"Dad, did you hear me talking to you?" The night before that Lan Chen says with.

However, the figure seemed bewildered. He could not hear what he said. He was still murmuring there, and his expression seemed to be a little crazy.

Nalan yechen is beautiful, and her purple eyes like glass are covered with a touch of heartache, "Dad, don't think about it any more. It's said that there are stars surging in yuncang mountain. It seems that there will be some strange treasures falling in these days. Don't you come over and have a look, dad

When Nalan yechen thought he would not open his mouth, he saw Nalan Jing slowly raised his head, and the bright and dazzling light was diffused in the pure purple pupil, "go! Why not? As long as there is any chance, I will not let it go! "

Moon, wait for me!

I will find a way to go back and reunite with you!

On the boundless sky, there seems to be another heaven and earth. The stars are wandering in the vast sky, and then the wisps of stars gather together to form a bright and dazzling light and fall from the nine sky.

At the foot of yuncang mountain, which used to be very quiet, there were people, both gods and demons. However, even gods have already become demons under the erosion of hundreds of thousands of years.

"Get out of here! This yuncang mountain is Laozi's territory. Who dares to step forward and die! " On the top of yuncang mountain, a tall and strong man was wearing a piece of shoulder fur on his upper body. His bare and exposed arms were muscular and full of explosive power.

In his right hand, he held a square sky battle axe, which was sharp and incomparable. It was shining with cold light in the air. His eyes as big as an ox's eyes were full of awe inspiring cold light.

"Ah When did yuncang mountain become the territory of Russell alone In mid air, a man with a sharp face sneered and said, his hands around his chest, suspended in the air, his eyes cold looking at the man called Russell.

"Good! Everyone has a chance to snatch it. " An old man with white hair and slightly bent body said that his turbid eyes were full of frightening essence.

"Russell, this is your fault! It's a treasure of heaven and earth. You can't enjoy it alone

"Yes! We've been trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years. We've been here long enough! Don't want to stay for a moment! Therefore, we have decided on the world's treasures! "

"Yes, I have also heard that this strange treasure of heaven and earth is condensed in the vast nine sky sky and the boundless starry sky. If you get it, you can get the supreme power to break through the ancient land and leave this bird place!"

More and more people gathered on the yuncang mountain and surrounded here.

Russell did not let them stand on the site of yuncang mountain, so they stood in the air, which was not the territory of yuncang mountain!

So Russell was very angry, but he could not help it. Although he was powerful and had a high level of monarchy, facing this group of people, with his own strength, he was not an opponent at all!

The next moment, the two figures flew over and fell over yuncang mountain. They were both of the same figure. They were tall and cool, tall and elegant, elegant and elegant.

What's more important is that both of them have a pair of evil and glass like purple eyes, clear and clear, as if the best color in the world.

With the arrival of these two figures, people's eyes all fell on these two people, and a trace of fear rose from their eyes.

For these two people, we are still very familiar, because their eyes are very different.

This is a father and son. Ten years ago, they suddenly came to Honghuang ancient land. At that time, many people took a fancy to the blood of the father and son and wanted to devour them. As a result, both of them were killed by the father and the son. Moreover, the strength of the father and son developed rapidly, which was very frightening. In only 10 years, the father was promoted to the primary daozun state, and his son was also promoted to the junior King's state Realm.

This is just a miracle for father and son in the ancient land of Honghuang. They often fight and kill people over the ranks, which is nothing to say! What's more, they are cruel and quick. Those who want to make trouble with them can't get any good, and even end up miserable!

As time went on, we did not dare to trouble the father and son.

After all, there are only three or four in the whole Honghuang ancient realm.

It is said that as long as you break through the high-level daozun realm and understand the heaven and earth, you can tear the heaven and earth and leave the ancient land of Honghuang. It's a pity that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and no one can understand Heaven and earth and understand the way of heaven!

Some of those who once worshipped the realm of Taoism had fallen, some had disappeared with the wind, some were still struggling to understand, still did not understand the mystery of heaven and earth, did not understand the way of heaven, but made themselves crazy.

Here is like a tight cage, they are trapped here!

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, they have been waiting for a miracle to happen, but there has never been any miracle, not to mention any heaven and earth spirit treasure. It is like a dead land, silent.

Nothing but killing and blood!

This time, the nine days above the sudden emergence of strange things, exotic treasure landing, so almost the entire ancient land of the people came, for this is the last chance!I didn't expect that the two of them also came here this time. It seems that they are also aiming at the strange treasures of the heaven and earth.

In an instant, everyone's eyes are involuntarily changed, one by one toward the father and son side to cast vigilant and cautious eyes.

Feeling the change of people's expression, Nalan yechen disdained to hook the lip corner, no matter how many people they have, no matter how strong their strength is, even if it is death, this time he must help his father to win this world treasure! It's possible to open up the ancient land of Honghuang and reunite with their parents!

The purple Phoenix eyes of nalanjing are also dyed with firmness and coldness. He must grab this treasure of heaven and earth!

In that world, there is a beautiful figure waiting for him to go back, waiting for him to go back with his son

Moon, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for ten years

More and more people gathered around yuncang mountain. Almost all the strong people in the ancient Honghuang area came. Those with weaker strength were watching from afar, waiting for the opportunity to move.

The air was so dreary and depressing that it seemed that only the breath of each other could be heard.

"Nalanjing, there are too many people who want to rob the world's exotic treasures. If you and I alone can't keep them, why don't we join hands Russell's body moved and swept to nalanjing's body. His eyes as big as a copper bell flashed through his eyes.

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