Feng Yun heart pretty delicate face floating cold kill machine, "now you can't go."

Mu Xiaoyue stopped her pace. Her dark pupil contained a little bit of fine hair, but her white lip corner was deliberately pulled apart with a faint smile. "Miss Feng, although we had some contradictions before, it was a thing of the past. Do you want to trouble me now

Looking at this peerless face in front of her, and the smile on her face like a light breeze, Feng Yun's anger in her heart soared, as if the dry grassland was instantly ignited and the flames were burning.

She's laughing at herself!!

Feng Yun heart hate teeth itch, eyes jealously looking at Mu shallow moon, eyes kill opportunity and hate to emerge, "those hatred, you say the past is the past? Who do you think you are? Mu Qianyue, it's too naive for you to come to my xuanzu and want to leave safe and sound. "

There was a grim smile on her face, a little twisted.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned slightly and said deliberately, "I have saved old Feng now. I am also a benefactor of your Xuan family. Besides, your father has agreed to resolve the hatred with me and lend me Xuanshi. Do you want to destroy the reputation of your Xuan people? "

The cold voice is full of discontent and doubt.

"Ah You saved my grandfather? Who saw it? " Feng Yun heart lip corner's sneer expanded a few points, such as cold snake like eyes have pride, "is my grandfather Hong Fu Qi Tian, deep luck, survived a catastrophe, but you have no relationship."

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon was angry smile, pure beauty of the face does not have a trace of anger, but with a light smile, there is contempt and irony. Confuse right and wrong has the final say,

, but confuse right and wrong, but you are the master of the race. You have the final say. You want to confuse black and white, you Xuan people naturally keep your secret, so I won't argue with you for this.

Mu shallow moon god feeling indifferent, but also has a somewhat indifferent attitude, anyway, she did not want to use words to persuade Feng Yun heart, words have the upper hand for a while, what's the use?

"You know yourself." Feng Yun heart's face is even more proud.

"Ah..." Mu Xiaoyue's mouth was filled with a smile, "do you think I want to go, you can stop it? It seems that you are not even the master of heaven. "

Feng Yun's face changed greatly and her chest heaved violently. She was laughing at her strength and talent! Damn it!

Looking at Mu Xiaoyue's bright smile on her face, she is as charming as the crape myrtle flower in full bloom, which makes her want to cut her face with a knife, and her jealousy and resentment are growing like crazy grass.

"I can't stop you, but do you think my Xuan people are vegetarian?" Feng Yun heart looks gloomy.

"What a big voice! It's the first time I've ever seen a young lady in front of me Star left slightly cold face full of disdain.

Xing you's face is full of anger: "the original xuanzu is so ungrateful, turn around to turn over and refuse to recognize people."

Star Zi Hao is also unhappy frown, looking at Feng Yun heart's eyes quickly flashed a touch of disgust.

"Ha ha Why say so indignant, you Xingyue people were killed by Mu shallow moon, but you still worship her as the Lord, say, you are a group of useless soft bones Feng Yun heart heartily open mouth ridicule.

Her words made Xing Tianxiang and Xingtian end look pale. Their eyes were gloomy and frightening. However, they did not respond to stargazer Zuo, Xingyou and xingzihao, but their faces were plain.

At this time, the master of the Phoenix family and his ancestor came out of the bedroom. The Feng's face was full of elation and excitement, and the whole person was in high spirits and excited. The old ancestor finally came back to life and could live for ten thousand years. In this way, he did not have to worry about the problem of the xuanzu being suppressed.

One side of the old Feng's face, which was dry and wrinkled, was replaced by smooth and delicate skin. His eyebrows were handsome and graceful, and his head was like a waterfall of silver. It seemed that he had a kind of immortal style and unique spirit of getting rid of dust.

If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, we would almost think that Feng Laozu had been transferred. Who can connect a handsome young man with the old man at dusk?

"Congratulations to my grandfather." All the elders and disciples of the Feng family showed an excited look on their faces, and the old ancestor was back to the top again with withered trees!

This mu Qianyue's medical and Dan skills are really good!

At the same time, people were surprised that mu Qianyue could become the master of Xingyue clan, and let xingzuo, Xingyou and other people follow him wholeheartedly. Even their three ancient sorcerers could not match this kind of medicine.

In the eyes of Feng Laozu, he nodded to the crowd with a faint nod, "en."

"Congratulations to grandfather." Feng Yun heart looks respectfully and excitedly to the Phoenix ancestor.

Feng Laozu's expression is still a little cold and aloof, and he still nods lightly. Feng Yunxin doesn't feel angry or lost. His grandfather's strength is boundless, so it is normal that his grandfather is cold and aloof.She did not expect her grandfather to be more enthusiastic about her. She just hoped that when dealing with mu Qianyue, her grandfather would catch him.

She also believed that her grandfather would never let mu Qianyue leave xuanzu alive!

Before she had heard her father and grandfather discuss to deal with muqianyue and sheng'er.

"Master Feng, when will you lend me Xuanshi?" Mu Qianyue looks up and says to the Feng family master.

"Mu Qianyue, thank you for healing my ancestor. You should be said to be a great benefactor of our Xuan family. But you did those things that hurt yun'er before, so we were doomed to be enemies." Feng family master cleared his throat, a solemn and just appearance.

Mu Xiaoyue's mouth was full of sarcastic smile, "Feng family master, are you going to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"Hum! You have ruined yun'er's marriage and made her a laughing stock of the whole heaven killing world. We have been very kind since we didn't kill you. You still want to borrow Xuanshi and dream! " It was Mrs. Feng. Her elegant face was full of acrimony, and her eyes were scornful. Her ancestor's problem had been solved and her vitality and strength were restored. At this time, mu Qianyue was just a sheep that was slaughtered by others.

The ancestor of her xuanzu is a strong king!

There are only two strong men in the whole kingdom, one is the ancestor of lingzu, and the other is the ancestor of xuanzu.

It is only when the old ancestor's health has been in bad condition, and it is in the end that the power of the whole Xuan people will decline. Now that the ancestor has recovered, they have nothing to worry about.

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