The fiery flame and the power of the stars enveloped tianmeng layer by layer, and completely cut off the connection between her and the road of reincarnation. Tianmeng was shocked and frightened more and more. Mu Qianyue was a madman!

"Anyway, I can't go out when I come in. After I kill you, my sister should be resurrected at that time, and then I only need to resurrect with the help of reincarnation." Mu Qianyue's lips raised a cold smile.

"Ah, ah Mu shallow moon, you are damned

Tianmeng's shrill voice resounded through the whole air. Her face was twisted with pain and ugliness, and her eyes were filled with fierce hatred, "Mu Qianyue, do you think you can revive? You dream!! I can't be resurrected, and you can't! Don't think about Pan Zhi! "

Tianmeng's hands were holding the formula, and a ray of light was emitted from her body. The magnificent and powerful power shocked the whole path of reincarnation. The gold runes originally arranged in order were all flying in disorder. The power platform below was shaking constantly, as if it would collapse at any time.

"Ha ha ha..." Tianmeng's face was ferocious and twisted, and looked like madness. "Mu Qianyue, you never thought of it. After escaping, my soul went into a cave and got an ancient powerful artifact. Although this artifact didn't have much effect, it could increase the power of self violence of soul tens of thousands of times, even hundreds of thousands of times!"

Mu shallow month slowly narrowed her eyes, she really did not think of this, did not think that the soul of the dream of heaven ran away, but also get such an opportunity.

"There's one thing I'm afraid you don't know, ha ha Is your son's full name Nalan yechen? " Tianmeng's face showed a cruel and ferocious smile.

Mu shallow month facial expression suddenly greatly changes, "how did you deal with Jiu Jiu?"

"Ha ha ha Your son is dead! " Tianmeng's face showed a cruel sneer.

Mu Qianyue's eyes changed, her lips pulled a sneer and disdainful radian, "the strength of 999 is not weak, not to mention you are just a soul body, you can't hurt him at all!"

"Hum! I really can't hurt him! But he fell into the ancient world under my design! Do you know where Honghuang is Tianmeng had her wish to see mu Qianyue's face. Her eyes were full of gloom and worry. Her face was filled with complacency and sneer. She continued:

"Honghuang ancient land is a space left over from ancient times. There are no stars, no moon, no day and night. There is a barren and desolate place of exile, which is closed by ancient times The most ferocious and terrifying person among the gods and demons. Your son has fallen into the ancient land. I'm afraid that the gods and Demons there have already devoured them all! "

"Ha ha ha Those gods and demons are ferocious people. They have been locked into them for hundreds of thousands of years without any food. Your son is the blood of the yellow and green dragon, which is the most delicious food in the world for them! Ha ha... "

Mu shallow moon's face suddenly sinks down, in the narrow long black bright eyes dense dense anger, "you die!"

She never thought that tianmeng would escape from her green lotus fire. She knew she should have watched tianmeng burn to ashes!

Although Jiujiu's life card is not broken in her space, but the danger of Jiujiu falling into the ancient land is conceivable!

It is said that the other end of the road of reincarnation connects with the ancient land of Honghuang

"If you don't let me live, we'll die together!" Tianmeng looks ferocious, like ghosts.

Anyway, her life is also alive, there is no hope, there is no meaning, if it is not for revenge, she can not last so long.

Nalan yechen falls into the ancient land of Honghuang. Before he dies, he can make mu Qianyue crazy, and let Nalan yechen and Pan Zhi jun be buried with him. It's worth it!

"Boom, boom..."

The golden light of the whole reincarnation road is broken, and the endless Qi of life is scattered.

The fierce and terrifying force even blew up a huge black hole in the sky on the road of reincarnation. The violent force rolled out from it, and it was to inhale the soul of Pan Zhijun and the tower of heaven

Mu Qianyue's face changed greatly, and her eyebrows were filled with cold and sharp colors. She quickly flew forward and sent Pan Zhi jun's spirit into the Tongtian tower, and then threw the Tongtian tower to the Phoenix ancestor: "Xiaofeng, protect them!"

"Master, come out quickly!" Feng Laozu jumped up in the air, tightly protected the tower in his arms, and cried out anxiously toward the moon.

"No! I'm going to the ancient land of Honghuang to save Jiu Jiu! " Mu Qianyue shakes her head. Her eyes are full of determination and determination.

"Master!! You can't enter the ancient land like this, you will die! " Feng Laozu rushed to the golden light, but was kicked back by mu Qianyue with a fist, "Xiaofeng, if I'm not here, you must protect the Xingyue clan and xuanzu!"

After the exhortation, mu Qianyue blows his sword to tianmeng's soul and cuts off the back road of tianmeng. His beautiful black eyes are filled with turbulent anger and murderous spirit, "don't you want to die? I'll do it for you

Tianmeng was forced to retreat by countless winding and ferocious sword light. Behind her was a deep and terrifying black hole. The fierce and incomparable power surged out of it and directly rolled tianmeng into it.Without even thinking about it, mu Qianyue rushed directly into the black hole and dragged tianmeng into the dark void. He even pinched the formula with one hand. He saw three dark stones, stars and moon stones and spirit stones in the array on the stone plate below, which automatically separated from the array.

The path of reincarnation gradually closed.

Endless fear, panic rushed to tianmeng's face, "are you crazy?! Do you think that you can enter the ancient land of flood? If the channel is closed, you will die here too

"This is the only way to enter the ancient land of Honghuang! Besides, do you think I'll let you go? " Mu Qianyue's lips are full of bloodthirsty killing.

"Master! Get out of here

At the bottom, Feng Laozu's canthus stopped to crack, and he cried out with grief.


With a dull sound, the road of reincarnation was completely closed.

There is only endless darkness left in the whole void space. The silver light flickers in the darkness, which sets off a more gloomy and terrifying place.

Mu Qianyue opens the blood of the green dragon. The red armor covers the whole body. The red flame lights up the surrounding space and dispels the darkness.

"Mu Qianyue, even if you become a king, what will happen to you in the end like me..." Tianmeng's face is extremely twisted, ferocious and ugly. Her eyes are fixed on the opposite Mu shallow moon, and her voice is sharp and harsh.

The soul of tianmeng floats and floats in the void like a boat, struggling fruitlessly, and then it is broken into pieces, disappearing clean, leaving no trace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!