Xingzuo continued: "if they want to save the xuanzu, they must be willing to reconcile with you. If they are not willing to resolve it, the ancestors of xuanzu will face death, which is a great loss to xuanzu! "

Mu shallow moon nodded, it is true.

The xuanzu didn't have their ancestors, so their overall strength may not be as good as that of the Xingyue people.

If you use this to negotiate with the xuanzu, you will have a lot more chances to borrow Xuanshi.

"Three days later, we will leave for the xuanzu."

"Yes." Star Tianxiang and star left are nodding.

"Master, now that there is no young master in the Xingyue clan, can you choose one from among the numerous disciples?" Starzuo thought about it and asked.

Xingzipeng died, and now there is no little master in Xingyue clan. However, the disciples of his lineage are all fighting in secret. It is better to choose a young master earlier, so as not to fight against each other in secret.

"Do you have the right person?" In this period of time, I was busy forgetting that mu Qianyue had been in seclusion, consolidating her strength and practicing the power of the stars since the Jin Dynasty was the Ninth level of God. I forgot about it for a while.

Xingzuo, xingtianxiang and Xingyou have recommended several people respectively. They are the young generation with outstanding talent and strength of Xingyue clan. They have recommended 20 people in total.

"Let them have a contest three days later, and the one who wins is the young master of Xingyue clan." Mu Qianyue's eyes are full of light of thinking. As for the matter of going to xuanzu, she can only put it back.

Xingyue clan is also her strength now. If it is used well, it will be a great help to her and save a lot of strength for some things in the future.

"Master, how are you going to let them compete?" Star left asked.

"In addition to the competition of strength, it is also natural to compare their talents and strategies. As the young master of Xingyue clan, the future masters of the family will not only rely on their strength. I'll arrange the details. " Mu shallow moon light says.

After a pause, mu Qianyue said again: "this selection competition, whether it is a collateral or a direct line, as long as the conditions are met can participate."

Her words shocked all the elders present.

Xing you's face is also full of shock. However, after thinking about it, he thinks that there is some truth in Mu's words. No matter the lineage or the collateral, as long as the talent and strength are good enough, it's not impossible to become the young master of Xingyue clan!

But xingtianxiang and xingtianmo didn't think so. Xing Tianxiang's face was a little gloomy and said unhappily, "master, you said before that you won't interfere in the affairs of Xingyue clan. Why should you intervene in this matter?"

"I did say that before, but I didn't say that I would not interfere in anything. Now I am the master of Xingyue clan. If you want to manage it, do you have any objection? " Mu shallow moon Mou son shallow lift, a trace of cold light in the eyes flash, cool sweep to star Tianxiang.

Star Tianxiang repeatedly pick her thorn, don't think she really won't kill him!

Seeing a trace of cold in Mu's eyes, Xing Tianxiang knows that Mu is angry. If there was anyone who dared to do this to himself before? It's so hard to hold back and bend! He had to put down his anger and whispered, "master, I didn't mean that. However, our Xingyue clan has its own rules and regulations, so the side disciples can not participate in the struggle for the position of the little master, let alone be the clan leader of the Xingyue clan. Only the direct disciples can inherit the position of patriarch of Xingyue clan! "

"Gauge is dead, man is alive. From now on, this gauge is obsolete. " Mu shallow moon light hums a way, very merciless say.

At the end of xingtianmo, he was also unconvinced: "the blood of the side disciples is not pure, and they can't win the position of clan leader, nor can they control the star moon stone. How can they become the clan leader in the future?"

"It's just a selection contest. Do you think the side disciples are better than the direct ones, so you are afraid?" Mu Qianyue's lips were filled with a smile of sarcasm, which made the stars choke at the end of the day.

Yes, no matter in terms of skills or cultivation resources, the side disciples can't compare with the direct ones. Therefore, it's only in the past 100000 years that the direct disciples have kept a steady pressure on the side disciples. It's just a passing experience for the side disciples to participate in this selection competition.

Since Mu said that everyone can participate, it doesn't matter if they are allowed to participate.

Hum! This period of time let her arrogant for a while, after a while is her death! There is xingzuo, the treacherous villain. If he hadn't mentioned the selection of the little Lord now, they could have waited for mu Qianyue's death to conduct the selection of Shaozhu!

Now xingtianxiang and xingtiantian end are even hated by xingzuo.

When the matter was settled, all the people withdrew.

Mu Xiaoyue returned to her yard. Sheng'er walked aside, frowning tightly. "Master, I think this time is a bit like a trap. How do you feel like xingtianxiang is deliberately leading you to xuanzu?"

"That's the truth." Mu Xiaoyue's beautiful face was filled with a faint smile, but he was not angry. His black eyes were covered with a sharp light.

"You see it, master?" Sheng'er was surprised to open his eyes, and then there was anger in the bottom of his eyes, "this star Tianxiang is really damned! Master, you want to keep him alive, but he is always making obstacles and trying to hurt you. It's better to kill him directly. ""I've made him take it, and if I kill him now, it will make the whole Xingyue people's hearts turbulent, and it will be even more difficult to accept." Mu light moon's face is suffused with the color of thinking, "you can't rest assured that he can't turn out much waves."

Even if he had made some kind of deal with the Xuan people, then what?

And she can also take advantage of this matter to kill the star Tianxiang, and the people of Xingyue clan will not have any objection.

Seeing that Mu Xiaoyue has a plan in mind, sheng'er is relieved a lot. The master is so confident that everything is under the master's control, so she has nothing to worry about. As long as she keeps pace with him, she can protect him.

"Take advantage of these days to consolidate your cultivation." Mu shallow month looks to Sheng Er to say.

"Yes." Sheng'er nods his head cleverly. Xing Tianxiang thinks that the master is good at bullying when he is alone. If Bing Yan, xuan'er and Tiange come, they will definitely fight each other so that his mother doesn't know him.

"Master, why do you suddenly want to intervene in the selection of the young master of Xingyue clan?" Sheng'er thought about it and asked, "master, do you want to cultivate yourself?"

"Yes." Mu Xiaoyue nodded and said: "although Xingyou has done well in everything, he is too loyal to the Xingyue clan. Although he is on my side in the matter of Xingyue tower, he can't bear to hurt his classmates and treat the enemy too kindly. He does a good job in dealing with things, but he can't use a lot of things. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!