"Master Tai, think twice..." Xing Tu Lin's face changed. He wanted to dissuade him, but he was blocked back by Xing Tu Dao. "Xing Tu Lin, at this time, you have to speak for mu Qianyue. What's your heart! Do you want to be a traitor like Xing you? Oh, I almost forgot that you and Xingyou are good brothers

Star Tianxiang dissatisfied eyes cold look at the star Tu Lin, "you say a word more, don't blame me merciless!"

"Ah Xing Tu Lin sighed heavily and did not speak again.

"Set up."

With Xing Tianxiang's words falling, all of a sudden, a line of figures swarmed into the entrance of the seventh floor of the whole star moon tower, completely blocking the way out.

One by one, the figures stood in order, forming a profound and exquisite array.

Mu Xiaoyue lifted her eyes and glanced at it lightly. She found that there were 108 people in total, and everyone's strength was very strong.

Among them, there are 15 gods, 26 gods and 40 gods. The rest are in the realm of God King. If we put this overall strength in the Archaean world, it would be enough to sweep the whole continent!

Even in places like Zhu Xianjie, they are already top-ranking forces! Is the master of the world!

In addition, star Tianxiang is exactly 108 people, and xingtianxiang is the core of the array.

All people's power was inspired at this moment, and the seventh floor of the whole star moon tower was filled with majestic and violent power, as if to destroy the heaven and earth.

Feeling the tremendous and terrifying power, Xing you's face changed greatly, and his eyes showed a dignified look. "Moon girl, this array is extremely terrifying, and its strength is far beyond the scope of God to bear! Don't be impulsive

"Nothing. I can handle it." Mu Qianyue's beautiful face is a light color. Even if she is standing in the big array, facing star Tianxiang and others, her face is not a trace of fear, a trace of fear.

"Master, can I help you?" Sheng'er stood beside, excited and ready to move, and suddenly became the city master of nine steps. She had not had time to try her hand.

"You stand aside to protect Mr. Xingyou. I'm afraid that when you fight, you will be affected by Yu Jin." Mu Qianyue said to sheng'er.

Sheng Er cleverly nodded, "master, don't worry about it. I will never let the elder star you lose a hair."

"Hum! They're dying, and they care about others! " Star butcher blade disdains to snort coldly, the color of scorn surges in the eyes.

"You can do it, I will not do it, lest we say that our Xingyue people are more bullies than others." Star Tianxiang stood in the center of the array eye, his whole body strength burst out, maintaining the operation of the array, said faintly.

"Yes." In the eyes of the dead moon, the light of butcher's knife burst out!

Hearing Xing Tianxiang's words, sheng'er raised a sneer at his mouth and said with a cold smile, "ah I've seen shameless people. I haven't seen such shameless people like you! Even the Sirius killing immortal array has been used, and even sent out 108 members of your star family to deal with my master. Now you still say that you don't want more people and less bullying? You may as well call out all the people of the Starmoon clan

Sheng'er's words made them all look pale. They were very ugly.

Xing you is shameless and speechless to Xing Tianxiang and others. He said that he didn't want more people and less bullies. Ah, how could he not find that the supreme elder was such a person before!

"Hum! She should have been damned for her arrogance and arrogance! What's more, you are still slaughtering in our Xingyue clan. Our Xingyue clan is just defending the dignity of our family At the end of the star sky, his face is also full of anger, and his eyes toward the moon are full of murderous and angry.

He didn't forget that the girl almost killed herself, so it's time for revenge!

Just now he thought he couldn't kill her, but he didn't want his elder brother to let them set up the sky wolf to kill the immortal array. Now, mu Qianyue is hard to fly even with wings!

"I'm in a bit of a hurry. I don't want to dally with you. Star Tianxiang, you should join me." Mu Qianyue's indifferent eyes gently sweep to the star Tianxiang in the opposite crowd, with a trace of coldness and contempt in her unique face. It seems that she has not paid attention to star Tianxiang and others at all.


The elders and strong people of Xingyue clan are angry!

Originally, they thought that Mu was arrogant enough, but now they found that they didn't understand it thoroughly enough!

This woman, already arrogant and arrogant to a point of common indignation between man and God!

She just cultivated the body of stars, and thought that she could deal with many God realms, gods, gods and kings with her own strength?

What's more, their supreme elder, Xing Tianxiang, is still in the Ninth level of God's realm, and he has cultivated his eight fold body. Although he has not yet reached the realm of the body of stars, his strength is extremely strong!

"Arrogance and ignorance!" "Xing Tianxiang's eyes were full of anger, and his face was almost full of resentment," what do you think you are? How dare you not to look at me like this! If you want to die quickly, we will help you! "

At this moment, even star Tianxiang was obviously angry.The strong men of Xingyue clan were all blue with anger, and their breath was disordered. They pulled out their weapons and glared at the woman in Lavender dress in front of them.

The real yuan forces of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple radiated from their swords, and finally converged into a giant sword in midair. The majestic and terrifying power was surging in the whole space.

Under the light purple sleeves, the white wrist is lifted slightly, and the sword of death is slowly condensed in the palm of the hand. The purple light is surging on the sharp blade, shining in the light and shadow all over the sky. It is gorgeous and beautiful.

"The power of the stars!"

Star Tianxiang and others see mu Qianyue directly exerting the power of the stars. Their faces show fright, and their eyes are dignified. It turns out that she dares to make such a big remark because she can use the power of stars instead of Zhenyuan force!

That is to say, she no longer needs the real yuan force, but uses the power of the stars directly!


Star Tianxiang snorted angrily, directing everyone's huge sword, which was turned into real Yuan Li, chopped at mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue's eyebrows are also cold. He wields the miesheng sword in his hand and directly uses Mie Dao.

The powerful sword moves seem to split the whole star moon tower in two. Miedao is extremely powerful. Now it uses the power of stars, and its power is far more than before!


With a dull sound, the sky wolf killing immortal array composed of star Tianxiang and others was instantly destroyed, spitting blood one by one, as if seriously injured.

Among the crowd, xingtianxiang and xingtianmo were only slightly injured. All the others were seriously injured!

The scene was full of spitting blood.

This powerful scene makes Xing you's eyes widened in disbelief. This Is he dazzled?

The moon girl actually broke the sky wolf killing immortal array directly with her own strength!

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