Xingyou's pupil shrinks, and there is anxiety in the bottom of his eyes. However, he conceals it well, and others don't see it. He looks at xingzipeng and mu Qianyue, and then sighs and stands aside, no longer talking.

At this point, what he said is useless!

"Give me the antidote in one hand and the star moon stone in the other." Xingzipeng's eyes are sinister, and his lips are full of bloodthirsty sneers. He stares at mu Qianyue like a cold snake.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue put his hand holding the antidote in front of xingzipeng, and then quickly took the black box containing the star moon stone from his hand. At the same time, when his feet moved, his body moved backward without trace and returned to sheng'er's side.

"Master, we finally got the star moon stone!" Sheng'er's beautiful and beautiful face showed a color of joy. I thought it would be extremely difficult to get the star moon stone, but I didn't expect that it would be much smoother than I imagined! The master is powerful!

"Yes Mu Qianyue's lips are light and the radian is enchanting and enchanting. Her beautiful face is full of infinite splendor and amazement.

Opposite star Zi Peng in got the antidote, immediately opened to smell, star Tu sun and others rushed to come over, a face of concern and anxiety.

Xing Tu sun suggested: "young master, is this antidote true? Let Yang San and them identify it first! "

Earlier, Yang San and Yu pengqing and others were invited here.

"Little Lord, let me identify the authenticity, you take it no later." Yu Peng's road was clear.

Yu Pengyue nods in front of him, and then passes the antidote to Zipeng.

Yu pengqing then sniffed it carefully and studied it carefully. Yang San on one side also took over and studied it carefully. From time to time, the two men frowned and discussed each other from time to time

Xing you's face is full of worry. The girl has always been cautious. I'm afraid it's true

"Moon girl, is that the real antidote?" Foot moving, star you came to Mu shallow moon and sheng'er's side, with only two people to hear the voice of Mu shallow Moon said.

"Nature is true." Mu Qianyue deeply looked at the opposite star Zi Peng, then nodded, the beautiful lip angle slightly rose, hook out the evil charm person's smile.

Star you eyes complex looking at Mu shallow moon, the color of hesitation struggle on his face, a moment later, the light in his eyes became firm, "moon girl, I will try to stop them later, you and sheng'er run away quickly."

Mu Qianyue's dark pupil is shining. It seems that her guess is right. Just now Xingyou pretended to be indifferent and disgusted with her. She wants her and sheng'er to leave Xingyue clan quickly!

"Mr. Xingyou, this is the enmity between me and the Xingyue clan. I don't want to involve you in it. Don't worry. I have a way to deal with them. You don't have to worry. I may ask you to do me a favor in the future. " Mu Qianyue's lips are covered with a light smile.

"It's a good time to help, but it's not the time to talk about it. After the little Lord takes the antidote, he will immediately attack both of you. If you don't go, you will never be able to leave!" Xingyou's eyes show anxiety. He is very clear about xingzipeng's character. Xingzipeng has always been vindictive and cruel. In order to cultivate and quickly improve his accomplishments, he has hurt countless innocent girls' lives!

This time, it must be that star Zipeng fell in love with the girl on the moon, and wanted to attack the girl on the moon, so that she secretly poisoned him!

I have to say that Xing you has already got a good guess.

Sheng'er sees Xing you come over, and talks with the master in secret. In his bright eyes like autumn water, the color of doubt is surging. Was Xing you just pretending to be

Because now star Tu sun and other people's attention is on the antidote, but did not notice the situation here.

"Why, master, when is the dark power array gone?" Sheng'er suddenly found that the array under his feet had disappeared and blinked in surprise.

"It's Xingyou's solution."

"Is it that Xing you secretly solved the array when he was talking just now?" Sheng'er's eyes are filled with surprise.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nods.

"So you are not bad..." Sheng'er's round eyes stare, as if thinking of something, reflected over.

"He must have had a hard time saying that, and he would let us go as soon as he came." The dark pupil is full of thought and wisdom.

At this time, Yang San and Yu pengqing have already identified the antidote, "Shao Zhu, this is the real antidote."

Smell speech, star Zi Peng's face surged with joy color, great, he finally got the antidote!

Hum! I thought she was so smart that she took out the antidote easily. Didn't she know that when she took out the antidote, she would die?

But xingzipeng just took the antidote, and before he could take it, his face turned white. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Then his body became stiff. A trace of black blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. Against his pale face, it was extremely frightening"Little Lord!"

Xingtusun and others, who were about to crack their canthus, gave out a shrieking cry and reached out to catch xingzipeng's slowly fallen body.

Xingzipeng's eyes were round, and he began to bleed from his seven orifices. He clearly felt that his vitality was slowly losing, little by little, and the fear of death was diffuse. He wanted to speak, but he could not open his mouth. Finally, his lips just mumbled, but no sound came out. He kept struggling, and his face was full of pain and despair.

"Come on, save the little Lord!"

Star Tu Sun Chao Yang San and Yu pengqing yelled.

Yang San and Yu pengqing reacted and quickly treated Xing Zipeng, but it was too late. Both of them were pale, and their eyes were full of shock and shock. "It's too late, master Tu sun. The poison is too strong. It has entered the heart of the young master. There is no medicine for the medicine stone..."

His words just fall, see star Zi Peng then completely did not have breath, vitality completely!

But that pair of big eyes full of resentment and unwillingness, he has already got the antidote, will take it, how can she still dare to kill herself!

As a result, Yu pengqing was too short to save before and after three seconds!

"Little master!"

When xingtusun and others saw that xingzipeng was dead, they all cried out.


Xing Tu sun raised his head and looked scarlet and ferocious at Mu Qian Yue. He looked like a wolf who would eat people. "You swore that you would give the real antidote to the young master! You killed him!! If you break your oath, you will be sent by heaven , the fastest update of the webnovel!