Mu shallow month hears speech can't believe of stare big eyes, at the same time pretty face diffuse on don't understand color, "what meaning?"

Is it the way of heaven?

What is the way of heaven outside to destroy the whole ancient land?

Nalanjing is also tightly frowned, purple eyes contain people can not see the depth.

"It's my obsession that is going to destroy the whole ancient land of Honghuang." The voice of heaven is full of helplessness and remorse.


That is to say, the "heavenly way" outside is actually the inner devil of the heavenly way, and the white invisible and formless group in front of us is the real heavenly way.

"I don't know how long I've lived, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years At that time, the whole world had no life, no breath, no human The whole world is in chaos. I think it's boring to talk like this. In my imagination, the first human ancestor appeared in the world It created the world... "

The way of heaven said slowly.

Mu Qianyue squints suspiciously. The way of heaven means that he created pan Zu, and then pan Zu opened up the world?

"The world began to have life. With human beings, the vicissitudes of life have changed. I have seen all the joys and sorrows of the world. I have been intrigued and cheated for a long time. I have gradually had a heart demon..."

"With my suppression, the heart demon grew more powerful. Now he is not under my control and completely out of my control. Now he wants to destroy the whole ancient land, but in fact he wants to find me. Once the heart demon finds me, it will devour me, and the whole world will fall into his hands, and he will destroy the whole world

The voice of the way of heaven is with unprecedented solemnity.


Mu Qianyue's eyes flash with light. All this sounds incredible, but it seems to be true!

Outside, there are silver and purple thunder and lightning on the Ninth Heaven, and those martial artists in daozun's realm are all turned into flying ash in an instant. If the evil spirit of the heavenly way goes to kill heaven and the land of unreal state, the whole world will cease to exist with only one idea!

Jingla and Liang Fang, both squatting in the corner, were unbelievably wide eyed and full of fear when they heard this amazing secret. No wonder he was killed by Wukong Zun before, and then resurrected mysteriously. All these empty worshipers only need one idea, which is enough

Now, the heart demon has sent down the punishment of heaven in the ancient land of great famine, and the world is going to be destroyed

"What now?" Mu Xiaoyue squints her eyes and asks.

"There is only one way to get rid of the evil spirit." Heaven says.

"We can't even see its shadow, it's invisible, we can't kill it at all, and as long as it has an idea, we all have to die..." The moon frowns.

"I'm seriously injured now, and I'm not the opponent. If I can keep quiet for a while, I should be able to. Unfortunately, it's looking for me everywhere now. " The voice of the way of heaven was so weak that he said.

"Come on, what do you want us to do?" Nalanjing asked directly. The cold momentum emanated from him. The way of heaven went around and said a lot. It was not just a story.

"Give me a body, and I'm going to kill the heart demon."

Nalan scenery deep narrow Phoenix eyes surging a wisp of frightening essence, "there are two?"

Then he glanced at jingla and Liang Fang who were squatting in the corner.

"The two of them can't. I've tried. Their bodies are too weak to bear my consciousness. They will explode into pieces." The voice of the way of heaven is dignified.

Nalanjing slowly lifted the corner of his lips, "do you mean you want me and my wife?"

"I've seen the bodies of both of you. Your strength is at the peak of daozun realm, and your consciousness is very broad. You have a trace of heaven So both of you are fit, but I only need one body. When I kill the heart demon, I will return my body to you. "

Mu Xiaoyue frowns tightly, always feels that things are not so simple

Nalanjing's lips opened a sneer, "if we don't agree?"

"It's also for the sake of the world. Besides, I'm just borrowing your body."

"Is it?" The sneer of nalanjing's lips suddenly widened a little, and his purple eyes, like glass, contained a cold and cold cold light. With a wave of his sleeve, a cold and holy light of the sword was chopped toward the sky.

Then he quickly grasped mu Qianyue's hand and flew towards the cave entrance.


Nalanjing and Mu light moon knot solid hit the barrier above, was mercilessly rebounded back.

Can't get out!

"It's not so easy to get out of here!" The cold and terrible voice of the heaven sounded in the air, with a trace of frightful air, just like a ghost.

Following the sudden drop of temperature in the whole cave, the cold wind gusts and makes people shiver.

This sudden change made jingla and Liang Fang both stunned. Their faces were extremely shocked. What's the matter?How did the breath of heaven change

Mu Xiaoyue turned back and looked at the white talent in the air. His lips were full of cold and sarcastic color: "so fast, the fox tail can't help it?"

At the beginning, she almost believed it, thought it was the way of heaven, and then she understood that it was the devil of heaven!

"You are so vigilant that it is not easy to cheat you." The heart demon uttered a sneer, the voice became sharp and harsh, and the white group gradually became dark and sinister, with a ferocious and terrifying face.

"This, this is the heart demon?" After jingla and Liang Fang understood, their faces were full of fear. They quickly stood up and hid behind the nalanjing of muqianyue, looking at the heart demon with fear.

They had been with the demons of heaven for so long

With this in mind, their faces were covered with palpitations.

"I thought I was going to die in the hands of heaven, but I didn't expect that at this critical moment, I could meet two gourmet cauldrons that could carry my consciousness! That's good The heart demon gave out a cold and strange smile, which reverberated in the air, quite penetrating.

Hearing this, mu Qianyue's eyes quickly flashed a sudden color. No wonder at the beginning, Jing Neng easily took her into the prohibition. I think it was designed by the heart demon. When she and Jing passed here, the heart demon noticed them

"Come on, you two, who is willing to die?" The heart demon's cold and cunning eyes swept back and forth on mu Qianyue and nalanjing, and finally put his eyes on Nalan Jing, "or you, I like your body better." , the fastest update of the webnovel!