Chapter 598

Huang Xiaoshu said irritably, "don't I want to be fast? You have to be able to. Give us another five minutes, remember, five minutes. "

Huang Ziping agreed to end the communication, opened his eyes and aimed at the surrounding terrain, thinking what else could be used? It is said that fighting is about terrain, but what can be used has been used up. What else can be done?

Thinking about it, I saw a dense explosion of grenades in the rear and middle of the black army. It was obvious that the people sent by Mina got the hand and killed a lot of black army. It even destroyed a big tree, which fell into the black army's position. Nearly a hundred meters high tree, with many branches and leaves, smashed down and crushed many trees in front, a burst of dust. Looking at the dust, Huang Ziping suddenly remembered what he had seen in the deep valley just before he retreated from the cliff. The cliff on the right side not far from the entrance tilted so much that the big rocks seemed to hang up.

He immediately called Huang Xiaoshu and said, "Huang Xiaoshu, where are the enemies between you and Lao Meizi? The cliff on the left or the cliff on the right? "

Huang Xiaoshu said, "both sides."

"More on the left or more on the right?"


"I remember that the boulder above the cliff on the right side leans very hard inside. Can you hit the shell and make it collapse and crush them to death?"

"That's a good idea. I didn't think of that." Huang Xiaoshu there is too excited, "just do it like this, let's press it again, let them stay to the right." With Huang Ziping, Huang Xiaoshu calls Yaoyao, "Yaoyao, did you hear what the boss said? Hit the inclined cliff inside. In front of you on the left, you ask the cannonball player to find a suitable position and connect it well. First, hit two shots, and the rest depends on the situation. "

Yao Yao said, "I hear that. I'll arrange it right away."

Huang Ziping lightened his tension by lighting a cigarette, and his sight was sweeping everywhere. Seeing that the two men who had just gone to throw grenades ran back, Huang Ziping stopped them and let them occupy the left side of the mountain. They were sniper teams who could help guard a small area and assassinate the enemy from a distance. When they got to the position, they began to shoot at the enemy. Far away, they had already hit the cliff with shells and fired twice at the same time.

However, after the fight, there was no sound of collapse. Huang Ziping was so nervous that he asked Huang Xiaoshu what happened? Huang Xiaoshu has no time to answer Huang Ziping. She shouts to Yaoyao and continues to play the upper corner.

A few seconds later, another shell hit the cliff. This time, it had an effect. First, it was a thump, then a crash, and the earth was shaking. Just at this time, Huang Xiaoshu's voice of shouting let everyone hear: "yes, yes, brothers, when the stone doesn't move, rush forward immediately. If you come in far away, we have no time. We have to capture them all at once. "

A lot of responses started, and then, not long after that, there was a lot of gunfire. At this time, the old Meizi's resistance outside has entered the white hot stage, and the defensive formation has been pressed by the enemy and there is no space. Huang Ziping can only continue to think of ways, how to do? What should I do? Unexpectedly, in fact, there is no way out. There are too many enemies, too few of our own people, and one less dead.

I can only hope that Huang Xiaoshu can rush out as soon as possible!

Huang Ziping said to Sean, "Sean, we're going down. Gama will stay here."

"It's dangerous down there, Mr. Huang," Sean said

Huang Ziping said: "in two minutes, Huang Xiaoshu, they can't rush out. We have to hang up. Let's go down, two more people and two more points of strength."

"In that case, call the two men in the flank position."

"You give them a signal."

Immediately, Huang Ziping went down and joined the two men in the side position. Four of them quickly went to the mouth of the valley. Did not expect to just walk half, Huang Xiaoshu they have rushed out, Huang Xiaoshu in shouting to quickly retreat to the back of the cliff. Huang Ziping was very excited when he heard that. He asked Sean and them to pay attention to the side situation. He went on. Did not walk 200 meters, see Huang Xiaoshu and Mina rushed over.

Seeing Huang Ziping coming down to the battlefield, Huang Xiaoshu's first feeling was anger: "I said, boss, are you sick? You actually come down. Do you think you can't get a bullet in? "

Huang Ziping said, "I'm too anxious. How about the casualties?"

"Eighty percent of the people inside came out, but the old Meizi outside didn't say, go ahead, go fast."

"What about old Meizi and them?"

"After the break, they have more ammunition than us. Let's go."

Huang Ziping could only move forward, and the people behind him also fought and retreated, and soon came to the position where Gama was.

Huang Xiaoshu stops, makes some arrangements with Mina, and organizes a line of defense to cooperate with the people below. When all the people are on the high slope, it will be reduced to half of the people defending, and the rest will go to the waterfall. The road there is narrow and easier to defend. It's a step-by-step retreat, so I'm afraid the black army is very tight. There are casualties in the middle, but it's not very big.

Five minutes later, Huang Ziping crossed the river, crossed the waterfall and came to a valley mouth. He asked KK to explore the way first, and he stayed to wait for Huang Xiaoshu. And before Huang Xiaoshu and Huang Xiaoshu arrived, KK had already come out and said that the other end could go, so the big army quickly went in. With the deepening, the road that five people can walk slowly becomes only enough for two people.Seeing that the speed was too slow, Huang Ziping stopped and waited for a moment. After Huang Xiaoshu, he said, "Huang Xiaoshu, can we find the narrowest place and blow it up after we go there, so that the black army can't follow the route?"

Huang Xiaoshu looked around and said, "there are granite rocks all around. Unless there is explosive, the grenade can't blow off."

"Are there any more mines?"


"What about things that pry stones?"

"Don't think about it. Let's go. Come on."

I can't help it. I can only move forward normally. I'm in a terrible situation. There are gunshots in the back. The enemy is chasing me closely. I'm in hot pursuit!

After walking for a few minutes, he saw that he was about to leave the valley. Huang Ziping suddenly saw a corner, and there was a big fir tree in the middle of the corner. He thought about it and pointed to the fir tree and said, "Huang Xiaoshu, do you see it? Use this fir tree. Find ten people to climb up the boulder on their back, shoot in the opposite direction, discount the tree, and smash it down to bury the road. "

Huang Xiaoshu looked at the fir tree and was silent for seven or eight seconds. She thought it was reliable. She quickly asked Mina to arrange it and urged the people behind to speed up.

The road is narrow, the team is long, and we have to resist step by step, so the speed is really slow. After waiting for a few minutes, the last one passed. At this time, Huang Xiaoshu couldn't wait to let Mina shoot. In an instant, the sound of intensive gunfire started, hitting the trunk of the fir tree.

This is a tree nearly 60 meters high, thick to two people can hold over the tree, bullets hit, crackling debris flying. But the effect is not particularly good. It is estimated that it will not be successful without a thousand bullets. Thanks to Huang Xiaoshu's intelligence, she told everyone to stop shooting after seeing this situation. She climbed up and stood close behind the tree trunk. After a round of shooting with her gun, she called to Huang Ziping, boss, I need your dagger.

Huang Ziping didn't even think about it. He threw the dagger up.

Huang Xiaoshu received the dagger, pulled it out and dug on the tree trunk. She worked very hard, and soon a hole was dug out. She took two grenades and put them in. At that time, the black army had caught up with them and kept shooting at their location. She asked Mina to retreat first and hide herself. When Mina and they all retreated, she hid behind the big stone and shot the grenade in the tree hole.

With a bang, the fir tree was tilted, but it was still a little far away from collapse, which obviously needed a grenade.

What is hateful is that the black army realized their intention and fired more intensively. Obviously, they didn't want them to succeed and they didn't want them to continue to place grenades.

Think about it, this is the only way to cut off the black army to catch up, so although very risky, Huang Xiaoshu or carefully close to the past.

What Huang Ziping was looking at was worried. After all, the bullet fell down around Huang Xiaoshu.

Old Meizi and they all felt the same. They discussed for a while. The Korean yelled to Huang Xiaoshu: "Miss Huang, let's organize a team to fight for some time."

With tacit approval, the Korean goes out with Lao Meizi, Mina and Ding Yaoyao. They first dropped a grenade, then a smoke bomb. They wanted to block the black army's sight for a while, so they stopped shooting. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The black army knew their intention and even if they couldn't see it, they were still shooting in the right direction.

There is no way, Korean guy and old Meizi can only use the cover of surrounding plants to get in and get close to them to throw grenades.

After several minutes, the Korean and old Meizi finally drove the black army away. Huang Xiaoshu took the opportunity to get close to the fir tree and dug another hole to insert the last grenade. When the Koreans and old Meizi retreated back, she shot at the grenade. At that time, basically all the people who could see the fir trees on their side were praying that they must fall down, that they must fall in the right direction, or they would all hang up.

Boom, smoke and flames scurrying, wait until the smoke dispersed before you hear fir tree bar ring, and then crooked more severe.

However, the direction is not quite right, a little bit off!

Boom, the fir fell down. Just when everyone felt a little disappointed, the fir hit the stone wall and changed its direction. At last, it fell on the passage, blocking the passage tightly!

A burst of cheers came from behind. It was the cheers of his own people. Huang Ziping listened to it and felt that it was the most beautiful voice. He also wanted to cheer, but when he saw that Lao Meizi's arm was injured, he couldn't cheer immediately. He quickly took two steps forward, grabbed Lao Meizi's arm, and looked back and forth. The bullet didn't go through and the bullet remained in it.

Depressed, how good to get through?

Quickly turn over the bag and take out the bandage for Lao Meizi. After Huang Xiaoshu comes down, everyone continues to follow KK.