"What a powerful soul attack!" Mu Xiaoyue's heart sank slightly. Just now, the bear man howled like madness, which was not ordinary howling, but with a strong soul attack, which could directly attack the soul!

Just now sheng'er and Feng Laozu were bluffing by the bear man's soul attack!

"Go away!"

Seeing that the bear man's fist was about to hit Feng Laozu's head, mu Qianyue gave a sharp drink. His clear and elegant voice had the soul power to frighten the soul, such as the roaring of a dragon and the roar of a tiger, it was going straight to the sky!

The bear man was only stunned for half a second and then responded. His face was ferocious, his eyes were scarlet and his eyes were full of greedy light: "do you even attack your soul? There's no one in the world who can get me hit. You're the first one! "

"Very good, after I kill this man, and then eat your soul, I will make a smooth breakthrough!"

After that, the bear man's fist continued to smash hard, and the mighty and majestic force was formed under his fist and came like a mountain and a sea.

Mu Xiaoyue's face suddenly changed. She was shocked by the starlike eyes. Her soul attack didn't play a big role in this bear man!

Mu Qianyue has no time to think at all. The power of the stars in her palms surges, tears open the space in front of her eyes, and disappears in the strange white fog. When she reappears, she has already arrived at Feng Laozu's side. Before the huge and terrible fist shadow falls down, she drags Feng Laozu into the space and penetrates through another hole.

Feng Laozu's face shows palpitation color, good danger! He almost died!

"Little girl, how did you tear up this space?" The bear man's face was gloomy and angry. He was almost able to kill the old man just now. He was a strong man in the king's kingdom. After swallowing his strength and soul, his strength would soar! It's a pity, it's almost!

It was a failure.

"Why should I tell you?" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a cold radian.

"It doesn't matter if I don't say it. After I eat all of you, I will know your secret." Bear Man sneered, his body moved, and turned into a flash of lightning toward mu Qianyue.

"Master, let me deal with him!" Sheng'er saw the way, although this bear man is powerful, the power of the stars is his nemesis!

Mu Xiaoyue steps to the side of a few steps, let birth.

Sheng'er raised his sword in his hand and went up to meet the bear man. With the strength of the stars, sheng'er directly pressed the bear and stabbed him with a sword.

The fierce power of the stars poured into bear man's body along with the sword. His muscles and veins were shattered and his seven orifices bled to death.

The huge and strong body fell to the ground, sending out bursts of smoke and dust.

"Master, this bear man is a paper tiger." Sheng'er has a proud smile on her face, and her eyebrows are flying.

"That's because we have the power of the stars, otherwise we won't easily defeat this bear." Mu Qianyue's eyebrows and eyes are cold, and she looks at the skeleton fragments piled up on the ground like mountains.

Countless warriors have died here.

"I don't know what happened to them, master." Star Zi Hao's face showed a worried color, his eyes blinked at the strange white fog in the distance.

Those white fog can block their divine sense and vision, so now they don't know what's going on inside. They can only hear the sound of fierce fighting.

"You see, the white fog has disappeared!" Far away star you have been paying attention to the movement inside, now see the white fog have dissipated, his face can not help but show surprise and joy.

With the death of the bear man, the strange white fog that pervaded the whole sky dissipated, revealing three figures inside, namely mu Qianyue, sheng'er and Feng Laozu, and the body of bear man lying on the ground.

"Xiaofeng, go and peel off the bear man's stomach." Mu shallow moon's eye light falls on bear man's round tumbling belly, can if star's eye son grasps a wisp of fine awn.

Feng Laozu nodded, and with a long sword in his hand, he peeled off the bear man's body. A bright and dazzling light burst out from the bear man's stomach.

"Something!" Feng Laozu's eyes brightened and his sword tip picked. Suddenly, he saw a gray brown bead rolling out of it.

Mu Xiaoyue flicks her wrist, and the gray brown bead falls into her palm. It looks like a very ordinary pearl with a faint luster in the sun.

"Master, what is this?" Sheng'er asks curiously, can in bear person's body, certainly is not mortal.

"I don't know what kind of beads they are, but the weird white fog here before came out of the beads and took bear man as carrier." Mu Qianyue's bright black eyes flash a touch of wisdom.

"Before, I was surprised that the bear man had no power of stars. How could he not be afraid of these strange poisonous fog? It was because of this bead." Sheng'er's delicate and delicate face shows a sudden color.


"Moon girl, are you all right?"Star Zi Hao and star you and others came over, with a look of concern on their faces and asked.

Mu Xiaoyue shook his head. "I'm ok. Now the bear man is dead. We can move on."

"Yes." Star you nods, summon everybody to form a team orderly and orderly.

"There are innumerable unknown dangers hidden in it. When everyone goes in, everyone should be careful. No one knows what's inside." Mu shallow moon face is dignified, deep voice way.

After all, he was outside, and even the channel of reincarnation was not opened. He met a bear man in the king's state. If he got to the secret place, you could imagine how dangerous it would be inside!

The crowd nodded their heads with a heavy face. They were not fools. The secret place of reincarnation had not been opened for such a long time. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, there must be great changes in it, and there will be many unknown dangers hidden.

"Go." Mu Qianyue takes the lead to walk toward the inner branch, sheng'er and Feng Laozu closely follow her, in case of any emergency.

On both sides of the narrow and dark passage are cliffs towering into the clouds. There is a wind blowing from the front, with a breath of primitive desolation, as if from the ancient flood.

Walking in this narrow and dark passage, people can not help but feel a sense of sadness, as if they are walking in the tunnel of time and space leading to the ancient times of flood and famine.

About a quarter of an hour later, they passed through the narrow and dark passage, only to feel the light in front of them.

In front of us are endless wastelands and Gobi. There are no flowers, plants, trees, insects, birds, beasts, rivers. There is only a dead silence, so quiet that only the breath of people is left.

There seems to be no life here, and it seems to be the end of life. There is no breath of life.

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