"If you want to borrow Xuanshi, you have to pay for your life." Feng Yun's heart was calm, and her eyes were envious. She said coldly.

She thought it was just mu Qianyue who became the Ninth level God kingdom. She never thought that sheng'er was also the Ninth level God kingdom!

When will it become the Ninth level God's realm, so simple?

Feng Yun heart's eyes towards sheng'er are full of anger and jealousy, especially looking at sheng'er's equally beautiful and delicate face, and her elegant and unique breath like the moon, which makes her teeth itch with anger, and her anger is almost gushing out.

Hum! Wait for the next grandfather's hand, there are them good, she must shave their faces, let them all life can not recover, can only be a disgusting disgusting ugly eight!

When Lingjun saw their ugly faces, they would not think about them any more!

"What now, master?" The elder of the Xuan nationality looks worried. He looks at the Phoenix master and asks. Mu Qianyue can kill Xing Tianxiang with her mind. It can be seen how terrible her strength is!

Although there are poisonous elements in it, it is enough to show Mu's means and strength. No one can poison a ninth level God.

The Feng family master's face was solemn, his cold eyes were staring at mu Qianyue, and he was thinking quickly about countermeasures. Mu Qianyue could easily kill Xing Tianxiang. It can be seen that the whole Xingyue clan is not his opponent, and his xuanzu can not easily kill mu Qianyue.

In this way, the price will be too serious!

It seems that I can only ask my grandfather to do it!

"Lao Zu, Mu's strength is too strong. I hope you can subdue her!" The master of the Phoenix family looks at the old phoenix ancestor road behind him.

"Lend her the stone." Feng Laozu said lightly.

The words of Phoenix ancestor make the face of Feng's master, lady Feng and others all change. What?

Feng Laozu said he would lend her Xuanshi? Did they hear me right!

In particular, the Feng family owner's face glared with amazement. Before that, the ancestor had said that he wanted to capture mu Qianyue and sheng'er alive to obtain their secrets. How could the ancestor agree to lend her the Xuanshi? What new idea did you have?

"Laozu, Xuanshi is too important. It's our xuanzu's property. No one can take out the Xuanshi, let alone lend it to outsiders, except for the owners of previous dynasties." Think about it for a moment, said the Feng family owner.

Mrs. Feng also immediately said, "ancestor, Xuanshi is related to the safety of our whole Xuan people. How can you lend it to others at will?"

Feng Yun heart was also puzzled and cried: "grandfather, why do you agree to lend her Xuanshi? She was upset and kind, which made me lose face. The whole xuanzu became a laughing stock for killing heaven. Grandfather, you should kill her! No Catch her alive and imprison her. I will torture her severely! Let her live rather than die

Feng Laozu is the face is slightly heavy, eyeground has the color of displeasure flashed, "give her the dark stone." This is aimed at the Feng family leader.

Feng's head frowned tightly, and there was doubt in his eyes. It seemed that he didn't understand how the old ancestor's illness had changed so much after he was cured? Is it mu Qianyue who took the opportunity to treat his ancestors?

No way!

Laozu is a strong king. Although the body oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, the soul is still extremely strong, which is not something that can be provoked by mu Qianyue! She makes any trick, the ancestor can directly break through! What made my grandfather change his mind?

I don't know what the Feng family leader thinks.

"No way!" Mrs. Feng on one side had already roared fiercely. Her elegant face was slightly twisted, and her eyes were full of anger. She called to the Feng family leader: "you can't lend the Xuan stone to Mu Qianyue! If the Xuan clan had taken control of her, she would have fallen into the control of us! I think she didn't want to borrow Xuanshi at all, but she came for the three ancient sorcerers. After she took control of our xuanzu, she would go to lingzu! Her eyes are too insidious and cunning

I have to say that even if Mrs. Feng is talking nonsense, she also said that she has hit a few points.

If Mu Qianyue got the Xuanshi, he would go to the lingzu to borrow the spirit stone.

But she didn't want to control the xuanzu. Just being a star and Moon Clan is enough to make her headache. Besides, she doesn't have so much energy to manage so many monsters. She doesn't have such a big appetite.

If it was not for xingzipeng's design at that time, she would not have killed xingzipeng and become the master of Xingyue clan. Therefore, all this is a coincidence.

As soon as Mrs. Feng's words fell, the master of the Feng family and all the elders and disciples of the Feng family were shocked. Their faces were full of fear and shock. It turns out that this is the real goal of Mu Qianyue! What a wolf's ambition!

"Dad, my mother said it well. You can't lend Xuanshi to Mu Qianyue. Don't forget that she is our enemy of xuanzu! " Feng Yun heart gnashing teeth said, at the same time, the heart of the Phoenix ancestor dissatisfied, really do not know what grandfather is eating, actually go to admire the shallow moon this bitch to talk!"Laozu, I can't agree to your request. As the head of xuanzu, I have the right to decide whether to lend Xuanshi. For the sake of the safety of the whole xuanzu, I can't lend the Xuanshi to Mu Qianyue! " Feng's eyes are full of sharp edge.

Feng Laozu's face was slightly heavy, "what I said doesn't work?"

Feng's family master's expression was stiff. He felt that Feng's father was angry, but he was more puzzled. He really didn't understand why he suddenly turned to Mu Qianyue.

Is it because mu Qianyue cured her, and she wanted to repay her kindness?

Even the elders of the Xuan clan have a look of doubt or perplexity on their faces. They all participated in the previous plans and plots, so they also knew the plans of the Phoenix ancestor and the Feng family leader. Now the wind has suddenly changed, and they don't understand it.

It's not only that they don't understand, but also that xingzuo, Xingyou and xingzihao are all confused.

When did Feng Laozu become so talkative?

Feng Laozu was willing to borrow Xuanshi because his master cured him and saved him from death?

It seems possible that life is more important than anything!

"Laozu, although you are the ancestor of xuanzu, my husband is the master of xuanzu and the real authority of xuanzu. You can't order my husband to take out Xuanshi and lend it to our enemies of xuanzu!" Feng madam looks discontented toward Feng old ancestor to say, her eyes show a trace of anger.

This dead old man went to help mu Qianyue!

What a nuisance!

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