Archaean world here, also let Mu shallow moon feel extra cordial.

"Well, you'll call me by my name later." Ghost spirit smile way, even if had been hurt by love before, she is still willing to try to believe her friend, she believes this time she will never wrong people!

"Elder, how is the battle in black Valley Asked the spirit.

"Just now I saw someone snatching the Bauhinia flowers, so I ran after them. They were still fighting with the two black and white centipedes there." The elder's eyes have the color of happiness. Fortunately, he just chased after him. Otherwise, how could he meet the elder lady and know the truth of all this?

"Let's go now." Ghost road.

After a movement, they flew away towards the direction of the black valley. There were more than a dozen people fighting with the two black-and-white centipedes. When they saw the big elder, mu Qianyue and ghost spirit coming back, they almost did not shed tears. The elder, the third elder and Mu girl finally came back. They are going to be saved!

Ghost spirit's strength is really strong, in cooperation with the elder and the people, successfully killed the two black and white centipedes.

But before they had time to cheer and shout, they were stabbed in the throat by the elder and splashed with blood.

A dozen people instantly left only four people, the remaining four people just slightly Leng a Leng, then suddenly came back to God, "elder, do you have any plan?"

There was no fear, no fear, no doubt on their faces.

"Don't you ask why?" The elder narrowed his eyes slowly and asked the four of them.

"There's nothing to ask. There must be a reason for the elder to do so. What the elder needs us to do, just give us an order. No matter what it is, even if it is a fight for life, we will try our best to complete it! " The man continued."We are also at the behest of the elder!" The other three also said in unison, their eyes were firm.

"Good! I didn't mistake you The elder's face showed a gratifying look, and then turned to the ghost spirit and said, "Miss, these people are my confidants. They have followed me for many years and are trustworthy people. I have already killed those who were the second elder and the third elder. However, there are still many of them in the city Lord's house. Although the two elders and the three elders are dead, they will still obey the orders of Luo weather. "

The four people smell speech face in succession show surprised puzzled color, three long old dead? Who is the man as like as two peas in three?

Only the ghost spirit slowly uncovered the face of his face, revealing that beautiful and cold face.

"Mistress?" Four people see this, the doubt and shock in the eyes of a deeper point.

How did the matron come here?

"It's like this..." After the elder simply explained it again, the four immediately understood that the woman in the Lord's house was a fake! He is not the old lady at all! It's the enemy who killed the old city Lord and the eldest lady! In vain, they have done their best for so many years!

"Miss, we are blind and have not seen through the plot of the dog and the man. From now on, we will obey your orders and avenge you and the old city Lord!" The four men knelt on one knee, and their faces were filled with hatred and anger. When the old city Lord was kind to them, they would not hesitate to join the city Lord's house. Later, they concluded that they were under the command of the elder elder. When they were on a mission, they went out with them. So when the old city Lord and the eldest lady happened, they didn't notice at all 。

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