As her voice fell, she suddenly became stiff. She felt a sharp pain in her chest. She could not help turning pale. She looked up at Mu Xiaoyue in front of her body and said, "wait a minute!"

"I don't know what else the young star master has to do?" Mu shallow moon light smile way.

"I'll go and get the elder." Star Zi Peng's face was very cold, to one side of the star Tu Sun said, "elder Taishang, please go and find the elder."

"Yes, little Lord." Star butcher sun looked indignantly at mu Qianyue and turned away from the star moon tower.

Think of him, the great elder of Xingyue clan, how respected his status is, and now he is threatened by a smelly girl who has not dried his breast! The point is that he has no way!

If the young Lord had not been poisoned by some strange poison, how could he have been so angry? She had been shot dead by a slap!

For the future of Xingyue clan, for the sake of the little master, he had to bear this evil spirit!

After the little Lord's poison is relieved, she must be good-looking!

After a while, Xing Tu sun came back, followed by several powerful martial artists and a group of Xingyue disciples.

Mu Qianyue looked up and saw that one of them was Xing you. He was surrounded by several old people around him. It seemed that he was surrounded by several old people. In fact, he was controlled.

When star you's eyes fall on mu Qianyue's body, her pupil shrinks suddenly, her face quickly flashes a touch of shock, and then returns to her previous plain face.

"Mu Qianyue, the person you want to see, I have brought it here. When will you take out the antidote?" Star Tu sun's face is not good at staring at Mu shallow moon, the voice is slightly dull, hidden cold and sharp and murder.

"Mr. Xingyou, it's not easy to meet you." Mu shallow month does not seem to see star Tu sun's question, eyes smile Ying Ying Ying looked at the star you in the crowd.

"Miss mu, what are you doing here? At the beginning, you did save my life, but I also gave you the corresponding reward. According to reason, we are no longer in debt. Are you not satisfied, and you still want the human relationship of the star moon clan or other things? " Star you cold hum a, facial expression some cold some strange, which still has before half minute of familiar with and affinity.

Mu shallow moon eyebrows light congeals, pure and beautiful face a piece of indifference, the heart is set off the road waves.

"Master, this star you are too much! How can I look at you like this! In vain, you saved him with all your heart and regarded him as an elder! I think he is a villain, all kind and kind are pretended to be! As soon as I return to Xingyue clan, I don't recognize people! " One side of sheng'er's pretty face was filled with displeasure and anger in his eyes.

"Mr. Xingyou, I didn't come here for another purpose. I just wanted to ask you to do me a favor." Mu shallow moon light says.

"I won't help you, and I have no obligation to help you. Miss mu, you'd better go!" Star you look indifferent, very strange, his mouth with disdain, while walking forward, while cold humming.

"You Sheng son angry eyebrows tight, is about to get angry, was Mu shallow month drink to stop, "Sheng son."

"It's too much of him Sheng'er was angry.

"Mr. Xing you is right. In the past, we were just a deal, and he did not have the obligation to help me. In that case, let's go. " Mu is not angry, his face is calm and indifferent, without any anger.

"Don't go! Take out the antidote Xingtu sun's body moved, immediately blocked mu Qianyue and sheng'er's way.

"It's not impossible to have an antidote." White lips shallow Yang, hook up a touch of evil charm arc.

Xingzipeng's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with anger and murderous spirit. "Just now you said that as long as I find the elder, you will give me the antidote. Now are you going to break your promise?"

"Yes, that's what I said just now. Is there anyone who stipulates that I can't go back on my word?" Qingmei juechen's face with a trace of helplessness and smile, clearly beautiful like the gods above the nine days, but in the eyes of xingzipeng, it is incomparably hateful.


Star Zi Peng's face was as black as the lid of a pot, as ugly as it should be.

If the eyes can kill people, I'm afraid Mu shallow moon doesn't know how many times he died.

"How can you take out the antidote?" Star Zi Peng is almost gnashing teeth said.

If his life had not been in her hands, why should he have been so subdued?

The poison that haunts his mind is so powerful that even the alchemists of Xingyue clan can't break the poison and make an antidote. Just at the thought of Mu Qianyue, he felt the breath of death!

He was a little suspicious of Mu's words, a thought of her can kill him!

"I want to use a moon to borrow a star."

Qing Yue's song like voice rings faintly in the sealed space, but it falls in the ears of xingtusun and xingzipeng, but it is like a thunderbolt.

In particular, the disciples of the Xingyue clan were staring at each other with astonished eyes and admiring the moon.Is this woman crazy?

How dare you borrow stars and moonstones!

The star moon stone is the treasure of the Star Moon Clan for hundreds of thousands of years! Extremely important!! It is even related to the fate of the whole Xingyue clan! She said she could borrow it?!

How dare she speak!

"I think you are deliberately looking for trouble, and my Star Moon Clan for the enemy!" Star Tu sun's eyes were gloomy and frightful, and his whole body was filled with cold. It was obvious that he was so angry that he could hardly contain it.

He tried to suppress the anger in his heart for fear that he could not help but shoot mu Qianyue to death

If the little Lord gave the two bitches to be buried with them, he would be the sinner of Xingyue clan!

"You may think so." Mu Xiaoyue's hands around her chest, her delicate face outlines her enchanting smile, and she wears a light purple dress, which brings a trace of evil spirit and madness in the dust. "Do you take the star moon stone or not?"

"Give it to her!" Xingzipeng's face was dark and gloomy like water. The two words were almost uttered by biting his teeth.

"Little Lord, never

"How important is the star moon stone! How can you give it to a strange woman at will

"Good! In any case, you can't take out the star moon stone! "

"The star moon stone is the most precious treasure of Xingyue clan. We have been guarding it for more than 100000 years. How can we give it to others at will?"

A group of elders of the Star Moon Clan hastily called out and talked.

"Xingzipeng, it seems that you are not so good as the young master. Your life is not as good as a broken stone in people's eyes." Mu light moon lips with a smile, clear Phoenix eyes with a sarcastic color.

Star Zi Peng's chest heaved violently, a broken stone?!

In her eyes, the most precious thing of Xingyue clan is said to be a broken stone!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!