Chapter 627

A minute later, Ding Ding and Yao Yao rush out.

It's very dangerous. As soon as they rushed out, a shuttle bullet hit the second floor. Many soldiers at the entrance of the yard fought back and helped to suppress the fire.

Seeing that they were all safe, Huang Ziping breathed a sigh of relief: "there are enemies attacking the military zone, and there are undercover spies in it. Let's hurry out, or we will be buried with the enemy no matter whether they win or lose." Huang Ziping pointed to the entrance road, "pillars and pillars are 20 meters, three pillars together, 60 meters to the entrance. The soldiers won't hit us, but the spies on the second floor will. We have to find a way to rush through. "

Ding Ding observed for a while and said, "I have a grenade. I can throw it on the second floor. When it explodes, we should be able to rush to the back of the second pillar, and then we will shoot to cover."

Distant way: "pistol can't do."

Huang Ziping said: "the distance between the second pillar and the soldiers is 20 meters. We make gestures to ask them for heavy weapons. They should throw them."

"It's possible," Dingding said

"That's it." Huang Ziping glanced at the middle of the yard, overturned a stone platform hidden in the back of the Ma Ji, "far away, when you rush past, you give Ma Ji a shot, while the explosion, or the soldiers will hit us."

Yao Yao was startled: "why hit my own people?"

"There's no one of our own here. He wants to kill me."

"Was he bribed by Mr. Phil?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure he's trying to kill me. Why else? They're all afraid of death, OK? Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up. There are still two kilometers to go out of the building. Now the fighting outside is so fierce. If the enemy wins, we can't get out. "

Ten seconds later, a grenade was thrown onto the second floor tunnel and exploded. Also take advantage of this moment, Ding Ding rushed out, followed by Huang Ziping, Yao Yao is responsible for breaking, she ran before according to Huang Ziping's command to Ma Ji a gun. At that time, the rocks and sawdust splashed around, and the whole environment was very dark. The scene was not seen by the soldiers.

When the gun rang, Huang Ziping and the three of them ran smoothly behind the second pillar. The enemy's bullets were in front of the pillar, making a sudden sound.

He quickly glanced out and was about to make a gesture with the soldier to get a weapon. Unfortunately, he saw a grenade thrown. Huang Ziping quickly pulls Ding Ding and Yaoyao to the exit where the soldiers are. There was an explosion, and a strong shock wave came. Huang Ziping felt a pair of giant hands behind him pushing him. He pushed him out of the door and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, in the desert, in the sand, Huang Ziping didn't feel that he was seriously injured, just a hot pain in his back.

Looking around, Dingding and Yaoyao also fell out.

The soldiers saw clearly that it was them and quickly pulled them aside.

The language is not good, depressed, Huang Ziping made gestures for them for a long time, they just understand, scattered people from both sides of the building climbing around.

Look behind you, there's fire everywhere, guns are blaring, and it seems that a large number of troops are coming to defend the headquarters. Huang Ziping didn't dare to stay for a moment, so he called on Ding Ding and Yao Yao to leave. They were very smart. Before they left, they knew to take the weapons and ammunition of the soldiers who had been killed and the simple first aid kit, a submachine gun, a sniper gun, more than ten clips and six or seven grenades, all hanging on them. The three of them ran to the southeast quickly.

After running about 100 meters, I heard a whoosh sound, and a firelight came out of the deep forest in the distance and rushed directly to the headquarters building. It was a cannon ball. There was a big hole in the front wall of the headquarters building.

In shock, Huang Ziping secretly congratulated himself, but fortunately he took a step faster.

If you can see clearly, it seems that the power of the shells is not very strong. Even if they hit 20, they can't blow the headquarters building flat. Even if they can blow it flat, they can't hurt the leaders. They are in the basement. It's better to blow it up. Even if it's completely destroyed, the enemy will have to send excavators to dig it up to kill them. This is a desert. Where can I get an excavator? So the war has been vaguely concluded, and the final winner will be the reserve.

Huang Ziping is thinking, running with Ding Ding and Yao Yao.

Suddenly, running in front of the remote stop, because suddenly there was a gunshot in front. She pointed to a row of tents on the side and made a gesture around. Let's go around. Unfortunately, there are five people behind the tent. They don't wear camouflage clothes. They don't look like soldiers in the reserve.

After the sound of the gun, Huang Ziping felt a sharp pain in his arm and was shot

Look at Dingding and Yaoyao, they are OK, and they have killed the five enemies in front of them.

Found that Huang Ziping was injured, Ding Ding said: "boss, you don't move, I help you bandage."

Huang Ziping covered the wound and said, "pack a fart here. Hurry up and rush out. Let's go into the woods."

Yao Yao said, "there are 1600 meters left."

Three people continue to run, this time is Ding Ding walking in front, far behind, Huang Ziping surrounded in the middle. We have to consider speed and the enemy's situation in all directions. There is a lot of pressure. With the sound of gunfire all around, Huang Ziping felt that his heart was about to explode. Especially when getting closer and closer to the iron net, I am afraid that I will die in the moment before I am about to succeed.Well, it seems that I'm afraid of something. As soon as I get to the bottom of the iron net, the gunfire starts, and the bullets come from behind.

Huang Ziping was lying on the sand. Looking back, he saw soldiers in the reserve.

Then Huang Ziping yelled in English to show his identity, but the bullet still fell down and the iron net jingled.

After that, I'm sure my intention has been discovered. These soldiers are chasing after me after receiving the order to kill themselves.

What to do?

There is only one hill to hide. They can't hide when they get 20 or 30 meters closer.

Run out and shoot? There are more than a dozen of them, right?

Huang Ziping himself had no choice but to ask ding ding: "Ding Ding, it seems that they beat us. Is there a way to kill them or get rid of them?"

Dingding said: "maybe you can't understand us!"

"Don't understand, think of a way to kill them."

"When they come near, throw grenades and fight again. That's the only way."

"Won't they? They throw it first, we can't hang up? "


Suddenly at this time, more than a dozen soldiers in front of them shot intensively. Strangely, there was not a moment when bullets hit the iron net.

Huang Ziping, Ding Ding and Yaoyao could not help but look out of their heads and see the soldiers in front of them falling down one by one. And there were bullets about 60 meters away on both sides of them, and the flames were coming out.

Obviously, these two groups are enemies.

Huang Ziping and his family were afraid to move, hoping that they would not be found.

After waiting for a minute, the enemy didn't come. On the contrary, they left. I didn't find them.

Opportunity, Ding Ding quickly took out the scissors close to the wire mesh, Pa Pa cut a diameter of less than two feet of small round hole.

After climbing out of the net and running into the woods, Huang Ziping's heart relaxed. He squatted down against a tree, took off his clothes, showed his arm and said to Dingding, "can you dig out the bullet?"

Yao Yao went to alert, Ding Ding just turned on the flashlight to find Huang Ziping's wound. The bullet didn't go through. It was obviously left inside. But it's not particularly deep. For experienced people, it's not difficult to dig: "boss, a bullet can be dug out in five seconds, but it will hurt. Are you sure you can hold it?"

"I'm not sure. I'll try." Huang Ziping then picked up the pistol and bit it in his mouth, "stop bleeding after digging, go quickly."

Ding Ding swallowed, took out the simple first aid kit, and took out the hemostatic cotton and disinfection tablets. Then he took out his own dagger, bit the flashlight with his mouth, and wiped the dagger with a piece of disinfectant to disinfect it. He started when he was ready. It really hurt. Huang Ziping held on to the handle of the gun. What he thought was that when Wu Zihua was digging a locator in Norway, the guy didn't blink. Compared with him, he was a scum

Fortunately, Ding Ding didn't cheat Huang Ziping. It took him five seconds to dig out the bullet and throw it away. She hastily put a hemostatic cotton on Huang Ziping, packed up her things and asked him to set out from afar. At that time, the power supply in the military zone had been restored, and the fighting between the two sides was more intense. And gradually from the spread of the fight, to slowly close to the middle point. It seems that the enemy has the upper hand, or the leader of the reserve has ordered all the soldiers to shrink their lines and mainly defend the headquarters.

In fact, relative to his own safety, what Huang Ziping hopes to win is the enemy, because the enemy is unlikely to pursue them.

However, if the enemy wins, Mr. Phil will lose the war he participated in, and he will come in vain.

It's so tangled and chaotic that it's wrong to think about it.

After 20 minutes of tarnishing in the deep forest, I came to the edge of the desert without any danger.

Before entering the desert, Ding Ding suggested taking a rest. Huang Ziping agreed. He used his mobile phone to call Huang Xiaoshu at this time. The first time he didn't get through, the second time it was the same. When waiting for the third time to fight, Huang Xiaoshu replied: "boss, we have completed the task, what's your situation?"

Huang Ziping said: "I have left the military zone and gone through the forest. Now it's on the edge of the desert. I plan to enter the desert. "

"What about the military zone?"

"If they are attacked by the enemy, they should be able to resist. They can call some soldiers to rescue them, but the enemy has no extra soldiers."

"I'll leave Mina in five minutes and see you in South Africa."

"Be careful."

"You too. Are you hurt?"

Huang Ziping hesitated for a while and said the lie: "No."

"What about Ding Ding and Yao Yao?"

"No Huang Ziping asked in reply, "you just said to complete the task, is it all the tasks? Did Raphael kill him

"By the time I got there, he was dead and I don't know who killed him. It's so weird. It seems that it's not just Mr. Phil who wants to kill him. I think it's possible that his subordinates rebelled, because judging from the scene, he didn't resist at all. And as far as the bodies of him and five bodyguards are concerned, I remember the intelligence saying that he had eight bodyguards and two personal assistants with him. "

"Personal assistant not found?"

"No, we don't care about that. He's dead anyway. We're done with Mr. Phil. You go quickly, shut down all electronic equipment, use the fastest speed across the desert, see you in South Africa