The elders of the Xuan clan were also relieved. The appearance of Mu Qianyue really made the whole xuanzu uneasy.

Feng Tianhua's face also showed a cruel and confident smile, as well as the greedy hidden in his eyes. After he killed mu Qianyue, he detained her soul and tried to get all the secrets of her. At that time, the whole Zhutian world would be taken into his pocket by him. He was the most powerful person in the whole zhutianjie, and he controlled all life and death!


The sharp and cold sword penetrates mu Qianyue's body.

Sheng'er and Xingyou and others suddenly looked as if they were dead gray, and their faces were full of despair and sadness.

"Ha ha ha Even if you want to get my xuanzu? Go to hell Feng Tianhua couldn't help laughing, laughing, he suddenly stopped, the smile on his face slowly stiff down, now he found a very heavy point, this body has no blood!

If you are hit by a sword, how can you have no blood at all!

I saw the figure in front of me slowly disappeared in the air, even a trace of waves did not cause.

"Why don't you laugh?"

The woman's clear and pleasant voice suddenly sounded behind, with a trace of loneliness.

Feng Tianhua immediately looked back and saw the figure he didn't want to see in his life, mu Qianyue.

She was standing in front of him with her hands around her chest. She had a funny smile on her beautiful face. She was aloof and aloof from her eyebrows. Her light and disdainful eyes seemed to be the king who despised all living beings and looked at him with disdain.

"You are so cunning Feng Tianhua hate teeth, eyes hate looking at Mu shallow moon, hate to rush forward to tear her.

Damn it!

Fengyunxin and the elders of xuanzu all stare with horror. No wonder mu Qianyue stood still just now. It turned out that it was just a mirage!

They thought that mu Qianyue was dead, but they were teased!

"Master..." Sheng'er sobbed with joy, almost happy to cry out.

Xingyou and xingzihao's faces are full of excitement, and so are fenglingyu's brother and sister. It's great that the moon is fine

"Hum! Even if you're not dead, so what? The people you brought have lost their fighting power. Do you think you can fight against the whole xuanzu with your own strength Feng Tianhua grinned scornfully. Moreover, with the strength of Mu Qianyue, there was no way to take Xingyou and others away from xuanzu.

If she left them alone to escape, there is still a 30% chance, but if you want to take them, absolutely impossible!

If she really ran away alone, the Xingyue clan would lose a lot. I'm afraid that it will be difficult to develop in the next few thousand years, and she will not be qualified to compete with the xuanzu. The xuanzu will become the head of the three ancient wizard clans in the near future!

"Dad, don't talk nonsense with her. If we go together, I won't believe it. We can't kill her with all our strength!" Feng Yun heart in the eyes of several want to spurt fire, crisp voice is full of malice and resentment.

"Yes, my master, let's go together. It's too dangerous for people to feel the moon." Several elders also agreed.

"Hum! No matter how powerful she is, how about that? Now she's the only one left, and I don't believe she can fly out in this big array of killing immortals and subduing demons! " Feng Tianhua's face gushed a trace of complacency and pride, as well as a kind of self-confidence.

Indeed, in his eyes, mu Qianyue is just a trapped animal. It will be sooner or later to kill her. Even if she struggles again, she will not struggle for long.

"Yes." The elders of xuanzu nodded in agreement. They didn't believe that mu Qianyue could fly out from here and fly out of their encirclement. That was absolutely impossible!

"It's just an array. I can break it with one foot." Mu light mouth, pull out a touch of light radian, bright dark eyes in the twinkling of the fine awn, disdain to hum.

"What a boast Feng Tianhua was angry. This time, he was really angry. This array of killing immortals and subduing demons in ancient times was handed down from ancient times. It was arranged by their ancestors and protected the Xuan people for more than 100000 years. She said that it could be broken with one foot!

It is too much, too arrogant, too despise people!

"Who can't talk big? Mu Qianyue, I didn't expect that you had to pretend to be forced before you died. " Feng Yun heart angry way, she can't bear to admire the moon is always a cool and elegant, nothing in the eyes of the appearance, clearly her people have been defeated, lost combat effectiveness, clearly she is in the end, should kneel down to beg for mercy is, why always put on such a light look?

Show it to who!

"Since you don't believe it, I have to prove it to you." Mu Xiaoyue's mouth gently raised, beautiful face rippling open a confident smile, bright and bright, like the sunrise.

Mu Xiaoyue's body shape was in a flash, and her slender figure suddenly turned into a trail of shadows. She was flying in the palace of the xuanzu people. Her speed was very fast, like streamer light."Stop her

Feng Tianhua roared in terror, and her calm and self-confidence disappeared. The flash of Mu Qianyue and the place of kicking down were all the places of array eyes!

He no longer doubts mu Qianyue, she can really crack this array!

But how could she find every eye in such a short period of time? Not even a trace of deviation! Even let him have an illusion that she was the same person who set up this array at the beginning!

This is impossible at all!

Feng Yunxin and the elders of xuanzu also changed their faces. They rushed to Mu Qianyue one after another, trying to stop her from breaking the battle. At this time, they did not care to kill Xingyou and xingzihao, but a group of ants who lost their fighting power. It was nothing to let them live for a long time. At the moment, their biggest enemy was mu Qianyue!

If she cracked the array, it would be really terrible!

It's a pity that their stopping doesn't work at all. Mu's body method speed is too fast, even if Feng Tianhua and others try their best to catch up with him!

Can only helplessly watch mu Qianyue step down, a array of eyes are destroyed

"Well, after destroying these ten array eyes, there will be the last array eye, which is also the most important array eye of this array." Mu shallow moon Yang eyes smile, 3000 green silk flying in the wind, absolutely enchanting and bewitching.

"BAM Bang Bang..."

The old people gradually lost their vitality when they stepped on the ordinary light.

With the destruction of these array eyes one by one, the magic array, killing array, magic array, trapped array, etc., all disappeared, and the whole xuanzu temple tower reappeared in front of us. , the fastest update of the webnovel!