Dry throat moved slightly, slightly hoarse voice full of excitement, joy, "master, is it really you?"

"Bingyan, it's me. I'm back."

Mu Qianyue's beautiful face was cold. When her eyes touched the bloodless face of ice flame in her arms, her eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger. She fell on the ground and put the ice flame down.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Siyue hall, I didn't protect Tongling well..." With deep guilt in the eyes of ice flame, blood flowed into the temple of the moon, countless deaths and injuries, and corpses everywhere.

Mu Qianyue noticed that the corpse not far from his feet was Tong Ling.

Just now, when she rushed to see the demon lord slapping Bingyan, if she was patted by that hand, ice flame would surely die. Therefore, mu Qianyue's whole attention was focused on Bingyan's body at that time. She didn't care about other things, and she didn't see Tong Ling's body!

The man's pale and bloodless face, closed eyes, and lifeless body all indicate his death


There is a figure faster than mu Qianyue. Her red dress blows through the air. The next moment, she has already thrown herself in front of Tongling's body. It is Xiao Xuaner.

Before that, she had been hiding in Mu Qianyue's wrist.

"Xiaolingzi..." Xiao xuan'er's eyes were red and full of tears, but she tried to keep it from flowing out. "Xiaolingzi, I'm back. Open your eyes and look at me, OK?"

She did not think that the last time she left, it was heaven and man forever separated!

Come back to see his cold body!

That always teases her to play, amuses her happy small Ling Zi died

"Tong Ling!" Mu Xiaoyue's fingers clenched under his sleeve, and his eyes were filled with rage. She looked up at the demon lord on the opposite side. She was full of hatred and murderous spirit, "you killed him!"

The demon lord despised a cold hum, his hands around his chest, and his eyes were contemptuous. "Pan Yin Yin, this is the price you pay for robbing your own golden Bodhi! I not only killed your apprentice, but also destroyed the whole Siyue temple, killed all the people you care about, and finally killed you! "

"As long as I have one breath left, I will never let you hurt them one point!" Mu Qianyue holds the sword of death in her hand.

"Hehe, you have a good tone. I want to see how you can stop it." "But in order to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble, I decided to solve you first. Don't worry, I will let you die last! "

"Devil, I'll kill you!" Xiao xuan'er stands up, wipes away the tears on his face and shouts angrily. He rushes towards the demon lord Wutian. Mu Xiaoyue is shocked. Xuan'er is not Tiantian's opponent at all! But xuan'er has already rushed out, and the speed is so fast that mu Qianyue can't stop her.

"Beyond my ability!" The demon lord Wutian disdained to snort coldly. He just heard a dull sound of "bang". Xiao Xuaner's body suddenly flew backward and fell on the ground. A mouthful of blood gushed out and was seriously injured in an instant!

Mu Qianyue quickly comes forward to help Xiao Xuaner, and uses the field of life to heal her wound. Under the cover of the field of life, Xiao Xuaner, Bingyan, and Siyue hall are all healed, including the spiritual power lost.

"Well? Second order heaven? " The demon lord Wu Tian frowned, his eyes quickly poured a touch of fine awn, and his face was cold and heavy, "I didn't expect that in a short period of half a year, you even rose to the second level of God!"

The spiritual power required by each level of the kingdom of God is very huge, almost to a terrible level. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for each level to be promoted. It can be said that it is very fast to upgrade one level in a thousand years! In general, it takes thousands of years, some even ten thousand years to be promoted to a higher level. Otherwise, the strong men in the world's God kingdom would have run all over the street!

I didn't expect that mu Qianyue rose to the second level of God in half a year!

This speed can be said to be very adverse!

"Even if you are a second-class heaven, how about it? It's not your opponent at all!"

"I didn't know until I tried." Murmuring coldly.

With mu Qianyue's momentum emanating, Bingyan's strength in the original first-order Catholic realm has been promoted to the second-order Catholic realm. She looks sideways at Xiao Xuaner, Bingyan and sheng'er and other humanitarians: "you go to help us deal with demons, and I will deal with the demon lord alone."

The overall strength of the demons is relatively strong, and the number of people is large. The Siyue temple was founded only a few years ago, naturally, it is not as strong as those demons. The scene has been dead.

"Master..." Bing Yan's eyes show worry, the demon lord Wutian's strength is strong, he is very clear, "his strength is terrible, you..."

"You go to solve those demons first. The temple of thinking moon can't be destroyed!" Mu Qianyue's eyes show a resolute color. Siyue temple is built by Jing. She wants to protect the forces he created!

"Master, he killed Tongling. I must kill him myself to avenge Tongling!" Xiao Xuaner clenched his fists under his sleeves, and his eyes were filled with piercing hatred.

"Be obedient!" Mu Xiaoyue whispered, "don't worry, I will kill him to avenge Tong Ling. He is my apprentice. I will never let him die in vain!"Seeing Mu's resolute attitude, Xiao Xuaner had to join the ranks of killing demons with Bing Yan and others. With Xiao Xuaner and others, the situation suddenly reversed. After all, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er were both second-order heaven and earth, and Bingyan was promoted to the second-order divine realm under the influence of the divine contract. Killing demons can be said to be a very relaxed massacre!

A large number of demons fell down in the fierce attack

"I admit that your talent is really strong, but you just want to kill me with your clothes? Stop dreaming! Originally, I intended to kill you at last. Now I have changed my mind. I decided to kill you first, devour your soul, and then eat them all! " The demon lord's dark and deep eyes are filled with sinister cold light. There is a life and death contract between the clam contract beast and mu Qianyue. Their strength is too great, which damages many demons. Once mu Qianyue dies, those contract beasts will inevitably die, which is why he decides to kill mu Qianyue first!

The words fall, the demon lord Wu Tian's body moves, and rushes toward mu Qianyue, waving his hands, and his palms twining with endless stillness roar toward mu Qianyue!

"The evil spirit is overwhelming!"

For a time, the sky is full of horror, the shadow of death, just like the end of the world!

It can be seen that the magic moon will be a strong move in the heart of his opponent.

Mu shallow moon, shallow eyes, four levels of God?

Is this the real strength of the demon lord Wutian?

It's really strong!

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